Are The Days Of Unlimited Data Plans for iPhone Users Coming To An End?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAre The Days Of Unlimited Data Plans for iPhone Users Coming To An End?

A couple of months back, CEO and President of AT&T Mobility, Ralph De La Vega had hinted that his company might consider rationing of data usage in order to tackle the issue of network congestion. Could this become a possibility soon? Toni Sacconaghi, analyst at Bernstein Research definitely thinks so....

Read the full story here



  • Mikeyxx
    Mikeyxx Posts: 19
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    As long they don't charge the current rate AND cap it, but instead cap and offer a lesser charged package for the cap.

  • Todd Joseph Lyons
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    If that happens I'm going get a droid and AT&T , apple,& iTunes can kiss my @$$ and I know a few people that feel that way also

  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    I have to say that this will be the killer for me i pay for unlimited service for a reason and them saying they are going to cap it off.. i think they will be forced to terminate alot of contracts if they do this on the precedent that we the people signed these contracts with the understanding that we had **unlimited** data usage if they had ever said i was capped or would be capped in the future i never would have purchased the phone.

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    yup...I would also send apple and att through the smallest tube i find in a hospital and get a droid

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    well is there a way to keep track of how much data you use in a month besides your bill. Yea we all have a contract for unlimited data plan I think they would be in default of that if they tried to change us to a metered plan during our contracts. But then again I am sure they put something in the contract where they can change whatever they want. but if they charge what they charge now for a lower amount of data a month and raise the price for people who use more then that come next year I am definitely going to another phone.

  • rick gibson
    rick gibson Posts: 0
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    thats bs i pay out the @zz already just so i can use the data plan. hell i use the lowest talk plan just for this plan. ive got 4 contracts at the same price avg $130 a month a piece.. ill break contracts if they do

  • Steven M.
    Steven M. Posts: 18
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    It's Droid time .... buh-bye AT&T, with the worst customer service of any wireless company.

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    This will give a lot of people the opportunity to jump ship with their phones and move to another network w/o termination fees. AT&T is forgetting that if you scare off all the people who are using the data packages with unreasonably high prices, then pretty soon they'll have plenty of excess capacity because nobody will be using it. Also, how is this any different than the PC's they are selling which obviously chew through even more data than the iphones?

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 3
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    Yeah the h@ll with that, id terminate my contract quick and im sure because of the breech i wouldnt have to pay the fees, so do wat u want its like a win win for me. id miss my iphone but id have a new ipod touch and droid.

  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
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    Agreed, if this happens I'm bailing for a Blackberry bold or Driod when my contract ends next June.

  • Pyroskee
    Pyroskee Posts: 9
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    I think i would be more willing to rationing if I knew i wasn't going to be charged the same price. The iPhone is almost solely known for it's data access and applications, which basically access data either way. It could go both ways... droid anyone?

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Well I heard that's the wave of the future even for home Internet. Not happy to hear AT&T want to do it soon. I just can't wait to this contract is over. I'm always on wifi anyways. I can't stand 3g espacially after being on wifi all the time. Won't need a 3g contract and save masive money.

  • D
    D Posts: 50
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    I just checked my current bill, 21,436,156KB used last month. I think I would be screwed with a cap.

  • Shane
    Shane Posts: 59
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    That's complete BS! I will have no choice but to leave AT&T and get a Droid and give all of my 26 business accounts to Verizon!

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    going to verizon is not gonna be any better. They already have a cap.

  • Kurt
    Kurt Posts: 25
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    There is an ATT app that shows you all your minutes/msgs/megs per phone number on your plan.

    Personally I am not a high data user (wifi at work and home) but my wife is so having a limited plan for me if there was a price reduction would be nice.

  • Kurt
    Kurt Posts: 25
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    holy cr@p! what you streaming there D?

  • p8ntbllplaya
    p8ntbllplaya Posts: 3
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    I feel that, that is why i pay for an "unlimited" service. it is not my fault or any of the other iphone customers of at&t, that our carrier did not or can not handle the the bandwith problems..AT&T should have tried to anticipate this and they should handle the problem by upgrading to accomodate our phones. if this doesnt happen then i will leave AT&T like the rest are saying and i will opt for another phone like a blackberry or droid

  • toni
    toni Posts: 17
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  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    20.5 Gig!! There is already a soft cap on AT&T, which is 5 Gig, so I'm calling BS!

  • Dizi
    Dizi Posts: 21
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    First, this is bullshit. Who the hell is Toni Sacconaghi, and why should I believe he knows crap about anything?

    Second...even if metered data were inevitable, how the hell would a Droid solve THAT problem?


  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    My bill for 2 iPhones is already $165. I use the data, my wife uses 1500 text messages a month. If I could cut her data plan I would. $30 a month for unlimited text is ridiculous when you break down the cost per kilobyte. They are raping people on the texting end of things. If they raise data rate prices I will bail. iPhone good, At&t sucks.

  • Barney G
    Barney G Posts: 1
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    Add me to the list that would bail. If they break contract, I'm also free to do so without penalty.

    If you listen to the "There's a map for that" Verizon add, you will hear them specifically stating 3G coverage. What is AT&T's argument with that? At least the commercial is honest. Can't say the same for AT&T's honesty.

    Capitalism is good. Monopolies not so good. Apple had better pull their head out before AT&T drags them down with them.

  • Knight
    Knight Posts: 7
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    If this actually happens then forget AT&T. I will drop their service even if I have a cancelation fee. This is ridiculous.

  • Daniel Quick
    Daniel Quick Posts: 7
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    If they do do that, then I will have the final reason to get rid of the iPhone and AT&T. This is the digital age and they need to grow up and offer unlimited... just ridiculous.

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    AT&T has to spend many to fix it but their CEOs
    they freaking greedy they want to take all
    the money.if they charge more I m going to t mobile

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    how about just upgrade the network... ill pay a lil more for faster speeds and less drop calls... technology is there but At&t isn't either way drop the unlimited for the iphone then whats the point of streaming and using the iphone...

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Well, the difference with the PC's is that the customer is paying $60/month for a 5 Gig cap, when an iPhone user is paying $30/month for a data plan with no cap.

  • trashman
    trashman Posts: 5
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    Ill be the 4th in line to leave, Iphone3gs+jailbreak is awesome and all but the main reason i have the phone is for the internet, if att pulls that kinda move theyre anus will have the distinct shape of an iphone