trouble jailbreaking iphone 4 (GSM) 6.1.3

Hello all,

I've tried various ways of getting this device jailbroken but have come up short. I've used snowbreeze, redsnow, ibooty, and the latest posixspwn, and have had poor luck.

When I go the straight snowbreeze route, I get an error when attempting to update with the custom ipsw in itunes, EVERY time. When I go the redsnow route, I keep getting the "failed to decrypt kernel" error message. and with posixspwn I get a status bar that sticks at "performing magic" and does nothing.

If anyone can give me a hand or point me in the right direction with what I'm doing wrong I would be most helpful


  • alan77
    alan77 Posts: 63
    Try doing the following before you try to jailbreak:
    1. Taking a manual backup of your iPhone using iTunes
    2. Disabling passcode
    3. Disable encrypt iTunes backup if it is enabled
    And then using these jailbreak tools. I would recommend using p0sixspwn.