Adobe CEO Responds To Steve Jobs' Thoughts On Flash



  • Krew92
    Krew92 Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    When will this fight end! Jesus Christ somebody hack FLASH onto the damn iPhone already!!!!!!! Since we all know it will never work on the iPhone normally!
    By the way HTML 5 is not the future, just because big websites are using it. You guys do know the only reason the corporations are using HTML 5 is because they want money out of the iPad or iPhone/iPod touch, I am pretty sure they would use flash over HTML 5 if the Iphone OS supported it.....

  • Gladstone Lawyers
    via Wordpress

    This is totally drama...they fight for how long who can remembered? they look like two housewives...

  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
    via Wordpress

    Is a homo loving mac user :) I love windows yes and use it but windows > mac in homes. I'm just saying... Don't be trolling on me so bottom line mac is fake and gay.

  • gb57
    gb57 Posts: 5
    via Wordpress

    You know what I'm tired to listen all this bull... regarding how much better is osx than Windows. I worked for years as executive director on music studios dealing and recording famous artists using mac based pro tools system, and you have no idea how many problems and crashed we had with the supposedly wonderfull mac. So give me a break Apple is good but it's all but perfect and if until few years ago there was maybe some gap between the two system right now they are pretty similar with just a big difference Apple charge you at least double for the same product you can get in Windows. So if you like to throw away a lot of money go with Apple otherwise you betters stay with Windows.

  • gb57
    gb57 Posts: 5
    via Wordpress

    You know what I'm tired to listen all this bull... regarding how much better is osx than Windows. I worked for years as executive director on music studios dealing and recording famous artists using mac based pro tools system, and you have no idea how many problems and crashed we had with the supposedly wonderfull mac. So give me a break Apple makes good procts but they are all but perfect, and if until few years ago there was maybe some gap between the two system right now they are pretty similar with just a big difference Apple charge you at least double for the same product you can get in Windows. So if you like to throw away a lot of money go with Apple otherwise you betters stay with Windows.

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
    via Wordpress

    hahaha really enjoy sitting see they keep fighting..Nice performance

  • Shrivatsa is wrong
    via Wordpress

    My cheap $320.00 netbook can run flash just fine but my $3,200 macbook can't, so just where does the problem lie? I think Jobs is trying to stop flash apps from taking money from the app store and that is why he is stopping flash.

  • Shrivatsa is wrong
    via Wordpress

    Hahaha - everything runs better on mac os x and then you immedialy have to qualify it with your comment - except games. So why not except flash too? Pull your head out of Mr Job's rear and see that it well could be apple's issue - make flash look bad on os x as a pretext to try and justify their decision not to allow it on their phones (yes, I think Job's is that devious that he would deliberatly make flash run badly on os x)

  • So What
    So What Posts: 10
    via Wordpress

    So what? Jobs had 127k in plane trips alone last quarter. Blankfine from GS makes about 5500k per hour! What does that have to do with flash and apple? Nothing