Apple to Preview iPhone Firmware 3.0 on March 17

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imageApple to Preview iPhone Firmware 3.0 on March 17

Some very exciting iPhone news!!! Apple has issued invitations for a special event on March 17. Apple is hosting the event to give a sneak preview of iPhone firmware 3.0, the next major upgrade to the iPhone operating system which we had speculated couple of months back. The event is...

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  • stan69b
    stan69b Posts: 50
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    MMS !!! finally , bluetooth tethering , would be slow though but still , good improvment from apple.

  • Fleur
    Fleur Posts: 21
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    A2DP audio streaming !

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Let's hope the email client gets the much needed search functionality or Gmail app would be even better.

  • Egypt
    Egypt Posts: 115
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    Full Bluetooth Functionality. I got some of it yesterday but i want all of it!

  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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    Video Recording and MMS

  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    That's what cycorder is for...MMS finally!!

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Ability to use apps like SMS, Email in landscape mode.

  • Posts: 0
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    copy and paste like a real phone. sheesh.

  • Berthold
    Berthold Posts: 8
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    I need the really simple no-brainers that are present in other smartphones for a long time, but Apple forgot (can you believe this?):

    - Ability to invite other people to meetings (isn't there anybody out there at Apple who has to work together in workgroups? Are all these guys there just authistic one-man/woman-shows?)
    - Ability to suggest alternative times when receiving meeting invitations
    - Ability to schedule meetings from address-book entries (simple "Schedule meeting with ..." button in address-record

  • ppennza
    ppennza Posts: 5
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    Bluetooth SAP Please

  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    copy paste is not going to happen.. quit thinking it will.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    A more complete SMS app with the ability to forward, save messages as drafts and smileys.

    Not to forget copy/paste and landscape mode I mentioned earlier.

  • InSovietRussiaPhoneEyesYou
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    Being the skeptic that I am, I call BS on the MMS and Bluetooth tethering info. Apple seems to have gone out of their way to say that they won't be adding anything in either variety for the foreseeable future. Of course I don't mind to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it as very likely. I will be interested to find out what they do preview. My top 5 in no particular order:
    1. Push (It was gonna be in firmware 2.1 until the last minute, so either there was a MASSIVE bug, or they're just holding out on us.)
    2. Copy/Paste (Come on. It can't be THAT hard)
    3. Flash (About as likely as Scarlett Johansson personally hand delivering the new firmware upgrade file.)
    4. A PROPER SMS app, more in line with say, oh I don't know, a SMARTPHONE?? I mean surely an iRealSMS equivalent from Apple wouldn't be asking too much would it?
    5. Landscape mode for everything, not just Safari and Calculator etc. Apple was toting the accelerometer rotation as the biggest thing since the... well since the announcement of the multi-touch screen a few moments earlier actually. It'd be nice to think I could use the Springboard in landscape as well.

  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    1.Landscape SMS and also tweaks such as deleting individual messages and smileys.

    2.Full bluetooth functionality.

    That's all I can think of for now. Was it not announced that Apple were getting proper Flash in the iPhone because they didn't like Flash Lite.

  • Egypt
    Egypt Posts: 115
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    flash isnt happenning

  • Imouse
    Imouse Posts: 0
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    3.0 is bound to have some form of plugs that will cause devs a problems, I for one will be waiting for someone to test the holes in the software.
    Even if Apple pulled a 'full house' of features, I would want to ensure Cydia and the contained apps remained useable before I upgraded
    Ok, full feature Bluetooth would be fine, but to lose the wonders within Cydia for a few apps (that ARE on the way anyway ) I think not!

  • Noogle
    Noogle Posts: 4
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    turn by turn noogle

  • Faz
    Faz Posts: 3
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    others not mentioned above:
    + ical subscriptions on the iphone (esp. birthdays)
    + smart contact groups

  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    how about they add the easiest thing... Winterboard. Seriously you can't set a background image!?!? If apple just paid these "hackers" then soon every person would have an iPhone. It's all the small things that add up that still keep people using blackberrys. Cmon.

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    My wish:
    Landscape SMS

  • disbeliever...
    disbeliever... Posts: 0
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    let us use jailbreak apps...most of the upgrade probably is already done in one form or another by jailbroken apps. I'd like to see what they can come up with.

  • Zerodivide
    Zerodivide Posts: 1
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    Alot of things have already been posted so theres not much for me to say :)

    1) I would love to see the ability to switch between white background black letters and black background and white letters for battery improvement

    2) a week/work week(5days) view on the calendar

    3) when choosing SMS recipients i would like to see a checkbox beside my contacts, where i can choose all recipients in one go instead of raping the + button and add contacts 1 by 1

    4) more volume for the original iphone headset.. becomes pretty silent when youre on the highway driving faster speeds. People you talk with become annoyed by the "what? eh?" all the time which is understandable (is there a cydia solution or some workaround, i would be very thankful)

    question from my side... is there an original apple site where you can post suggestions for firmware improvements?

    guess thats my 2 cents so far... ill post more as more come to my head :)


  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    One thing that nobody has mentioned that I would find very useful is in addition to landscape sms which I would love is the ability to lock the rotation, for example when I'm laying in bed and get a txt I don't get up to respond I type it out while laying sideways, now that would rotate my display and make it impossible to type and if I rotate the screen it will just keep rotating so if they had an option like holding the top right corner while rotating will lock it so that it wont rotate will definitely help, or for like pictures that were taken on a camera sideways they show up on half the screen if you rotate the phone it will then take up the full screen but the image is sideways so you end up rotating your head to see it right, kinda sux when you show a friend, so yea that would be a nice feature that I'm sure if not released by apple can be added as a Cyndia app. Anybody have the same problem?

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    If MMS and Bluetooth tethering are the main points of this "major" update then it will be a bit of a letdown.

    Flash? Java? Forward SMS?

    All infinately more important in my book

  • ppennza
    ppennza Posts: 5
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    Apple will prolly add 1 or 2 features. they cant give you everything at once or they would loose out on new sales of future phone generations. A little at a time to get you to buy the next one.

    I would love to see a forward camera, I love using my TyTN in Europe for video calls but lets be serious ATT network is nowhere near being able to handle this. Same argument can be made why we prolly wont see push notifications either.

  • Jacob Spinney
    Jacob Spinney Posts: 11
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    The ability to make a gesture to swipe through apps just like swiping through webpages on safari, rather than having to go home, pick a new app, go home, pick a new app, etc.
    Make folders on dashboard to keep apps in, rather than having to swipe 20 screens to get to an app.
    Make the dashboard an actual dashboard with widgets rather than just apps. Maybe use an up/down gesture to switch from the apps to widgets.
    Voice directions on google maps.
    Use MobileMe to be able to stream documents/movies/music from your home computer (orb, but in the actual ipod app).
    Ability to make folders in pop accounts in the mail app.

  • mikev
    mikev Posts: 2
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    1.proper text i/f as already mentioned
    2. Attachments with outgoing emails
    3. Ability to synch with my work MS outlook calendar without iTunes. My iphone is my own but I need a simple synch program, as supplied by every other phone manufacturer to pick up my calendar and contacts from work MS outlook where iTunes is not allowed, (not that I would want my iTunes library on a work pc anyway!)
    4. More possibilities to organise files and photos
    5. A document editor eg for word docs that I get sent

    If I am just being dumb and some of these exist already (wthout jail breaking) just tell me (but kindly)

  • thebigredbutton
    thebigredbutton Posts: 7
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    I'd like to see MMS but honestly I haven't been hindered by it being missing at all. If I need to send a pic I can always email it to the person's phone

    Video would be great and running apps in the background, copy and paste (of course), flash (not likely), and BlueTooth file transfer.

  • zorro
    zorro Posts: 12
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    Kray-Z. Yes this bugs me too!