Adobe Responds To Steve Jobs' "Thoughts On Flash" With Ad Campaign; Open Letter From Founders



  • Person with a brain
    via Wordpress

    Until you can string together some more grammatically sound words and sentences, I suggest you don't post any more comments.

    In fear of making your self look like a bigger Douche ( if that's even possible ).

  • Person with a brain
    via Wordpress

    Just so you know, I have shown my co-workers your posts... And we have been unable to bring our selves back from the brink of tears for the last 5+ minutes from laughing at you so very hard.

    Thanks you for making their day, and mine!


  • John
    John Posts: 790
    via Wordpress

    This guy's apparently not educated.

  • luigy
    luigy Posts: 15
    via Wordpress

    this guy bullshit mofu

  • jimijam
    jimijam Posts: 0
    via Wordpress

    hulu isnt doing it html5 lol. apple is trying to control the net. Thats wrong. plus flash is able to work fine with smartphones. sure they might be buggy, but apple isnt giving it a chance at all to become better. after the news of no flash, i decided to go with android. Android is the windows of mobile devices. and apple is always going to be the shadow. I love apple, had an iphon for 3 years and love it. but enough is enough. apple if u dont change the way u think about open platforms, trust me u will always be second best.

  • jimmijam
    jimmijam Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    it was apple that decided to end it not adobe. They incorporated it in their new cs5 program. anyways read a little more and then talk

  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
    via Wordpress

    It's people like you that make this web site oh so great!

    If you don't like the iPhone and Apple's policies that shut up and get a different phone. I am sick of everyone complaining...

    "Oh, the iPhone doesn't have Flash!"
    "Oh, the iPhone can't multi-task"
    "Oh, I can't customize my home screen and icons"

    You knew that before you bought the iPhone.. it's not like its been a big secret. So please do us all a favor and go buy an Android phone so you can leave this community.


  • Mario >
    Mario > Posts: 0
    via Wordpress


    Are you in second grade? It hurts my mind to attempt to read your poorly constructed "sentences".

  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
    via Wordpress


    Wait what..? That made no sense..

    Can we ban you please.