Adobe CEO Responds To Steve Jobs' Thoughts On Flash

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAdobe CEO Responds To Steve Jobs' Thoughts On Flash

Steve Jobs had posted an open letter elaborating on the reasons why Apple has chosen not to allow Adobe Flash on their platform. The article contains several interesting pointers on why Flash could be an inappropriate plaform for media consumption on mobile devices like the iPhone. In his letter, Jobs...

Read the full story here



  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Well I couldn't watch it. I'm on my iPhone. Who do I blame? For not seeing this video! Apple for there years ahead of Everyone else using html5 or for iphonehacks for using flash.

  • ajsjs
    ajsjs Posts: 1
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    can't see it on my iPhone either??? any other links ???

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    so its OSX's fault that flash is a piece of **** on our machines. oh, ok. thanks are a fucking douche bag. Up until the point you said that, i was actually feeling bad for your pathetic business.

  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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    When will people realize:

    Adobe shunned Apple in mid 80's in favour of Microsoft, now Apple bite back & Adobe doesn't like it.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    i agree its just pathetic!

  • Ortiz
    Ortiz Posts: 1
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    It's Apple's fault that there's no flash for their devices. I also believe that the reason why Macs crash is because of its OS deficiency with supporting flash and seriously battery life? I have an iPhone 3G and my battery doesn't last very long (Without the support of flash). If Apple wasn't too secured with their devices, Adobe would have fixed the issues Apple's devices are having. In my perspective, Apple should support flash on their devices.

  • Thorgvin
    Thorgvin Posts: 40
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    Being "ahead" is not the same as being "advanced" - whereby you continue to offer legacy support for older standards while working pro-actively to encourage uptake of newer standards.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    OSX is fine, EVERYTHING runs better on OSX..(minus games) i dont want to start an OS war here, but if its anyones fault...its adobes. Macs most definitely dont crash as much as any windows laptop, and the fact that ONE program is something that has a track record for making them crash, definitely points to the fact that its adobes fault.

    and when it comes to supporting flash....from an OS point of view, its up to the programmers to support the os, not the other way around. simple.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    this adobe ceo guy gets freakin 875000 per year man, thats crazy!

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Programmers can't support the os when Nazi apple is the Gate keeper to that support, flash would have been on the iPhone os by now if apple would have let it. We also would have had TRUE multi-tasking and a but load of other features years ago, but yet again apple stopped that. It's a great os but it could be so much better if apple played nice

  • big money
    big money Posts: 10
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    iphone hack can you please call your dev team friends and ask them
    to release these jailbreak asap thanks dude.

  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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    MAC OS = SUCKS! Adobe Flash crashes? How? When? Where? ONLY OSX why? cause apple computers suck period. It's buggy of course in windows but wth! you all should know you can't really do much with osx anyways other then the close based platform.

    Back to the point Flash is every where and everything converting to HTML5 is just awesome and all but you need to realize that flash formed your lives! :P

  • Bill Gates
    Bill Gates Posts: 54
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    Seriously, by now Steve Jobs has convinced the world that flash is uneccesry so let's get on the move to HTML 5. Technology moves on, deal with it.

  • sushgs
    sushgs Posts: 1
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    dudes the problem us not adobe. the iPhone and it's osx is the problem. the batery life is exteemly low anyway and that's a fact. how many times a day do you have to recharge. and you cant blame flash for that ****

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    how is this in anyway Adobe fault? Seriously.. what if you were a developer and your App got rejected because Apple said it was a resource hog, or served no purpose, etc. like all the thousands of other apps that got rejected for no reason.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    buddy. OSX isnt closed. the reason OSX is doing so well now is because they opened up the platform. And the ONLY way you can call it closed is because you can only install them on apple computers, but if you loses a LOT of money, so its a perfectly fine. and you can do pretty much anything with OSX, i am guessing you are a windows supporter...well enjoy your second grade pathetic computing experience.

    source: a LONG ASS time windows user.

  • Nigga
    Nigga Posts: 2
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  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    I would still possible blame iPhonehacks here. That's why their website is named "iphonehacks", and not "adobehacks". Which if it were, would this video be in html5? Please note your irony here, iphonehacks.

  • Hmmmm
    Hmmmm Posts: 18
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    flash works fine on windows, also seen it work fine on other none apple mobile devices. if crashes are on OSX then i would think thats a problem with OSX not flash.

  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    That's not right. We complain about battery life, and I'm one of them, but come on. When you really think about all you're doing on a freaking phone, the battery life is phenomenal. I don't know what you do with your phone, but I check the news every day, play a few games with some friends, find an address on google or my turn-by-turn, check out the app store, and a thousand more things. In reality, the fact that my battery lasts as long is does is remarkable. That being said, I still wish I didn't have to charge it once more per day.

  • You
    You Posts: 21
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  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Come on dudes, if apple compusters were so bad ass they wouldn't crash with flash, my m17 has never crashed on flash or at any point period.

    If apple allowed flash no one would pay for their bullshit games on the app store. That is a huge chunk of money for them. This is why their néw tampons are basically books, net, and low quality gaming. They want everyone to pay for games that are free with flash on sites like addicting

    wake up and get your noses out of apples ass and admit that is more about the money than it is about the so called experience or bugs that's a bunch of bullshit

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    He also convinced the world that floppy disks were unnecessary and so far we've been fine without them.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    If you owned your own app store, then you can have a say in which apps you accept and which ones you reject. Until then, steve jobs and company will enjoy that right.

    Ever see the sign, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone?"

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    You're right. The bottomline goal of every company is to make money. Hate to break it to you, but every company is in the business to make money. None of them are in business to pamper to your needs unless it puts money in their pockets.

    Adobe is a 3rd party company that's also in the business to make money. They chose not to invest time in developing for the mac os platform and focused all their R&D on windows. They now realize that the apple and iphone os platform has a huge potential for them to make money. Unfortunately, it's too late and they can't get it working properly because they never invested time into the platform before.

    You buy a product. You then buy an aftermarket 3rd party product to put into your product. It doesn't fit, it doesn't work, who do you blame? The 3rd party after market product maker, that's who!

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    oh my god, finally someone here who has half a brain. oh my god, flash works on everything else (WHAT ELSE IS THERE BESIDES WINDOWS AND LINUX ANYWAY?!) but not OSX, its OSX's fault. So here is something to chew on for all you windows humpers, if you buy a game that is coded extremely well for a console, and turns out to be a piece of **** on PC (NAMELY GTA IV)....whos fault is it? Windows?

    ...catch my drift?

    clearly windows users are borderline daft, think about this from an objective point of view. freaking fanboys.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    and you have a full brain, not a half one :)

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    I just want to comment that Flash never crashes on my Mac so I don't know what you're talking about.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    it doesnt crash often...but it does crash MORE often than other platforms.

    and you probably dont visit sites that have a slightly poor implementation of flash...i never have youtube crash on me...but ****...on more than one occasion has.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    the fighting continues lol