iPhone Repair Company Claims iPhone 4 Screen Not Immune To Cracks

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPhone Repair Company Claims iPhone 4 Screen Not Immune To Cracks

By now, you may have read several reviews of Apple's latest iPhone model. One of the biggest talking points about iPhone 4 is the material used for the glass panel. Apple has noted that the screen is made of aluminosilicate glass, which is the same type of material used in...

Read the full story here



  • squirrelc2001
    squirrelc2001 Posts: 1
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    I drop my iPhone alot so I hope the new screen holds up ...

  • Ronnie
    Ronnie Posts: 15
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    Apple needs an insurance option

  • katatonia
    katatonia Posts: 7
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    I have dropped my 3gs and had it tumble (bounce), but I have a skullcandy cases for my phone - The only damage that has occurred to my phone is around the top inner rim of the headphone jack (a little piece of plastic chipped off)

    I do tech support for iPhone and some of the general questions I ask people is;
    1. how they break their phone, and
    2. if they use a case

    ...I have yet to get a call about someone who had a case and had their screen break

  • katatonia
    katatonia Posts: 7
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    true, we have the extended service agreement (APP) but all that gets you is 2 years of hardware LIMITED warranty+Phone support, Limited meaning NO accidental damage/water damage/lost or stolen phone

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    That's why apple is selling the bumper case for 30 dollars because they no the phones glass will shatter if it falls. Plus I believe that the windows in trains are thicker and stronger. It's all about cost and maybe a flawed design. We will see soon

  • MrShoehorn
    MrShoehorn Posts: 4
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    Am I the only one who knows about squaretrade? I've got their warranty on most of my products and whenever I use it inhale no problems.

  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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    The iPhone could have been bullet proof and yet I would still go get myself a casing, Ivyskin that is... I'm hopping that they will make a case as good as the one for 3G[s] Protection all over (front glass and back cover full protection).

  • luca
    luca Posts: 11
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    Otter box case.....

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    I was actually surprised with the durablitity of my 3g-3gs. They where my first smartphones and I droped them total 10 times and never broke the glass or chipped the plastic. Maybe a scuff but all ok. I also never used a case just a invisa-shield.

  • Tick
    Tick Posts: 28
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    Otter-box rocks!!!

  • WorldCup2010
    WorldCup2010 Posts: 1
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    i threw my 3gs out of the window while driving...and nothing happen.

  • Colton
    Colton Posts: 6
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    i dropped my 3gs many times with nothing on it and its never caused the screen to crack
    the only time ive broke the screen was when i had a bottle of cologne in my back pocket and set on my iphone (the cologne bottle was thicker and i weigh 150 lbs) but that is understandable
    i think the new phone will be fine

  • Topsy
    Topsy Posts: 41
    via Wordpress

    What a million lie. I threw my iphone 3G on my wife too, nothing happened.

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Mine fell from skydiving and nothing happen

  • Brando
    Brando Posts: 3
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    I accidentally stomped on my iPhone and nothing happened.

  • naveed
    naveed Posts: 68
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    Thro on wife. Nothing will happen to wife & iphone.... U will get broken.....,.

  • Monkeywrench
    Monkeywrench Posts: 59
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    Left mine on the BBQ and it's hardly scuffed.

  • Kurt
    Kurt Posts: 25
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    My wife keeps hers in her bra. we were at disneyland and she bent over, the phone fell out, and cracked the screen. I took the phone into the apple store to a 'genius' and asked for their one time courtesy repair. The guy did it for free, replaced the broken screen.

  • unknown
    unknown Posts: 13
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    U ****£rs r jus chatting a load of ****, stick to the topic before i screw all ur wives

  • Zetec
    Zetec Posts: 1
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    I find it hilarious how 'Unknown' is annoyed for people deviating from the topic yet he himself has deviated from the topic haha. Idiot.

    I wouldn't dare throw mine at my wife, she'd throw me at the nearest moving car!

  • TimW™©
    TimW™© Posts: 8
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    Am I the only 'Non-Clumsy' fuc*er here then?
    I'd rather chuck my wife than my phone :-)

    Seriously though (on-topic especially for unknown) I carry my Gs everywhere, including battlefield, and I've never ever dropped it. Rather drop my weapon than my phone!!

    I rekon that 'repair company' are just Bandwagon Jumping, end of!! If they go chucking they're spares around for fun, what the **** they going to do with a phone??
    Them: "Sorry sir, your home button problem repair caused a few dents and cracks, oh, and you need a new screen too"
    Me: "in that case, allow me to pay you with my entire 23rd Regiment out of Chelsea"

    Stupid Fucking Repair Shop!!!

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Seriously though, they didn't say it was unbreakable lol! ifixyouri dropped it twice and the phone survived. Who would drop their phone 3 times in a row? I would think if someone dropped their phone once, they'd be extra careful.

  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
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    they should make it out of the same stuff that the black box in planes is made out of so it can survive anything, or maybe out of leftover space shuttle tiles, they can withstand being dropped from orbit...

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    I was hoping this article wouldn't get publicity. :(
    If you really look into it, it's a fake stunt to get website hits.

    Some guy even noted the specific areas on the screen where you can tell they used something to crack it, not a drop.

    News is so hard to trust anymore. :/

  • Junior M
    Junior M Posts: 2
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    Been following this fourm for some time now, read comment concerning every iphone, read the dumb complaning to the idiot insults.. And never i have posted. BUT today i laughed so damn hard, havent had a laugh like this in a good while. THANK YOU ALL. The wife, drop, and my fav the BBQ and just a little scuffed. BEAUTIFUL! Thanks again to all you, oh and the last one "rather chuck the wife" brilliant finish..... =D

    OH IPHONE KICKS ASS! always has and ALWAYS WILL, droid and others are simply cell phones that came to be due to the greatness of the IPHONE!!!

    Junior m

  • Junior M
    Junior M Posts: 2
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    BTW..... STILL rocking the O.G 2G iphone, will be upgradeing to the iphone 4, and let me say this, Drunk 4th july, ice chest at end of day, get last beer floating in ice water, iphone goes swimming, pulled it out, shaked it few times, display on screen said "this sumthing sumthing is not compatable with iphone"!!! STILL WORKED FINE!.....

  • eurosnob
    eurosnob Posts: 10
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    agreed a classic thread this 1....

    must admit though was waiting for TimW™© to say
    "yeah just got back from Afghanistan used to put the iphone on the front of the rover to protect it from IED's then one day hit an IED rover was blown to pieces but iphone still worked no damage at all just a little dusty"

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    ive had three 3g. one the screen broke (had a cheap silcone case) when i was sitting on it. The other a leather case (dropped it) the housing split apart. The otter box is by far the best 40' fall off the scaffold, nothing wrong with the phone (speaker hole slight ding in case). Im learning the iphone was not made for contractors, just office monkeys.

  • fredphoesh
    fredphoesh Posts: 1
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    I wonder if this phone is going to be the real "android killer"? perhaps good looks are not enough?

  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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    how about NOT dropping ur phone?