AT&T Agrees To Unlock All Phones Except iPhone Even If Users are Out Of Contract

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imageAT&T Agrees To Unlock All Phones Except iPhone Even If Users are Out Of Contract

It seems to have taken a class action lawsuit to force AT&T to provide users with a free unlock code for their mobile devices after only 90 days of service. Unfortunately, it doesn’t apply to Apple’s iPhone and handsets for which AT&T has an exclusivity sales arrangement with a manufacturer...

Read the full story here



  • the truth...
    the truth... Posts: 0
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    AT&T is a bunch of greedy B!tches.... and they know it...

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    You were first and didn't call it.. How are we all gonna know? Haha jk yeah that sucks

  • xsvl
    xsvl Posts: 42
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    We as American's have no laws protecting us from this type of a**raping. Its quite unfortunate corporations have such control over our every move.

  • Theahbal
    Theahbal Posts: 14
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    I really do smell a class action law suit brewing, oh wait AT&T modified it's terms and coniditons last year that we can no longer participate in class action law suits we can only bring complaints via Arbitration!! smart s.o.b's but you know what this is getting ridiculous it's like Ma Bell is looking for subscriber security for at least another 2 years so they can re coup the money they invested into the infrastructure! now if Ma Bell plaid there cards right, and didn't do everything in their power to disgust customers and drive them away maybe we would stay! think about it Verizon's network is not proven with that many subscribers do we really want to go through the trouble all over again from scratch? I personally think that AT&T service will get better! I am not about to start all over again on a new unproven network! the grass is never greener on the other side, you learn that in life through different experiences. nuff said! sheesh

  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    yeah people ,leave AT@T , it is bad and unreliable service !

  • samsung jack10835
    samsung jack10835 Posts: 26
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    verizon suck ass but like there phones

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    Wow just another reason to switch iPhone to tmobile. I have no contract and pay 60 a month for unmlitited text and web and 750 mintues. AT&T is using the iPhones following to screw it's own customers. In Europe that's is illegal.

  • Stve Jakx
    Stve Jakx Posts: 1
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    I want class action lawsuit on this! Fauck that! I paid the damn phone and after years agrêêment they must provide unlock the iPhone so we can use elsewhere.

    This is non-sense - - - - Where is the petition for class action lawsuit that I can sign up for?

  • just sayin'
    just sayin' Posts: 66
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    ur such a douche. u must've really wanted to be first.

    why do people have to say 1st or 2nd or whatever? i don't get that.
    at first, i just thought it was a little kid. 'yaay..i'm first'. but now, there's so many instances when i see that..its weird. just makes me it good luck or something?

  • just sayin'
    just sayin' Posts: 66
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    ur such a douche. u must've really wanted to be first.

    why do people have to say 1st or 2nd or whatever? i don't get that.
    at first, i just thought it was a little kid. 'yaay..i'm first'. but now, there's so many instances when i see that..its weird. just makes me it good luck or something?

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    iphone will forever be officially locked
    too bad!!!!!!!:(

    imagine someday users will be able to officially unlock iphone using itunes,we will not worry about baseband updates.

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    In some countries like Australia and Italy all iPhones are sold unlocked and in Europe O2 will unlock iPhones for their customers for free if your contract is up or for a fee. It's only in the USA (AT&T) that greed rules.

  • No KiA
    No KiA Posts: 3
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    Wow, the US of A is really NOT the land of the FREE and home of the Brave. Poor iphone users there...stuck to AT&T like modern time slaves, untill the iphones falls apart.

    Here in the netherlands T-mobile has to unlock our iphones after serving 12 months of the 2 years contract WITHOUT any fees. You call a special phone number and give them your iphone ID......wait 2 hours. Sync your iphone with iTunes and violá.....the unlock is done. We already had legal drugs, alcohol is allowed at the age of 16 years and now a FREE unlock of OUR iphones...we truly are blessed here!!

  • Miley
    Miley Posts: 5
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    Yeah, you can walk into an Apple Store and buy one outright...throw whatever SIM you want in it and you're all set. Not to mention every carrier has the iPhone so prices are very competitive. Come down to Australia and buy one (see the sights too!)

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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  • RobertG
    RobertG Posts: 2
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    iPhone cannot be unlocked, even if you are out of contract.

    this is a lie.
    in mots European countries the providers will unlock your iPhone after a certain period.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I did not get a discount on my iPhone by signing with AT&T. I paid for the iPhone outright and still had to sign the 2yr contract because Apple was very short sighted. But now I am out of contract. So why can't I unlock the iPhone? No reason given!!!

    I jailbroke my phone. Screw you AT&T. Your network sucks! Their slogan should be, "More bars in less places."

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    This is a classic example of why so many people hate AT&T. They will unlock all phones but the iPhone, but they're not worried about losing iPhone customers. Yeah right! Two faced double crossing liars.

    I'll remember all the dropped calls, lack of support, no tethering, lousy customer service and high monthly rates.

    You're the WORST phone company around. First chance I get I'll drop you! And you don't even care.

  • Anshul
    Anshul Posts: 88
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    hello i am still waiting for 3.1.3 unlock ................when will it come ????????

  • No AT&T
    No AT&T Posts: 1
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  • butch
    butch Posts: 0
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    o2 uk unlock the iphone on their network at any point of your contract. for free. i got mine done last week.

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    In americia the iphone isnt compatible with tmobiles 3g it is pretty much pointless in unlocking the phone.

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    the us is based on capitalism....unfortunately this is the kinda of stuff you have to live with on when yuo live in a nation built on capitalism.

  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    could always class action apple to provide the unlock codes as they are the ones that need to put your IEMI number into their database for it to be truly unlocked screw ATT

  • nanu
    nanu Posts: 7
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    I am still waiting for 3.1.3 unlock is it ever coming out seriously???

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    So does that mean Iphone users will be able to legally unlock our Iphones in 10 months?

  • FU*** AT&T
    FU*** AT&T Posts: 1
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  • cnn
    cnn Posts: 0
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    apple should unlock the iphone, on the iphone box they list all the gsm bads it work with, so I dont see why it dose not work.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Not really pointless. It still works on EDGE on t-mobile. I know, not the best solution but better than no connectivity.
    AT&T is really the worst provider I had in my life. I only went to them because of the iPhone, paid almost double monthly than what I would have had to pay with t-mobile, have worse coverage at my work than t-mo and now they don't even allow me to unlock my iPhone after the contract ended.
    They force me into jailbreaking my phone and waste my time this way.
    Not my kind of carrier. Try to jailbreak if you have to (at your own risk).

  • Bbh
    Bbh Posts: 1
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    It takes two to tango....

    The rapacious bastards at both Apple and AT&T agreed to 5 year deal that keeps you officially locked to AT&T until sometime in 2012. Unless there is a lawsuit that forces the issue, don't rely on the "goodness" of either party to change that.

    I have been an Apple fanboy for decades (I am 68....), but their current " personality" makes me sick.