White iPhone 4 Not Available For Pre-Order; Will Be Available Later This Summer



  • Spitfire
    Spitfire Posts: 19
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    Try black n don't look back, so the white slappers say ;)

  • Skint3GS
    Skint3GS Posts: 9
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    Hey sorry all round, having a bad week.
    If you want more hi res wallpapers than you can shake a stick at for your new ip4, check out sciphone from the app store, it's brilliant.

  • Goku
    Goku Posts: 8
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    500 pounds over priced rather get ipad

  • owen
    owen Posts: 11
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  • owen
    owen Posts: 11
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    when will the white one be out in the damn UK???

  • owen
    owen Posts: 11
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  • owen
    owen Posts: 11
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    lol so right...im so mad cuz i was just waiting to for the release date here in UK of the iphone 4 white, only to find out its not out until later like July

  • owen
    owen Posts: 11
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    right so fugging right!! im so mad the white one aint coming out yet

  • Skint3GS
    Skint3GS Posts: 9
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  • ashlyn
    ashlyn Posts: 0
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    man i really want the white one but my 3g has officially died and i can not wait a whole more month if not longer!!! i'll prob just end up with the black one and maybe something like a white sticker will come out

  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    Hey guy dont get mad because the delay of the white iPhone, there is a good reason why apple delay the white iphone model its because the high demand. they dont want to many people invading their site making them crazy! They just want to give some space(time) for people to wait so they can handle with this problem! Thrust me guy!! Just wait a couple Of weeks! At least 2 weeks! :) otherwise get the black one!

  • Lorieanarl
    Lorieanarl Posts: 0
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    I agree...people have been waiting for this release for so long

  • Lorieanarl
    Lorieanarl Posts: 0
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    people like white as much as you like black..so what the heck r u bitching about?!.. As people have said earlier, if were paying big bucks for a phone, might as well get exactly what we want..It's all about personal preference:)

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    All of yall are stpid why are you fighting its just a phone and honestly how are you gonna call someone a twat because they want a whight one and apple is being stupid. they did this with the first 3g iphone to i stood in line for 3 hours and the stor only had one wight one. if apple is gonna release the new iphone the need to release all versons of it. AT THE SAME TIME. they know that people are gonna want the white one and that releasing it later is just gonna start drama withis is kinda stupid because its just a phone but then again its stupid of apple to do that because they know people want them and is stupid of them to keep the white one untill later i really dont care kuz my upgrade isent till sep so i dont really care the whte one better be out by then. my point is stop effin fighting over a freakin phone. everyone looks at it diffrent so shut up and learn how to respect other peoples views. and Apple stop being stupid and release the dam phone

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    oh and how is the ipad ****? it is EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME ad an ipod touch or iphone so how exactly is it **** you got on here because you want an iphone 4 right well all the ipad is is a bigger iphone 4 thats all it is have you ever used one? probibley not because most of the stupid ass peopl who say that ipad is **** have no idea what they are talking about. its kinda funny because the ipad is a mac plain and simple and guess what the phone us a mac plain and simple ohhh ohhh ohhh and guess what the ipod is a mac plane and simple lol

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I debated on launch day of pre-orders after finding you couldn't pre-order white whether to wait for white, which I prefer, or get black & have it on the 24th. Decided on waiting. The white is sexy and I'm an Apple/Mac fan and for the most part, all Apple products are traditionally white. Only in more recent years have other colors for certain products been available. Have a white 3g and have had it for a year and a half, and out of all the people I know with an iPhone(which is quite a few 10-15 at least) I'm about the only one with a white one so it's a little more unique as well. Apple's traditional/trademark color is white and that's what I'll get whether I have to wait or not. Already been waiting since Jan.(when I was upgrade eligible), whats another few weeks or month. Also, I don't use a case and several of the people I know with black 3gs's say mine looks cleaner than theirs that are newer than mine. Like it doesn't show dirt or scratches as bad. Don't know for sure, just been told this. That's my piece, so piece out!

  • Katie
    Katie Posts: 10
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    I personally am going to wait for the white iPhone to hit stores instead of pre-ordering a black one which was what I had planned to do. True, the difference between the white & black is solely the outside but if your personal preference is white why not just wait? I talked to both the AT&T store & Apple about the upcoming availibility of the white iPhone, the Apple store basically had no comment & told me they wouldn't know until the day the shipment arrives, but the AT&T store told me the white iPhone won't be available until late July/August. I haven't checked with Best Buy yet. But my advice is, if you want the white, wait. It's not that long of a wait only 1 month, besides if you haven't already pre-ordered a black one, have fun waiting in the lines.

  • Sonam
    Sonam Posts: 0
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    This just drives me insane. I waited a month before a pre-order. I'd dreamed about the white iphone 4 on my hands on the launch day. I'd planned that I would wake up as early as 4 in the morning and wait on the apple store line. During that time, my alternative to pick the white iphone was very high.I just can't wait that long for the white iphone 4 to release late summer. That's being not fair, in other words it's like being savage to customers. Apple if you're reading this message, what's the issue that delays the white iphone 4 to launch further on late summer. Please, I'm a big fan of apple products, especially Iphone. I've had iphone 3gs and iphone 1g when it first released. But now, the company has totally disappointed. If this sort of issues later occurs, I'm 100% sure, the sales will descend abruptly. Please the company has to make a change on the lauch day, i.e release the iphone 4. Coz the color just looks brilliant on the device. Black looks bizzare. Let's go white. Not being races lol

  • Good morning Skint.

    It's funny you "recommend" Nig James to go back to school when clearly you are uneducated yourself. I despise you because you are a waist of Oxygen. I despise you because people like you take up space in the world. And I despise you quite easily because, if nothing else, you think you're better than others.

    I doubt you have any friends at all, and if you do, their either paid or make believe. Hook me up with your address and I'll mail you a "how to" guide to killing yourself. Do us all a favor, "son."