This Could Be Apple's New iPhone: Do You Like It?
If you were not convinced with the images that were published over the weekend of Apple’s new iPhone then you might be convinced with the videos. Gizmodo has just announced breaking news that they’ve got their hands on Apple’s next generation iPhone, which was found in on the floor of...
First. I think this might be it!
1st and will wait till the official release to decide to or not to buy. Like the design.
I lied, 2nd. :)
looks like ICRAP to me!
Why isn't anyone saying anything about the processor????!!!!
I call BS on this one. Iphones have an app that can locate stolen/lost Iphones then how come apple is not trying to get the phone back...
Im still not convinced, if it were a pre-release then this is not the final body, its not upto typical apple standards
I would imagine Apple wants the prototype back. And Mr Someone in the SJ bar probably doesn't have a job any longer. Probably should have left the prototype at home before he went bar hopping.
If this is real, then I'm getting the HTC EVO from sprint... their about to come out phone is way better than what's described above....I'm sick of paying hundreds of dollars to apple for their hype overly hyped crap...
It has to be installed first. I doubt they ever thought they would lose it so they failed to plan ahead.
How old are you? Why do you care!?
Gizmodo have got some balls. I'd laugh if Apple call the cops as Gizmodo have basically admitted to handling stolen goods. This un-controlled publicity is not what Apple will want.
Personally, I agree with John Gruber - I think the front, back and insides are legit, but I expect to see some aesthetic improvements to the 'seams' that hold it all together.
hey dude, if you read engadget post THE ORIGINAL ONE, they said that they can't play with the phone because it has been disable remotely by apple.
MSNBC has an article about this iPhone, maybe its official:
also check out the video which gives you a tour on the iphone if you click on the link (share folders and video) here is the link to it any ways:
Crikey, people are gullible! As tight as security stories have been thus far, you believe this phone is 1) real, 2) allowed to leave whatever secure room/facility it was being used in, and 3) NOT intentional tp get feedback from a change in form factor, or 4) only a prototype/testbed?
ok what ever
How's the view from up there?
This might be their crappiest looking device. If this is how it's going to look , I'm just gonna pass. I still think their first model was the best looking one ever and most durable too. Meaning it could take a beating. So eh. Not really happy about their new device. Way to many restrictions.
I pray to god that this won't be the final form factor of the device. It's like a brick. I'd like it to be something like the iPod Touch 2g.
Looks like it was stolen
What's next after this ???
Why do gizmodo put a video thats only 6 seconds. Who is this person that found the phone. How did gizmodo get the phone. Why isn't they talking about the chipset. What's up with is it glass or not thy have the phone. I guess there doing it little by little. Is apple really looking for the iPhone. are they going to give it back. I need answers. Gizmodo u hold the diamond you explane it
I like it. If this is the final form, it looks great IMO. Last year's 3GS was not enticing enough for me to upgrade, but this new one fits the bill for me.
Just in time for us 3G owners who bought our phones 2 years ago.
My brother-in-law met an apple employee who had an iphone with him, back before it was first released. Showed him how it worked and everything.
So, yes, I believe it's plausible someone could have lost it, but then again, it's also plausible someone built a fake, but I doubt this one is.
hi, it is a nice peace of technology and , OMG I love it .... but just a question , why is it written XXGB at the back ?
I think everyone is falling into the hype. Apple is smart about what they are doing. They do a great job of making the public "want" their products. Do you all really think that someone from Apple lost their phone?? Apple is not dumb enough to empower someone in their organization to have access to something that they do not want the public to know about. This was a pure tactic to test the market. The phone was not lost on accident. It was lost on purpose. Apple is testing to see how the market would react to this device. They are simply hearing all your feedback on all the blogs that you are posting on to find out what they can get away with when they do actually release the phone. This also only keeps people talking about Apple. Nobody is talking about competitors... and now you, the price conscious consumer, is debating on whether or not you should get the Ipad or the new Iphone, or both. In the end, you are debating Apple vs Apple. Who wins in the end?
Whatever Apple is comming up with will never come even close to the HTC EVO, besides I am sick and tired of Apple telling me what I can and cannot do with a gadget that I own and paid bloody money for it.
F**K you Jobs.
this got to be real because looking at the specs its haves everything that everybody said wouldhave on the new iphone like the design its different
Is that flash worth a wank? Hardly a threat a Xenon, Dear me, don't count on that illuminating anything more than six inches in front of you..