ios 7.0.6 jail break crashed my phone beyond repair.

Hey all. Straight to the point, my
iphone has stopped working and I
cant get it to work no matter what I
try. Iv tried plugging it into itunes
while holding the home button-nothing. Iv tried force restarting but
nothing happens. I know the battery
isnt flat because usually when you try
to start a flat iphone the please
charge icon comes up than the screen
blacks. So what happend I
jailbreaked a iphone 4s with ios7.0.6
using evasion, nothing wrong with
this at all, it was succesful and I was
running it for a month hassel free.
Now I downloaded the tether me app
so I could tether my iphone without
my carrier stopping me. No problems
there either, it installed easy and I
started using my phone to tether.
Now after about 2 hours of
downloading on my laptop through
my tethering iphone, I went to check
it, it was on the charger, but the
screen was black. The phone doesnt
respond to anything at all. Not evan
charging or when you plug it into the
computer, nothing happens. It just so
happens that my laptop has a gauge
that tells me how much data has
downloaded in the session and it
appears that once it went over 1 gig it
stopped downloading(assuming thats
when the phone stopped working).
Wondering if optus has some sneaky
tech team that knows when someone
does this they can somehow make my
phone malfulction. PLease help! Now
I have a useless iphone that i cant fix!
