Is Motorola Droid Really An iPhone Killer?



  • quills
    quills Posts: 0
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    Android is the name of the operating system the droid runs

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    I live in NYC and recently bought the 3GS iphone. For the past 3 yrs, several companies have tried bitting in the Iphone's market in US but one has succeeded. the advantage that iphone has are its sleek design, really cool software, big screen and most importantly the Apps that allows you to customize your phone according to your needs. this is the 3rd version of iphone till date, and have bettered it every time. I don't see any threat to Iphone in the next couple of years.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Well just came back from getting me a Droid but WOW there phone plans SUCK i pay 85 a mth on my iphone that is 450+Unlimted Data and TXT and other stuff.

    Went to Verizon and they want almost 130... i want it but not that bad !!

  • Alan
    Alan Posts: 46
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    I have both. Droid is multitasking. You can make a call (speakerphone) and read your emails simultaneously. It does turn by turn nav. Better video. You can search maps/google/contacts all by voice. And it actually keeps your calls connected. Haven't dropped one called in the first 36 hours of heavy testing. Driving through all those areas that the iphone suffers.

    Iphone's interface is one step ahead of the droid. But it drops calls every day. And if it can't do what a phone is supposed to do. Then it's not a phone.

    Iphone fans... please on't get defensive, android is an OS, it will appear on 20 new phones on different providers in the next 2 years. Some will be better than others. But we can all agree competition is good for everyone.

  • sdf
    sdf Posts: 7
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    Umm, what you don't understand is that this Motorola phone doesn't have a standard OS... its Android 2.0... and its that software, combined with Motorolas always sturdy phones.. makes it awesome. This article puts it well, both phones have their +/- and either one will make the consumer happy.

  • sdf
    sdf Posts: 7
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    The sad part is the only people here bashing are the iPhone Lovers. Speak from a consumer point of view. Your "educated" opinion is worthless if you haven't played with both phones for at least 72hrs.

    The iPhone's accelerometer is by far way more advance, the droid is going to be alot more expandable. Especially with FLASH coming in soon. Apple may have messed up by screwing over Adobe... It all comes down to what phone you like more, and are more comfortable using.

  • Posts: 1
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    Finally, free from apple and AT&T. I've owned the 3G, 3GS and recently the nokia N97 - all of which are now listed on ebay. As a phone the N97 was probably the best, but the network couldn't handle it. The droid is faster and significantly more flexible than the 3GS - even with jailbreak. It's analogous to driving my new GT-R after driving my wife's Mercedes.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    For the record the Moto Droid DOES offer both virtual and physical key boards.. So there is your critical component one, cater to both. And as far as app stores go... The android OS is completely open source so to speak... ANYONE can download everything they need to develop apps as opposed to a very proprietary Apple....Welcome the dawn of a new standard

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    lol Apple has been fiddling with the Iphone for how many years now and STILL can't get their consumers basic superb functions? lol I mean come on it took them almost two years just to get you guys MMS what a joke.

  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
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    except make simple phone calls hahahahaha

  • ace
    ace Posts: 9
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    I had an iPhone...HAD an iPhone. I loved it. But then, I realized wow...I have a smart phone and i don't get 3G unless i'm in the town next to me. Then I built a house, and realized, wow, I don't have service at all where i'm at. I feel like im in a iphone deadzone, and I have seen way to many holes in ATandTs coverage. I just got a droid when it came out. Wow, I have not lost coverage yet. The charts people are puttin up are crap. I have my droid and my wifes phone. 115 bucks. Unlimited data plan, 200 texts and 900 minutes. On the ATandT plan, 140 bucks. Man I was dumb.

  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    I have to honestly say that having used the iphone and the droid, the droid is vastly better, apps are awesome, phone is fast Android 2.0 is amazing, I cant think of 1 thing iphone does that droid doents do. however I can think of several things droid does that iphone cant. lets not forget that ATT signal sucks and is hit and miss. im happy with the droid and verizons 3g.

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    As an iPhone fanboy of two years AND a Droid early adopter I have to call BS on your "check your email while on a call". Sure, if you have wifi available. But the downside of Verizon (and Sprint's) CDMA network is that they're just like the old 2G Edge iPhone... you can call or do data but never both at the same time. So ixnay on the chekingemailay if you're out on the road. iPhone 3G/GS? No problem.

    Of course good luck finding a decent signal on AT&T's network... talking and surfing is no good when the network you're on is so spotty or bogged down by millions of iPhones that you can do neither.

    This is the reality: the Droid isn't as slick and well thought out as the iPhone. Unless it attracts more paid developers it's Apps are second fiddle. And I don't like the lack of native sync unless you go the Gmail route.

    Having said that Google's apps are pretty awesome. Navigation in particular makes it a killer. Add in the vastly superior screen and Verizon's network and I was sold.

  • jmay
    jmay Posts: 1
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    iphone app makers already so code for the android. haha

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    dont get me wrong i love my iphone i have 3 of them but thay are all fixing to be i touch ipods as i cant stand at&t service it really sux i pay over $200 a month for service i dont even get at home and have been for 6-7 months now. so unfortunaly for at&t they lost a iphone junkie today and i ordered the droids for me and my wife not an iphone by any means but great phones and a way better 3g and phone service. sad owner of iphone 2g, 3g, 3gs

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    The DROID is not an Iphone killer until they fix the issue with the DROID dropping the email settings, so they have to be re-entered every few days. Right if I owned a DROID I would be returing it, but since I own an awsome IPhone I don't have to worry about this. I do how ever have to enter by CEOs Exchange email settings every few days because his suck ass DRIOD drops them. Well about the AT&T signal I have no issues with this and I even work in a very old building with thick walls and AT&T is the only carrier that gets a signal in our building. If you are deciding between a DROID and a Iphone I would do research on the DROID dropping email settings and you will find plenty sites about this.

  • chuck
    chuck Posts: 15
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    I own an iPhone 3G. I played with my friend's Droid the other night... i think i died a little inside. I'm canceling AT&T on Monday.

    Also, i'm tired of being associated with iPhone users. It's obvious that the majority of you only hype up the iPhone so you feel like it wasn't a complete waste of money and/or because you have low self esteem & hope that having an iPhone might make you "cool". Sorry, we still think you're a loser.