AT&T Drops Three Times More Calls Than Verizon



  • G Iphone
    G Iphone Posts: 2
    via Wordpress

    I have been a Verizon customer for over ten years. But I wanted the Iphone after using a friends 3GS. After reading so many negative reports on AT&T I was afraid to change providers. But I did, now I will report.. I must be one lucky SOB, I live in NJ and in the three months I have had my Iphone, not one dropped call...NONE! I can't make that claim with Verizon, AT&T's 3G is way faster than anything Verizon has. The AT&T customer service is far superior and friendlier than Verizon's. I spent three months fretting over the decision to drop my trusted Verizon, I realize now what a three month waste of time that was.

  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
    via Wordpress
    I've had a 3GS for almost 2 years, I had Sprint for about 7 years before that, with really great service in the Bay Area. I have dropped calls all the time. I'm at NASA, there are so many iPhone users, and AT&T is just hated over there, reception is ghastly and you can expect little or no calling ability often. Funny, I drive past Apple Headquarters many times a month, and usually my iPhone drops the call I am on within a 1/4 mile or so of HQ. I have never ever had a cellular service with such horrible reliability, and I have hundreds of others in my circle who echo the same thing. Can't wait to leave them, AT&T better wake up because that sentiment is rampant in corporate circles. So darn frustrating....