I have an idea (NEED HELP)

My friend is constant getting calls from his mother asking him to turn on his find my iPhone so that they can see if he is where he says he is.

My Idea
I want to create a program that allows you to choose "fixed" locations.
So say my friend says he's at my house and his mom wants to see if thats true so she looks at find my iPhone and boom he's there.

Maybe it would let you set custom coordinates and you can then choose from the list.

Im a little lost on where to start. Anyone interested in helping me? I think that this can be a great idea


  • you already have some software or tweak for this .. fake location or something like that
  • i have a iphone 4s ios 7.0.4
    i also install cydia through Evasi0n7.

    my question is that if i launch facebook, spingboard is crash and it will restart my phone to safemode and inside safe made i easily open facebook but not in normal mode and message box tweak also not run in any mode. as same as problem in game if i open any game it will restart my phone to safemode n i can play a game in safemode but not in normal mode.

    so please anyone solve my problem please.....