AT&T Agrees To Unlock All Phones Except iPhone Even If Users are Out Of Contract



  • Rita
    Rita Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    On a service note, I had AT&T for over 10 years and never had any discrepancy with them. I've lived at the same address over 15 months, and about 3 months ago, I started having dropped calls with EVERY SINGLE call I'd made. I called AT&T and they basically said "Oh well, that's technology." Then they insulted me by trying to say it was my phone yet I used another line on their service and had the same dropped calls. Funny though, since I changed cell service to another provider, I have had no dropped calls. Keep up the good work there AT&T with regard to calling long time customers liars. We'll see where that will have you in five years.

  • Rick Gray
    Rick Gray Posts: 0
    via Wordpress
    This news is not good. Why should they don't unlock the iphone phones? I am still looking for someone who knows how to unlock all phones including iphones. At&T is not good, they will lost loyal costumers on what they are trying to do. Good luck then.
  • Bubbles
    Bubbles Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    In Europe after 2 year contract your phone bill is reduced because your inflated bill during contract pays off the full price of the iPhone. The same applies in the US, except that after 2 years ATT don't reduce your bill, instead they pocket the extra cash every month until you get another contract with the next iPhone and the subsidy starts to go to Apple again. This is the ATT incentive, "if you don't upgrade, you'll be paying for the new iPhone regardless" :)ATT are acting dishonorably by keeping phones locked after 2 years and not reducing phone bills after the two year contract has paid off the full price of the handset.