iPhone 4 Help


Not sure if you can help with this, I have been asked by my friend to assist her with gaining access to her iPhone 4. She has entered her password a few times without success and is desperate to gain access to the contents of her phone. She has been in touch with Apple who cannot assist her either. The problem is that she has terminal cancer and she cannot afford to loose the data on the phone because she has her final funeral arrangements etc on it.

She has no backups to fall back to, so entering the DFU restore is not an option. I cannot risk erasing this data with the possibility of loosing this information and am desperate to give her some hope of getting the information for her.

If you think yourself or a team member could help could you give me some guidance on how to get access for her.

I am based in the UK and am desperate to get this sorted, so any advice is greatly needed.

I look forward to hearing from you.

