AT&T Drops Three Times More Calls Than Verizon

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageAT&T Drops Three Times More Calls Than Verizon

Third party studies conducted by PC World and Gizmodo had concluded that AT&T is the nation's fastest 3G network. AT&T had explained that the reason for the improvements was due to the 100-day plan that AT&T executives set up in the middle of December to "dramatically improve" the carrier's network...

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  • Irha
    Irha Posts: 37
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    It also seems that those who are using iphone get more dropped calls than others.

  • Yair
    Yair Posts: 3
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    I'm an AT&T costumer in LA and honestly the dropped calls don't even matter to me. The fact is that I rely alot more on text messages and a fast Internet connection than anything else, thats why I have AT&T. Besides dropped calls only happen once in a while and all it takes is 5 seconds to call back, it is not like all calls don't work.

    I prefer AT&T over verizon for many reasons: 1) costumer service. I never had issues to pay extra fees appearing out of nowhere likenwith verizon and 2) plans are more affordable.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Lol, i have the iphone with at@t and i do get droped calls all the time. i'm in connecticut. today i was at the park going for a walk as i was walking i went on FB and notice my phone was searching for 3g. well to end this i never got the 3g single. so i rebooted my phone and my hole phone didnt turn on. but i'm back with no jailbreak,apps missing pictures and mad as hell with at@t. come on august already

  • Kepler
    Kepler Posts: 20
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    I live in the bay area and i hardly experience dropped calls, close to none and i'm always on 3g. So i'm satisfy with my phone and service, DOWN WITH VERIZON!

  • no1special
    no1special Posts: 1
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    I've got an iPhone 3G in NYC and even with full bars I get dropped calls ALL THE DAMN TIME. It's incredibly frustrating to be on an important call and essentially hang up on someone. I've replaced SIM's, rebooted and even replaced my iPhone but it's still the same. AT&T can kiss my a$$ with their 'service improvements'. I'm soon on my way to Verizon and an Android.

  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    I've had AT&T since they took over cingular and I was with cingular years before that... I've had every iphone (though I've had to get a warranty replacement for both my 3G and 3GS). Dropped calls are few and far between. My only complain is I had no 3G coverage driving on HWY 80 from Sacramento to Colorado except in major cities. I had coverage 95% of the way though and zero dropped calls on the trip.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    I live in New Jersey and i never get dropped calls.
    I also hardly ever use the phone for talking anyway.
    It's 2010, who actually talks on their phone anymore?

    I still rather have a fast 3g than verizon's so-called 3g which is basically the same as at&t's edge.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Forgot to mention that i always have full 3g service.

    My family has verizon and i have coverage in more areas than them.

  • 2742
    2742 Posts: 1
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    not an at&t fan boi or anything but i fail to see how its their fault that your phone failed to detect the 3g network (unless u werent in a 3g area in which case no crap it didnt pick it up), you reboot ur phone and it wont turn back on..well clearly at&ts network decided to not alow ur phone to turn off. that couldn't possibly be a problem with the battery or phone hardware. your jailbreak was undone? pretty sure phone companies and carriers tell u to not do that anyways. app and pics were missing off your hardrive? once again i fail to see how at&t's carrier coverage and service are to blame for ur hard drive failure. if u complained to customer service and they gave u a hard time about, i would consider your complaint valid. However from what i can tell you had a phone issue, not a carrier issue. pretty big difference imo.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I get alotta drops here in NYC At&t really sucks

  • Jorgie
    Jorgie Posts: 18
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    I really don't get too many dropped calls and I live in NJ (NYC metro area). I think dropped calls are normal. Especially when we're talking about 4%-5%, thats 4-5 outta 100 calls people! That as opposed to 2%-3% at Verizon (3/100 calls). Not really a big deal if u ask me, and take into account that we have fastest 3G network and the top smartphone.

    Not a big deal.

  • dcljpc
    dcljpc Posts: 2
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    Perhaps this would get us some perspective: I visit China twice a year. There are many more cellphone subscribers in China (greater density). I have been to extremely remote rural areas, and I have never had a dropped call, not in the subway, on a moving train, not on a mountain, etc...

    I think there should be a way for cell networks to not drop any calls, but apparently, our "competitive market" is not allowing that to happen.

  • Joker69
    Joker69 Posts: 8
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    I drive from Napa CA to Sacramento CA up I-80 East or West and get dropped calls all the time..!! From the moment I leave Napa till I walk in my front door in Sacramento, I have been dropped at least 4 or 6 times. And that drive is a little bit over an hour and half... I HATE HATE HATE AT&T's Cellar Service!! Text and Internet, perfect...

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I still get dropped calls, even when I have 5 bars. Very frustrating since I pay high rates and get lousy service from AT&T. No tethering, slow connections, many many dropped calls.

    Maybe it's Apple's fault but I don't think so. My friend uses TMobile for his iPhone 3G and rarely has dropped calls.

    If I wasn't tied to AT&T for iPhone and iPad I would move to another carrier.

  • Quan
    Quan Posts: 13
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    Absolutely. I hate Verizon because they nickle and dime you to death. I was so frustrated that I paid the penalty to drop out. Never again back to Verizon. Beside, if you travel to Europe often, Verizon is useless there since they all use GSM.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    I get a few dropped calls every now and then, nothing to insane. The dead zones are what get on my nerves. There are deadzones at work, friends house, parents house.

    its been almost a year and half. If they do not take care of these dead zones soon I will assume that they never will. Problem is I love iPhone, and the good 3G speed at AT&T

    but they should be getting their **** under control.. if they are still weak by december then they will never be a #1 carrier

  • Rockhampton Lawyers
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    Be honest you guys are talking about US. Just try here AUS..its hard to get connection in Breach area.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    That's like saying hey did you know the sky was blue? Everyone knows they suck and this is not surprising

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Jesus christ you taking things to serious calm down. Look I know when I rebooted my phone and it messed up it was in os issue. I never said it's AT&T fault. But don't worry everything is back with spirit jailbreak. But about my 3G not working is AT&T fault for having spotty ass service, dropped calls and spotty 3G service is the same crap and that's what this site is talking about, So calm yourself down and stop talking so much crap. Ooh and learn how to write fan BOI! Crap I said crap alot lmao.

  • AttFan
    AttFan Posts: 1
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    I have been with att for 2 years and have had issues with down edge network, but was given a credit for the problem which made me happy. Since I live in WV every carrier has dead zones, but att has the best coverage. Not to mention, I might have a dropped call once or twice a year! Who cares! At least I can call somebody. Thats more than I can say for Verizon in my area. Also, i get coverage 99% of the way to NC to visit my family. Take that Verizon! Im att all the way!

  • intruder730
    intruder730 Posts: 9
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    It is frustrating to be in an important phone call just to have the network drop your call. It has happened to me in far too many occasions with ATT to the point that I am actually thinking of dropping ATT,and the iPhone for that matter, and go for VZ and an android set.ATT makes it tempting to think about it.

  • Thorgvin
    Thorgvin Posts: 40
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    I generally have had great reception with Telstra in Perth, Atherton and Cairns.

  • tang cahyadi
    tang cahyadi Posts: 3
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    i'm using iphone 3GS with at&t carrier .. the signal its bad know , call drop very often & for the internet speed/data plan its very slow know . Probably cause to many people using at&t carier with iphone so the server gonna be slow . But i can't think why people not going complaint about this to AT&t .

    SUCIO Posts: 4
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    been with at&t since the EARLY days of Cingular. for those that do not know, at&t bought out Cingular. Dropped calls on my iphone are often and extremely frustrating. Specially when I'm talking to a client. BUT, the price is right, the customer service has not failed me yet and my 3g in L.A., CA is good enough for me to not **** about it...yet. I had sprint with my work phone and I'm currently forwarding all those calls to my iphone. I haven't missed a thing since I started forwarding my calls.

  • Missy
    Missy Posts: 3
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    Actually, Cingular Wireless bought out AT&T Wireless. Then AT&T (landline) bought out Cingular. :) I worked for Cingular and am a fan all the way. Haven't worked for them in several years but I still think they have the best plans for their cost, the best 3G network, etc. I can handle a few dropped calls so long as I can get online!! :-D

  • shinken1
    shinken1 Posts: 15
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    I have an iPhone 3G & 3GS.
    Until I got an iPhone, average was 1 dropped every few months or so.
    Now about 1 every 3-4 weeks.
    Still happy with AT&T. They have made improvements to the network here (Birmingham,Al.) by eliminating various dead spots and overall faster performance.

    I feel the problem lies with the iPhone inability to handoff bands smoothly.
    My opinion of course.

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    Never had drop calls, been with AT&T for along time.

  • Mota
    Mota Posts: 1
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    I used to be with T-Mobile and I had to switch service because most of the military bases I'm part of have shitty service. Turns out in my current base no T-mobile service whatsoever. I'm now with ATT and have not experienced one dropped call, and I'm in the middle of nowhere. Coverage is a lot better than T-mobile's.

    I used to be with verizon and never had a complain there, except that their prices were insane.

  • Skaar
    Skaar Posts: 21
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    I was with AT&T when the iphone first came out and i had dropped calls like everyday so i switch to T-mobile and i don't remember ever having a single drop call. T-MOBILE all the way!

  • DrewStone
    DrewStone Posts: 1
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    first let me say i am a verizon employee.. Second let me say We have been informed that the Iphone will be in our stores in september. I still find it hard to belive but was told by a very high up they thought i would be exited cause i use an iphone right now...