HP Slate Specs And Pricing Leaked - Can It Be An iPad Killer?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageHP Slate Specs And Pricing Leaked - Can It Be An iPad Killer?

2010 has been touted to be the year of the tablets. Just a couple of days after Apple unveiled its much anticipated iPad tablet device, HP has released finer details of its own tablet PC - the HP Slate, which the company says would not just enable media consumption like...

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  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    OMG finally , the computer i dreamed of , now i know what hardware it will have and definitely , it is an ipad killer , from my point of vue ..... firts it is not a closed OS , second , it has an intel processor , flash player and a camera :)

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    It may not have the "App" store, but it does have access to millions of windows programs that I can get from anywhere. No closed sandbox.

    And an SD card slot. Imagine!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Wait for Sony's offering ;-)

  • D
    D Posts: 50
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    It's a nice tryand has good features but apple already has this market corned from it's intuitive OS. Many iphone and ipod touch users are very familiar with the operating system and love it. It has a lot of features i wish they would have put in to the ipad but in the end apple has the os, the best app store and a unbelievable battery life that no company can really compete with. I think this ipad is good but i think next year's ipad will have all the bugs out and we will finally get most of the things we wanted.(camera, usb, OLED screen, videochating) etc. I'm waiting for next year

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    i would rather have a slate rather than the ipad.. im a big apple fan but the ipad disappointed me!

  • Gus
    Gus Posts: 14
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    Apparently peopel are forgetting that this is HP we are talking about. Does no one remember there UI interface for the desktop computer with a touchscreen and how horrendous it was? How about the fact that it is still WIndows 7.

    Dis the iPad all you want, but the future is creating an easy interface for actual touch computing and engineering the device and software around that.

    What's all this closed system talk? There are apps for just about everything, and that includes things that are conflicts of interest for Apple like the Kindle App or Netflix.

  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    You really think Apple will work out all the bugs in one year, and give us all the features we want? You're dreaming. We're on the 3rd iPhone and still don't have multitasking, or SD card, or Flash, or a number of other things that people care about. Hell, it took them till the 3rd one to do COPY AND PASTE. REALLY. Talk about basic needs, and it took them 2 years? I love my jailbroken iPhone - loved it even before JB - but Apple drops the ball on giving the consumer what we want and need. You can't assume that 2nd gen will give us that stuff. It'd be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    "What's all this closed system talk?"
    Really? You have to be kidding, right? It's a closed system because there is only one door, controlled by one entity. Any real customization has to be done through the back door, provided by the Dev Team and GeoHot (bless them both, I say).

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    happy i'm not the only one in this case .... i really though the ipad would have had snow leopard on it ..... that would have been the best thing ever ...

  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    I'm not willing to say that the HP Slate is the end-all/be-all, or that I'm gonna rush out to get it, but on paper it seems very attractive. I'm just really really glad that tablets are getting reasonable and useful. I've always wanted a usable touchscreen laptop that wasn't too expensive, and it looks like the iPad has spurred the race to make it. HP's Slate may or may not be the iPad killer, but I'm keeping my eye on it.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    there is nothing that i can do on the ipad that i cant do on my iphone. but the slate is windows based which is great!

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    closed system because every thing needs to be approved by apple , apple has always been a closed system , even mac osx is a closed system compared to other OS .... they want to be in control of their hardware . too much i think ... the GUI of the ipad is juste perfect for a touch screen , i give you that but .... it is the only thing that impresses me . i have a macbook and an iphone , why would i buy an ipad .... if it had snow leopard it would have been my on the go computer .... but its not the case .

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    i think with more time there will be more powerful tablets released, but is a little too much a little late? the ipad is here now and I've experienced it 4 myself and its frikkin awesome! I can care less about how powerful any other tablet is at this point! Plus no other tablet is going to sell any where near as much as the Ipad and guess what people? sales matter whether you like it or not!

  • Shat
    Shat Posts: 1
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    I DO THINK the ipad should have came with a camera, to get with its time. BUT im pretty sure apple knew we would hack them and **** over at&t's bandwidth which is what they are trying to fix :P

    I think its actually possible to have the camera with video chatting on the next ipad. You can't compare it to the iphone... three years in technology world is like a decade in our world. The first iphone came out with what was acceptable at the time with a few things missing and a few things extra to keep everyones attention (apple always does that to add a new feature for their next version). For example, there is no camera, flash, or video chatting on the ipad... but it has an insane battery, an amazing user interface that no one can compare to, the ibook store, etc.

    The first iphone didnt have a video camera, MMS, aim, copy & paste, etc.... but it had this new amazing multi touch screen, a full internet browser, web apps, visual voicemail, a phone that can tilt in the direction you hold it, a texting program that had chatrooms for every conversation and not a stupid inbox, etc. etc. etc

    People buy these things because of the cool factor... not because of simple things like flash... those things convince the unconformists to switch over in the future once there is competition.

    you know what I mean?

  • sterling howell
    sterling howell Posts: 1
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    blind fanboys are funny, should have their own tv show. what apple does best isnt give the comsumer what they want, its marketing, when you think of an mp3 player you think of ipod, not because it was the first, or even the best for that matter,but apple markets things very well. i only own one apple device, my iphone and i think its the best phone i've owned to date. but thats far from saying i wouldnt want to own any other phone than one apple makes. apple doesnt play well with others, i think people will appreciate not having to jailbreak the hp slate for it to be open to ideas.

  • Gopher
    Gopher Posts: 1
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    Although HP quote the processor (and more CPU power) as an advantage, I suspect most of this is chewed up driving Windows 7 - and with the inevitable battery life as a consequence.

    Yes, USB and SD are advantages, but HP should've put most of their effort into developing a new, lean Linux-based UI specifically optimised for touch.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    This is why I didn't buy the ipad. Let's see what others have to offer. Waitting for something better.

  • vlaine
    vlaine Posts: 1
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    I am selling my Laptop and getting this. Finaly a real iPad alternative.

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    Just got a alienware m11x about same dimensions as a ipad but can out performe a MacBook pro.

  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    You guys should check out Notion Ink's Adam tablet if you truly want to see an ipad killer...
    It's the tablet I'm waiting for.

    On another note, Lets have apple allow multitasking and see how long their battery lasts...I'm sure it wouldn't be much longer than the slates.

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    Maybe the hackers will find a way to import real Mac OSX into the iPad once its jailbroken .. who knows? ;)

  • jewman
    jewman Posts: 19
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    basically it wont kill the ipad and here are just a few quick reasons the user experience wont be nearly as good or as long considering it is using an os that performs best with a mouse and keyboard and the battery is only 5 hours and last but not least ease of use you don't have to reinvent the weal every time you make a produce you just have to find a better way to use it and thats what the ipad really offers it may nt be the most innovative product ever released but it is defiantly one of the easiest and most pleasant to use and to a consumer that can make all the difference, its not all about specs and apple gets that thats y they are selling these things like no tomorrow as well as the iphone and mac line up but i love to c new competition it only means better things for us consumers so i cant wait till the next slate comes out because that will mean apple has to step there game up and vice versa lets enjoy the show shall we :)

  • jewman
    jewman Posts: 19
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    if they did it wouldn't run well its better to have an os optimized for its environment than one with more features that will run slow

  • Captan Ameerika
    Captan Ameerika Posts: 10
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    If the iPad ran Snow Leopard I would cry. It would be the best thing that has ever happened in life. Period.

  • Jimdandy
    Jimdandy Posts: 0
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    I'm on an ipad right now I love it the hp slate I'm sure will be great but once apple makes a product then everyone else makes something not as good but with a few things people want but not always need people forget about asking why things are not on the device and just jump the gun look at laptops look at PC's apple started them other company made it cheap and people buy it thinking( hey it looks like the apple device but it has flash I'm going to get this cause flash and it's gotta be as good as the apple thing) look at all phones they are now cheap feeling iPhone mock ups in my opinion the hp slate is going to be a touch netbook( same crappy processor just cause intels in it doesn't mean it's good intel has made a lot of crappy things ) it's cameras are cool but with 5hrs time u won't even have enoung time to take pis or vids (I kid) Hp & Sony will make nice windows (buggy virus crap) based thing but I'm pretty sure they'll be touch net books One more thing why is it they are deciding now to come out with this after apple I've seen this before hmm o yea iPhone

  • Henry P.
    Henry P. Posts: 1
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    I have an unlocked and jailbroken iPhone. But I have only ever found one app that was any good outside the app store. That was one that lets me put apps in folders and even that is too slow.

    And for that I have to go through all the hassle of not updating and wondering if the next fix will brick my phone. I'm not a techie. I don't enjoy that stuff. The only reason for doing it was to get it on Vodafone.

    Now they have it anyway so my plan is to get the 4G for Christmas and go back into the fold.

    But I'll have a good look at alternatives first. Because another thing is that there aren't many good new apps coming out.

  • Insde
    Insde Posts: 0
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    there will surely be a ipad 2 lol. Next year or so

  • Zay
    Zay Posts: 2
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    Unfortuneatly for competition, apple has iTunes on lock down. I have often wondered what it would get to make me want to jump ship, and I came to the realizaion that I will never get a droid because it doesn't have thee app store and iTunes setup. Although the specs for this slate netbook are impressive, it's still not iTunes ready.

  • anjum
    anjum Posts: 3
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    the super advantage of ipad is the app store which would automatically drive ipad to its numero uno position the HP slate might have the potential of being IPAD killer but evetually land up as "also there" device, not even selling close to half the numbers what ipad sells, the second ipad version would cover all that is missing in this version and by the time the second version comes, the slate would be outdated, they need to innovate on software front also

  • Sdgh
    Sdgh Posts: 0
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    Norton ink Adam comming out in June. Invida tergra 2 chip set. Last 16 hours new iQpixel screen. A track pad on the back, 1080p, android 2.1. Looking hot.