Adobe Planning To Sue Apple?

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imageAdobe Planning To Sue Apple?

ITWorld is reporting that Apple-Adobe standoff is going to get uglier. According to their sources, Adobe will be suing Apple in the next few weeks for banning applications built with cross-compiler programs such as Adobe's Flash-to-iPhone packager in its Flash Professional CS5, which was released earlier in the week. Steven...

Read the full story here



  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    Apple sometimes sucks...

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Apple has not singled out Adobe, its all cross compilers, its their hardware, their OS, their Dev kit, their license agreement and their App Store, if this results in less apps being submitted and more apps being available on competing smart phones they may change their philosophy, but until then suck it up.

  • yave
    yave Posts: 5
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    Yea that's why adobe wants to join in apples playground??adobe should stop being a crybaby. What's adobe going to sue about??

  • tkh3r
    tkh3r Posts: 1
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    Not sure if it's possible from a technical point of view, but I wonder how Apple would feel if Adobe stopped supporting flash on the desktop safari browser for Mac users?

    Now that'd be fun!

  • jimmy5
    jimmy5 Posts: 2
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    Adobe should take away any apple corporate licenses/ and or stop building products for macs.. that'll teach 'em!

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    This is getting annoying already - these aholes should settle up for the better of their customers

  • anonym1234
    anonym1234 Posts: 17
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    I support Apple's decision. It makes sense to me, especially when you consider Apps created by these compilers have a greatly reduced quality. There's no need for a buggy unstable plug in anyway. Not a big deal.

  • vinalzl
    vinalzl Posts: 0
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    just fight! i woudl careless who win and who lost!...fight and fight and i'll just watch.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Did you bother reading, it says in the text. Adobe isn't crying, they are simply playing the game. Steve Jobs is just a ****.

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    but dint microsoft get sued and disbanned for kinda the same thing? is a monopoly ok if its your own product?

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    yeah the app store has more than enough low quality apps in there as it is

  • iUser
    iUser Posts: 1
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    Adobe is like a kid watching another kid eat an ice cream. he wants the sweet stuff and is drooling to have a lick at it. they're getting desperate

  • nubs
    nubs Posts: 18
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    Haha yeah I agree. I'm pretty sure they could figure out a way to detect the browser your using. But it would really hurt them if they didn't make flash run better on other mobile devices, so if they were going to shut off safari they definitely need to make sure there product is top notch, much like apple had done by making sure their products top notch before banning flash.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    Adobe is like a little baby, Mommy he isnt letting me plaaayyyyy....

    Mom: Shut up Adobe.

    Apple: Yeah shut up ADOBE.

    Seriously, Flash BLOWS beyond belief. they need to fix their incessant processor usage on my mac, not to mention the gazillion times it crashes. at least safari lets it crash without crashing itself, cant say the same for Firefox.

    Unless they make it really good, i dont think jobs will allow anything of the sort to even touch the iPlatoforms. however, if maybe adobe can change their whole persona, and actually make something for the MAC that works as well as the Windows version, then perhaps things might get a little interesting. If jobs still denies Flash, then yes perhaps something is wrong and the bug filled crap is not the reason he doesnt want it...

    holy **** that was a rant.


  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    its not a monopoly!

    there are plenty of competitors. Apple has every right to ban them.

  • unreal
    unreal Posts: 51
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    I'm not sure, but isn't the adobe "compiler" really little more than a bundled flash player (with all it's drawbacks and heft) and the code to run through it? Hardly a "compiler", if so.

    Wish Apple had used a better spec in their terms. Looks like the engineering spec translated by a marketing person. We're probably lucky the sentences have nouns *and* verbs.

    I know Apple is unhappy with Adobe's technology, but is it legal to continue to block it? Their ass would be nailed to a courtroom wall if they tried this on their desktop computers. I fail to see how the small size and telecom chip fundamentally changes the fact that the iphone *is* a general purpose computer, albeit one with a few functions that are atypical for desktops.

    I'm not a fan of Adobe or their technology but someone needs to drag Apple's ass into court. This is really hurting progress.

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Is it then possible that Geohot and the Dev Team try to add flash to jailbroken iphones? Maybe Apple could learn to do this flash game from Geohot and Dev Team. Just wondering!

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    Adobe... give them a blow.. knock them out.. you guys are in business more than this stupid, selfish APPLE.. make their shares go down by 40 or more points.. haha .. evil laugh...

  • GoDoggie
    GoDoggie Posts: 0
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    Is it really possible for Adobe to sue Apple just because they don't want their devices using Flash? I don't see why Adobe would win..

    I'm not on either side, it would be cool to play Flash on my iPad and/or iPhone but it's not that big of a deal, and if it's buggy than it's not even in the question.

  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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    LOL! You make me laugh! First and foremost let Apple ban Flash on Mac's and see how people will react! It's not going to be pretty I can guarantee it!

    I believe that Adobe has a valid reason to sue Apple. The simple fact that it is publicly known that the upcoming Flash is known to support iPhone app development long before Apple decided to change its SDK license rules is enough to call Apple's behavior as deliberately and economically unfair.

    Apple could have just as well allow development of iPhone apps only on Mac computers.... Think about that! That would be dumb on Apple's part for sure. But the again the situation is quite similar to the cross-compilergate.

    But ultimately you know what's worst in this situation? Apple is defending itself by saying that cross-compilers produces un-optimized (that means still functional by the way!!!) code... To me that sounds like if you're a dumb programmer and can barely code since your code will most likely be un-optimized Apple can go and say I don't like how you program, and therefore reject your app.

  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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    I totally agree with you! especially with the fact that iPhone
    *IS* at the end of the day a general purpose computer!

  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    I dont see the issue!!!

    Apple doesnt want flash on their product, then let them have their wish, also take flash away from the MAC OS X SAFARI!!!!!!, This is when ADOBE SHOULD tell Apple Be CAREFULL what you wish for!!!!!




    I understand ADOBE'S ANGER!! Apple should have been more up front about this from the get go, then ADOBE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO INVEST THEIR TIME AND EFFORTS TOWARDS MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS,



  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    For every law, there is a loophole and Apple is taking full advantage. You really think Apple doesn't support Adobe because it's buggy? Please! How many Apps in the App Store aren't buggy?? I'm betting there's more to this story than we know so don't be so quick to jump on the Apple "ban"wagon.

  • David B.
    David B. Posts: 0
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    Yer all dumb as hell, for those who think Adobe is in the wrong here. Apple is always going to be wrong about their marketing scheme. You should always always always let third party platforms onto your scene to make the cash flow come in. Acting like oh, we own everything and we get to play the elitist pricks who decide who stays and who goes like the leaders of a high school clique... the idea behind it is simply idiotic. I think Adobe has every right to get pissed off at Apple acting all high and mighty.

    The users of the iPhone and iPad have already voiced their displeasure about this lack of support. Seriously, look at the internet. Over 80% of the internet uses Flash in one form or another on most websites. The especially popular movie streaming websites and adult video streaming websites (Yes **** is always going to be the Internets best selling product). Then most online games are flash, java is pure **** for gaming.

    You tell me why you would want to limit the productivity of your device... oh wait wait, I know why... because Apple wouldn't make **** for money in the App store due to Flash being umm FREE. You can make the equivalent program of ANYTHING offered in the App store by Apple for FREE by Flash. Amazing huh? And you wonder why Adobe is pissed? Why Apple customers are pissed (Wait wait, not Apple customers, only AT&T customers, because most Apple customers are fanatical zealots who think Apple does no wrong).

    In the end... I think anyone who wants sue Apple, for being stuck up pricks who wont let in certain developers due to them not making money off of it rather than providing quality service, should do so.

    Just my two cents.

  • ewj
    ewj Posts: 26
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    The sdk restrictions are most likely legal and definitely evil.

  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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    Yeah that's one thing that really caught me off guard! How can so many Apple customers be so blind? It's crazy scary! It's almost as if they're like that on purpose! One you'll hear them say they don't need wallpapers on their iPhone and now with OS4 announcement they rejoice about the fact that they will be able to customize their background!!!!!! That's just f#ck3d #p!

  • Reguard
    Reguard Posts: 24
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    yesterday i was at work and someone was going to make a run to panda express im not to familar with there menu so i tried to look it up online (using iphone) and guess what i couldnt cuz it was flash so eather apple takes flash off the internet or they annoy there coustomers. and no i couldnt of used a computer i work in a locked psych unit

  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 63
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    U guys are soo dumb you know that! Adobe is not a baby. Like it was said earlier, jobs is just a ****. Adobe runs perfectly normal and never crashes on windows computers becuase windows allows hardware acceleration (ie graphics card processing). Man up Steve jobs and do the same then maybe we won't think ur suck a f'ing noon at making sh'ty computers!

  • Rat
    Rat Posts: 0
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    Couldn't care less about Adobe flash. Waste of cpu power and always annoying. It's about time somebody tells Adobe to go to hell.