Not able to JB iPad Air

gc Posts: 11
When I click the button Jailbreak, the below error appeared:
ERROR: Failed to retrieve package info from the internet.
I have tried to use different versions of evasion7 but to no avail. Any help is appreciated.
Platform used is MAC.


  • alan77
    alan77 Posts: 63
    If you're using a firewall then disable it or allow evasi0n7 program to access the internet, as it looks like it is being blocked from being able to connect to the internet.
  • gc
    gc Posts: 11
    Thanks alan, tried disabled firewall but it's not working too. Anyway, I do not think that is the problem cos I managed to JB my iphone 4S a day before.
  • gc
    gc Posts: 11
    Hi alan, I've solved the issue by downloading from
  • raquel
    raquel Posts: 1
    edited March 2014
    Olá gc e alan, gostaria da opinião de vcs. Comprei tb um ipad air e tenho receio de fazer o jailbreak e dar algo errado. Mas tb não quero ficar presa no quesito "pen drives e Bluetooth". Estou pesquisando a respeito e vi que tem programas na cydia q dá pra copiar docs de pen drive e compartilhar conteudos com qq dispositivo via Bluetooth. Me digam se vale a pena, pq vi uns comentários super contra o jailbreak. Perdemos msm a garantia da apple? E qto as atualizações? O sistema fica lento? Virus? Ai... desculpa. ..mas sao tantas dúvidas. .. aff. Espero q vcs me ajudem...