Apple Releases iTunes 9.1 To Sync With iPad; Prevents Tethered Jailbroken iPhones From Syncing [Upda

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imageApple Releases iTunes 9.1 To Sync With iPad; Prevents Tethered Jailbroken iPhones From Syncing [Updated]

Apple has just released iTunes 9.1, which according to the release notes brings several new features and improvements such as support for iPad syncing including eBook content and greater customization of Genius Mixes just as we had reported earlier today. It is available via Apple Software update and is 97.3...

Read the full story here



  • bastian gatten
    bastian gatten Posts: 43
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    Are jailbroken iphones/ipods ok to sync?

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Please read the title...

  • Sfinx09
    Sfinx09 Posts: 11
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    yeah but the title ends with a ? so his question is valid looking around some people say its ok others say having problem.

  • Superfreak
    Superfreak Posts: 47
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    True... I've noticed a lot of stories on iphonehacks ending with a ? What's up with that? So, yeah, I guess it'a a valid question. Is it hit or miss....

  • Jeremy Wilson
    Jeremy Wilson Posts: 15
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    John, Bastian was asking if "jailbroken iphones/ipods ok to sync"

    Title says "TETHERED Jailbroken iPhones"

    Learn to read kthx

  • Anonym
    Anonym Posts: 18
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    OK, now im you iPhoneHacks! Please give some clarity and don't just leave an open ended question like that with no answer.

    Thanks for the info but does it sync or not?

  • Anonym
    Anonym Posts: 18
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    Hey, thanks for being a ****! How about you educate some of us and explain what exactly is the difference between tethered and un-tethered jailbreak and how do i know what i did to mine?

  • Anonym
    Anonym Posts: 18
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    OS X users do not have to worry i just read.

    Hey thanks for the grade A journalism...not.

  • armhunter
    armhunter Posts: 22
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    jeremy wilson likes to taste my peepee

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Wait a bit longer before updating iTunes then. Not as if it's mandatory!
    Anyone with a JB device should play it careful with ANY Apple update, be it iTunes or IPSW's

    The ? At the end signifies: unknown, discuss, to be clarified.
    As in, have a look around the net, look for a definitive answer and (hopefully) share it
    ! = fact
    ? = in question

    The updated thread should clear things up a bit

  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Lol, on the case again ;p

  • Jeremy Wilson
    Jeremy Wilson Posts: 15
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    Apple got tricky with newer devices (ipod touch 3g/newer iphone 3gs) and although hackers were still able to jailbreak them, they could only do so by tethering, with a tethered jailbreak anytime the device is shut down or loses power you must reconnect to the computer and run the same pwning software or lose jailbreak.

  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    Look at the mobilecrunch link. Specifically update 4 on that page. That should clarify the reasons behind it to all of those asking. Its a Windows specific problem so like it was said a couple posts ago Mac users dont have to worry about this.

  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    Sorry I meant update 3 on that page.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    I learn my lesson I never will upgrade
    until I know it is 100 percent won t
    effect my jailbreak because the cat and
    mouse game between apple and pineapple
    is getting tricky. So guys be patient until
    hack community will adevice you what to

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    It popped into my head so I typed it :-)
    People get so uptight, so I help (to get them uptight or inform, either way lol)
    Just your everyday happy Fu*ker me ;-)

  • Shadrool
    Shadrool Posts: 5
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    uhm, i have a JB of 3.1.3 with the mode of 5.12.01. i updated the itunes without reading this. so far i dont see or have any issues. using a 3G.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Apparently it affects 3Gs & ipt3 (Touch) users that require 'Tethering' to Jailbreak/Reboot
    All other devices unaffected.

  • batkins
    batkins Posts: 1
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    So, I jailbroke with geohot.

    I'm gathering from the above discussion that some jailbreaks require REPEATED jailbreaking if they lose power (or some other instances). I jailbroke mine once and have never had to mess with it again.

    So I'd be good to download the updated itunes....yes?

    Is this correct or am I completely misunderstanding this?

    Thanks for any info.

  • Warren
    Warren Posts: 12
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    It is syncing with my 3.1.2 BR Jail-broken phone. Although the identification of my machine needed to be re-set (I am now on 4 of 5 systems authorised) and all my what-is-syncing settings were reset in the process (sync all-no, sync apps-yes, sync music-no...) blah blah... It is actually working. (3gS)

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I think I saw an iPhone for Dummies book at Barnes & Nobles. Apparently you don't know what tethered means even after it was explained to you. Don't get all defensive, just ask politely and someone may respond without coming off as a jerk.

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    Good thing I did a quick google on the new itunes before updating! I have a jail broke iPhone since it helps when travelling.

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    This brings an important new question: How about users who want to use iTunes to restore/update firmwares that are either custom or old (SHSH on Cydia), do you think this iTunes will play a part in making these processes a misery?

  • Sfinx09
    Sfinx09 Posts: 11
    via Wordpress

    yes it does say teathered but the title ends with a ? and i know that means its a question! so i think oyu should stop saying learn to read if you cant answer constructively then dont bother

  • fugitiv3
    fugitiv3 Posts: 2
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    i have some issues with blackbreeze cant save the fixed file ;/ anyone?? am using windows XP pro

  • HC
    HC Posts: 17
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    Batkins, your jailbreak does require being jailbroken again if you used blackrain on a 3gs.

  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    I used blackra1n to jailbreak my 3GS and its lost power and been restarted by me many times... never have I had to re-jailbreak and only once or twice did it hang on startup to a point where I had to reboot again after it lost power. Dunno why the "tethered jailbreak" hasn't applied to my phone but I'm not complaining nor am I updating iTunes.

  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Ah mines a 36 serial 3gs so I get away with untethered already luckily :)

  • unreal
    unreal Posts: 51
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    I'm *so* gonna get an HTC EVO, next phone. I'm tired of this.

    Tired of having to jailbreak the phone to run the few apps I want. I don't unlock (I moved to a country that unlocks upon request *and* has multiple carriers - my full price US phone sits in a drawer, useless) But I have to jailbreak to run the apps I want. I only run about 20 apps. The OS is not so good. Try leaving the phone on and the photo album open. Watch the battery die in an hour. For god's sake, nothing is even moving, WTF is the CPU doing?

    plus, every time I have to use someone's iphone that isn't running winterboard, i'm reminded of how lame the GUI really is.

    Nope, my next phone is ANDROID and it looks like HTC finally made some HW that doesn't suck out loud... yay!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I'm happy not updating IPSW or iTunes

    Just a thought, does anyone know if UDID faker can be used to bypass Cydia's checks to allow another user to copy an existing 3.1.2's UDID & therefore restore their JB??
    Think I'll go email Saurik etc :)
    if yes, might have a solution Craig :)