Verizon Launching HTC Droid Incredible On April 29 - Should Apple Be Worried?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageVerizon Launching HTC Droid Incredible On April 29 - Should Apple Be Worried?

HTC has been regularly churning out new Android smartphone models. Just weeks after HTC EVO 4G was unveiled, the company got together with Verizon last week to unveil new HTC Droid Incredible. The Android 2.1 based smartphone will launch on April 29 at a starting price of $199.99. Here is...

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  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    Ahh I work for vzw. IPhone is best ever... Simple beautiful and smooth... Android is to basic looking and not smooth... The closest to Ophir is palm and their phones suck iPhone forever

  • Yong Works
    Yong Works Posts: 1
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    iPhone is really unique, and makes people crazy about this smartphone.
    The next iphone 4G will hit even more than android does. Verizon should stick with apple's iphone. Wellz..

  • drumrobot
    drumrobot Posts: 9
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    Tip for whoever named this phone: putting 'Incredible' in a product's name makes the phone sound like it was named by a first-grader... "The super-mega-awesome phone! The uber-extreme-incredible phone!"

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    I don't see it selling more than the iPhone HD. I do believe iPhone os will be much better even though htc sense is very nice. I wonder is incredable getting friend stream? Very cool feature.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    for me no ipad tell next gen
    so I will have $900 dollars
    on my pocket to buy 3 nice
    suits. every three minutes apple
    bring new products keep up with
    them you need a lot of money
    I wish they put loaded products
    from the begining better than giving you
    piece by piece and charging you 2 times.
    I love apple products but not the marketing

  • Rip
    Rip Posts: 38
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    I'm sure Apple is worried. Lol.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    No one said apple is comming with a 4G generation iPhone , the simplest reason is AT&T. Won't support 4G probably till 2012 and all of us know apple can't wait that log without releasing a new phone , that's why many people me included will swich to the now network :) sprint

  • Nada
    Nada Posts: 70
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    The GUI is ugly I'm not impressed. iPHONE 4G/HD will most def be better minus flash (but who cares !).

    " I've got one that can see !!! "

    " TL Agenda Commericials !!! "

  • Zero
    Zero Posts: 7
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    AT&T will trickle a lte network by end of this year...

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    LOL, so true. :P
    +1 for this post

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    and it looks just like the iPhone.

  • yave distancia
    yave distancia Posts: 5
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    lol yea trying to hard...or not.. but I think thats the phone that has cought my attention the most from all androids...the nexus seems good too ...but I can't replace my iphone eventough i don't considered myself a fanboy. I dnt use macbooks....had one sold it beacuse I need windows programs that don't run on mac else I would have tried to stick with macs

  • luigy
    luigy Posts: 15
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    sooner or later android is going to eat iphone os 4.0. i love my iphone because is jailbreak. thanks to geohot and devteam i love my iphone. because apple is such with jail the sale on the iphone os. liked this way iphone without jailbreak very very boring. i like a lot the work is doing google. google eventualy going to eat apple.

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    iPhone hasn't really got any competition in my opinion, maybe the Htc Desire will get close? But I doubt it, iPhone just have 'it'
    Especially a jailbroken 3.1.2 3Gs like mine :)

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Android will continue to get it's market share, but I doubt it'll overthrow apple anytime soon. The way to kill an iphone isn't to make one that practically "looks" like an iphone. They need to be more innovative, not just duplicate.

    I've used all of the smart phones out now and the iphone's touchscreen is still the most responsive. You just don't get that feeling on another phone.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I forgot to add. Android should be looking to compete with a future version of the iphone, and not compare itself to last year's model.

  • kleo
    kleo Posts: 18
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    Wow. Guys! I am selling my locked 3gs at the end of the month. I will buy 2 of those.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    I agree Apples marketing strategy is focus on profit not what consumers want.

    This one looks pretty nice ooo and It has Multi-Task off the bat !!! And video recorder wait how long did it take the iphone .... 3 Versions.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    How is it last years model? See apple love the IDIOTS like u that go wait in line for the new version and pay dumb amount of money.


  • Hmmmm
    Hmmmm Posts: 18
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    i dont think apple will be worried about 1 phone comin out.

    i do agree with other people above, that apple should be worried about the andriod OS. slowly that OS will be on most phones and the App Developers will move to the andriod OS because the will a bigger potential market and profit on andriod than Apples OS.

    bit like windows v OSX. alot more software developers for windows because windows dominates the OS market.

    i personally will be gettin an andriod OS phone when my contract runs out on my 3GS.
    also gettin fed up with apples funny rules on its OS and i cant stand using Itunes on my comp (dreadful software)

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The iphone 3gs? It was released july 2009. If you haven't checked the calendar, it's mid april 2010 now.

    I wouldn't exactly call it being an idiot or spending dumb amounts of money. I've said it before, but I don't mind repeating. Iphones have a high "resell" value, meaning I can sell my iphone 3gs for over $300 (I only paid $199 + tax). Then I can buy the new one for $199 again and repeat the process.

  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    I'm a windows mobile and iPhone developer and can tell you know that I like many fellow developers will never move over to programming Android until they give us a decent programming language and compiler! Show me a serious programmer that wants to code in java! Look st the quality of third party Android applications!

  • judobear
    judobear Posts: 2
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    Yeah, but your leaving out the fact that you locked into an extended contract period to get that price. And if you attempt to get the new iphone in the middle of your extended contract, you will NOT get it for the $199 price tag.

  • Carey
    Carey Posts: 6
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    Can i get one without a contract?

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    ATT is allowing early upgrades every year at the full discounted price for iphone users who's bill is $100 or more per month. It's called their "early adopters" plan and I upgraded my iphone 3g to an iphone 3gs last year.

    Whether I'm locked in a contract or not, I won't be cancelling my service. Actually, I don't even think about the contract. What will I be doing 3 years from now? Still eating and still paying a cell phone bill. It's given.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I'm sure eventually, verizon will start giving them away for free like they do with all their phones. Buy 1 get 1 free.

    I'm interested to see their marketing strategy when they do get the iphone on their network, especially with all of the droid does, iphone don't commercials.

  • Hmmm
    Hmmm Posts: 45
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    Just watched the video on that HTC.
    gotta say, Very impressive phone.

    is the andriod OS alot more open than Apple OS? or do you still need some sort of jailbreak for Andriod OS?

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Like it or not, the iPhone set the standard. I'm sick and tired of hearing about these "iphone killers". None has truly killed it yet. What sold me on the iPhone was actually playing on one. The screen, responsiveness, felt good in my large hands however I'm not by any means an apple fanboy, but the iPhone is a solidly built phone. Sure it took a few revisions to make it run with the others (copy and paste, MMS, etc) but I'm really happy with my 3GS (My old 2g was stolen and I just had to get another iPhone).

    It seems like everyone is adopting the "me too" approach. Seems like they all have a very similar form/shape as the iPhone. Again.. Apple set the standard and these guys are trying to catch up. I hope someone does indeed come out with an iPhone killer. It will get Apple to offer more and in the end, we the consumers will benefit from it.

    For the guys disliking the Apple marketing, nothing I hate more is than the Verizon marketing slamming others to make itself look better. Kind of the Hillary Clinton slinging mud at Obama in running campaign. Let the product speak for itself, don't slam others to market your product.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    How do you figure it's not one year old well i own a 3gs and no where in hell they are going to give me 300. Now as for the new one to pay 199.... Thats not going to happen cause they will not let one upgrade.