iPhone 3G S Pricing for existing iPhone Users; Is it Fair?



  • Short Hair
    Short Hair Posts: 1
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    It'd be nice if AT&T or Apple EVER rewarded customers for their loyalty, but they don't. AT&T has their customers by the short hairs with a contract and Apple has anyone using their products by the BALLS! Maybe someday they will realize that they're not really all that they think they are when people start refusing to use their overpriced products and services. Until then though, if you want the 3GS, lube up and get ready to take it!
    I will be keeping my 3G as long as I can, hopefully moving to another service (and a newer smartphone?) when my AT&T contract expires.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Why not a trade in program, offer the $399 price for existing 3G users, but then offer $100 trade in discount on top of that?

    The 3G can be unlocked, I am guessing that the 3Gs can't be unlocked (they may have even taken hardware steps to prevent jailbreaking for all we know at this point), given that Apple doesn't like jailbreaking and AT&T sure doesn't like unlocking phones, giving an incentive to trade in the existing phones that can be unlocked and jailbroken makes a lot of sense for both Apple and AT&T.

  • Ron
    Ron Posts: 69
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    I am just saying that, it will let me pay the $399/$499 right now and i have not even reached that eligibility date yet. Then it goes on to say that I will be eligible for a full discount on the eligibility date. So the full discount on 8/25 is 199/299. If you are right, then att should be held responsible for false advertisement as far as i'm concerned, because if i'm going to upgrade, and will have to pay the 399/499 price whether it be now or august 25th, i'd rather pay now. So if i wait til then because according to their wording, i would get the full discount, and then i don't recieve it, i would be pissed, because that means i would have waited 2 months longer than i wanted to, to upgrade, which wouldn't have happened had they not falsely advertised what the price is.

  • smashcz
    smashcz Posts: 10
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    I bought iPhone 3G 2 days after it came out (July 13th 2008) and when I check the price at http://buyiphone.apple.com it says: "$599 — 16GB iPhone 3GS and $699 — 32GB iPhone 3GS." and "We can offer you an iPhone at the full retail price. On 12/14/2009, you may qualify for a standard iPhone upgrade" Anybody understand why?

  • Ron
    Ron Posts: 69
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    this is exactly what it says

    "iPhone Upgrade
    As a valued AT&T customer, we can offer you a discounted iPhone upgrade at a higher price, along with a 2-year commitment and an $18 upgrade fee. Please proceed with the online upgrade process for pricing details. You may qualify for a full discount on a standard iPhone upgrade on 08/25/2009 "

    That right there means to me that i will be able to upgrade for the 199/299 price on 8/25

  • alandigby
    alandigby Posts: 0
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    yeh, it's mad isn't it. My price was based on the 18 month contract and that's even more. How many people will, like me, not buy out of their contract and in 6 months time when it ends just wait for the next new iphone (iPhone 4?)
    Surely very few people apart from new customers, will be buying this... O2 may lose out big time.

  • danimal
    danimal Posts: 1
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    Nothing makes me happier than when someone complaining about another person's grammar misspells words.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    T-Mobile has posted some technical specs which has revealed the details you
    were looking for:

  • Max
    Max Posts: 62
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    Get real Dave, there obviously is some incentive for this response. Who takes that much time to write a response in a blog. Get a real job. Your company stocks will go down as soon as Apple pulls out. Apple has done a good job of keeping your flaws out of the spotlight, but this time around your company's blunders (MMS and tethering) were made apparent. Looks like Apple is changing gears (Verizon?). F-you AT&T, and uverse sucks too... I just switched back to comcast.

    JAVON Posts: 0
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    u can b serious, u took the tyme ta read that and even more ta try and write a snappy response, get a lyfe man, this isn't a college term paper. It's an online blog. Dnt b gay it's knot attractive.

  • Rocky
    Rocky Posts: 37
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    Screw that price, at&t and apple, I left them all. A bunch of money grubbing fools..No customer loylty for us.

  • ScumStash
    ScumStash Posts: 0
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    HA! I was thinking the same thing man

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    all i have to say is: this is bad marketing....the 3gs isnt going to bring new customers....
    Ask anyone who hasn't bought an iphone already are they excited about this phone....ask them them do they even know what the 3gs is. when i explain to people who dont already own an iphone the difference between a 3g and 3gs they say something like, "so basicailly im paying for a camera?", or "wait, you couldn't record video? i can do that with my current $50 dollar phone." The average joe isn't going to want this device. the people who wanted an iphone have pretty much already have gotten it. the only people raving about this product are people who already have iphones or had them. they have made a grave mistake....

  • Vincent
    Vincent Posts: 37
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    Ok here's my plan: what if I add a new line through my wife's at&t account and get a new iphone 32gb with a new 2 year contract, say i get it for $299, then after a month, I cancel the contract. So im going to pay $175 ETF, plus around $115 for first month's service including activation and taxes and fess. So in total i payed around $600 instead of paying a no-commit no-contract price of $699. Will this work?

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i dont think it will vincent I think people tried to do this with the 3g one and apple wanted the phone back but I never actually tried it so dont take my word for it

  • se23
    se23 Posts: 19
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    Are you people MAD, you still get to keep and sell ur original 3g. The real problem is 2year contract.

  • mikejones
    mikejones Posts: 0
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  • mikejones
    mikejones Posts: 0
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    We all **** about how to go around these cheaper 3G S Iphone when we can rally up and start writing and boycott the Iphone and make Apple & everyone who wants one to voice their concern that they will leave and cancel their services unless a new pricing for these new Iphone can benefit current AT&T subscribers.Let's do it starting now...write to Steve Jobs & Apple...let's make the site crash!!

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    they wont do anything if its cracked. that's not covered in the warranty. and if another problem occurs while its cracked they wont fix it. they will say its because of the crack, or the crack voids the warranty. even if you have pointless applecare.

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    this has nothing to do with att.....

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    On the difference to the price difference of the manufacturing cost vs the MSRP, blame the manufacturer. If Apple didn't charge 599 for the phone then the 200 that is subsidized normally on the early upgrade is much less of a hassle. To keep it in perspective, the largest non-iPhone subsidy in comparison to retail pricing is the Bold with $250 for qualifying customers. Looking at that, $200 doesn't seem too bad now does it?

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    You make a fabulous point. AT&T here in the US does not stack contracts unlike many other phone companies. This is why it has the additional subsidy model. Yes, it's not always fair, but look above for the consequences. It's unfortunately give and take.

  • answering service
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    I think features like faster processor and more RAM are underrated. It might not seem to be good enough but I believe it will greatly improve user experience.

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    If you keep your features and current revenue as it is, you'll have the standard upgrade as of 8/25. Elsewise you'll have to pay the exception pricing. That's about it.

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    on the contrary. Regular iPhones (even in scuffed up condition) that work well still go for around $300+ on ebay and 3G phones that are or can be unlocked (software or otherwise) go for $500+. As long as your phone is in working condition and you have the accessories with it, you'll make your money back for the phone and then some, no matter what you have to pay for the phone.

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    Geez. Let me break it down into simple speak for you....

    Original to 3G: "Since you paid $600 for your previous phone, we're pre-approving you for the full subsidy this time around, whereas if you had a non-iPhone (2G) you would have to pay the exception pricing."

    3G to 3G S "I'm sorry, since we subsidized your phone last time, we will not be able to give you the full discount at this time, however, we can give you part of one."

    There... clear now?

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    I've had the original iPhone since Feb. I can answer that one easily. I've used from 4-5 GB (not MB, but GB) since then (not including wifi). This in conjunction with 95% of all of the applications on the iPhone using data (sucks when you're in a non-coverage area like my in-laws, you can't do much but use it as an ipod) you would pay much more than the $20 or $30 per month (20 2G, 30 3G) in data charges. The first time around it was a joint requirement from Apple and ATT due to apple having profit sharing on the feature and wanting all, features to be used on the phone. The second time around, it's all ATT, but it's the same difference... and for perspective, 4GB equals 41943.04 at PPU rate. 4*1024(MB in 1GB)*1024 (KB in MB)*.01.

  • Bedwa
    Bedwa Posts: 11
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    Last comment for me and I'm done.

    For ALL of those who are complaining about contracts.....

    If you're so unhappy about it, buy all your phones at non-commitment pricing and see how quickly you have any money to use on your service. The subsidy model was made to make the increasingly expensive and spiffy technology affordable. As I mentioned above for the markup, don't blame the subsidizer, blame the one charging the original price. The company that is providing your service can only subsidize the phone by so much before they don't make anything. On an average low end phone (non-commitment between $150 and $200, free after 2 yr) the average cell company spends at least $350 before you walk out the door. That includes from the acquiring of the phone to the phone subsidy and even the time you spend with the representative there in the store. Does that shed a bit more light on things? The telecom companies NEVER make money on the phone equipment, so they have to make it back on the contract length or the ETF itself (not preferable, but it's there as a safety valve). So for those who have been whining, Get Over It!

    Thank you for your time.

  • Jacob Spinney
    Jacob Spinney Posts: 11
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    Sorry. The only actual new feature the 3gS seems to offer is a digital compass. I'm not paying $400 for a digital compass and a little speed boost. No front-facing camera was a real deal-breaker for me. I already have video capture on my hacked iPhone.
    Common, Apple. You're not going to attract anywhere near as many upgraders by simply making some tweaks here and there as opposed to actually adding new features. This is exactly why you're selling Snow Leopard for $30 rather than $130.

  • C Ge
    C Ge Posts: 1
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    I was going to upgrade, as I did from my original to the 3g, (the main reason I did that was my original broke). I even thought about adding a second line and getting the new one for myself and giving my wife the current one. But, now...

    I think the price point is WAY to high. Hell, I live 35 mile outside of Chattanooga and can even get the fing 3g... let alone service half the time, yet I still have to pay a premium for data access I can't even use.