Iphone 4 died, restored, jailbroke, no sound/video

I had this iPhone 4 last year for a month and it died while doing an update - you know the stupid apple screen - I gave to a couple techs to look at but they said, nope broke. I bought an iPhone 5. I brought out the iPhone 4 recently annoyed by it, and hooked it up to my Mac and it asked if I wanted to restore it... so I did! I put it back to a new phone and thought great, I will give it to my partner so signed up with Telus... but guess what, it has no sound - no ringers, no music, will only vibrate. On a song, it will just keep skipping through the song list but plays nothing. On videos from FB or Youtube just says "The Operation could not be Completed." I did the jail break... I saw someone say they used Ifile to delete a file com.apple.iapd.plist - guess the phone thought it was docked. I don't think that is my problem. Is the phone doomed? Thanks for any help, I've spent days trying to figure this out on my own...Cindy
