iPhone 4 Reception Issues: Detailed Analysis



  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    Yes, I have the sameproblem with Krish.
    I got the 16gb yesterday noon. after I got the phone all day long it keep pop up a message saying - No Sim Installed. ..displayed. From noon yesterday till noon today it came up over 50 times even i'm at home or at work.AT&T they replace for me new microsim at 4pm yesterday.And today I exchanged to the 32 at noon today. But it still saying " No Sim Installed even I got the Body Glove on it.
    I have no idea what is going on.

  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    actually.....it doesn't really matter what hand you are. i'm right handed. i hold the phone in my right hand most times - especially when driving. when you hold the phone in your right hand the thumb is near the top of the phone, with my middle and ring finger and sometimes pinky finger covering the other side - where the antenna issue is.....now if you're a lefty, your thumb is gonna be on the side where the antenna problem is noted, but it's gonna be at the top of the phone by the volume buttons - so it's a non-issue for people that hold the phone in their left hand......

  • Alejandro
    Alejandro Posts: 12
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    Lol well I don't have a iPhone4 but I'm planing to buy one ... When the white one comes out... But I can tell u... That you do have a problem with the sim car.... There alot employes in AT&T ... That they don't cut the sim correctly... Soo that's what is making your iPhone not Been Abel to read it.Just imagine ur sim card moving around ur iPhone cs is not well cut.... I can say this is AT&T fault n not apple... But about the signal problem. Let's c what happen... 3.0 had the same problem in the beginning n it was not only the signal... The battery also.Soo come on.. We r talking about a product made by apple... I can say this will be fix by update... Or just. A lil recall... N trust me if u r going to lie n go to genius bar .. N telling them that ur iPhone lost signal cs u hold ur iPhone hard as ****!!! U r going to be
    Kick out of the store for been a dum ass!!!

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    Lol what? U sound like the biggest **** in here. I have an Evo and and iPhone 16gb 3g. I find the iPhone4 to be a great phone. But fake ass people like u come here acting like Steve jobs trying to tell others what to do. Nobody said they were returning there iPhone4, there just pissed about a few issues, that Jobs blames the owners of holding it wrong and not trying anything to fix the problem. That's why people are BITCHING. Hell 3 weeks after the Evo launched HTC and Sprint sent out 2 major updates to fix some problems and that's in 3 weeks. That's what Apple need to do. Say we know of the problem, stop blaming the consumers and just let everyone that they are at least Trying to find a quick fix.

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    I managed to fix it by resitting the sim card... here is proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI2uWC6KTN0

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Haha, that is awesome! Exactly what I wanted to see. I was beginning to think nobody was going to try that. Thanks! Not only did you try it but you proved it with a video. I tried reseating mine with no luck. Maybe the fix will be a replacement sim with the contacts more in the middle. This gives me hope and I believe that this fix worked for you. Now if it is still working like that tomorrow we'll know for absolute certain this fixes the issue. Thanks again.

  • Oracle
    Oracle Posts: 2
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    And that second one will have antenna issues. Then your wife files for divorce because you tell her to stop bitching, Lord jobs says there is no issue. You are left all alone but you say oh well, at least I have my iPhone 4. And then one day you can't stand the loneliness so on your iPhone you call your wife and tell her you want to work it out. There is a moment of silence and you believe she is thinking about it. After 3 mins without a word you finally notice your phone has lost it's signal and the call has been dropped. Contemplating what has happened you realize you were holding your phone the same way your wife did. The way any normal person would. Starting to doubt your iPhone you go insane and make the most logical decision. Because you can't live in world where Lord Jobs is wrong you decide to... Use you imagination and finish the ending

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    I reboot the phone couple of times. And it still fixed. I am afraid though that if I reseat the sim again it will go back to not work. I will try it anyways as soon as I get a hold to something o remove the sim again.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    I took mine out and put it back in. No luck. Took it out and cut a very thin piece of scotch tape and placed it over where the contacts touch the tray. Put it back in, no luck. Took it out and removed the tape. Put it back in, still no luck. Just isn't working for me. I'm glad it is working for some though. At least it's progress with this issue.

  • Oracle
    Oracle Posts: 2
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    Is this dickhead stupid or something? Don't you know how to use the reply option? Or is this option non-existent just like the iPhone 4 antenna issue?

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Yeah, if you can put a nickel or quarter over that spot and still have 5 bars you're good to go. I wouldn't mess with it ever again haha. Leave well enough alone. The reason I asked to use a coin is it takes away a variable. That being one person's hand not being as conductive as anothers. Just seeing a nickel sit up there with no affect gives me hope that it isn't a design flaw.

    I really doubt that Apple would have missed that in testing. I bet it took Steve Jobs by surprise. He was probably so pissed that he couldn't think of anything else to say other than put it in a case or don't hold it like that haha. It's that feeling when you think something is perfect and you're really excited about it and then it doesn't work for everyone else like it worked for you haha. I'm sure he was like WTF??!!

  • neo
    neo Posts: 21
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  • Mojo
    Mojo Posts: 5
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    A big reason this was probably not discovered in testing is because Apple had the phones in fake 3GS cases when they were out in the field (as we found out from the whole lost Iphone saga). In a case, this doesn't happen.

    It really isn't fair for Jobbs to say "all phones experience signal issues when held," because, as pointed out, most phones don't have two antennas right next to each other that are bridged by you holding it. Also, the "sweet spot" that kills reception on this phone just happens to be in the worst possible place - a spot where most people holding the phone normally will trigger the problem; if the gap between antennas was on the very top or bottom, this wouldn't be so widespread.

    And saying "hey, if you don't like this problem then shut up and buy something else!" isn't really a reasonable response; the iPhone 4 is a great phone with many features that put it ahead of the competition - finding out it has a fatal flaw is very frustrating to people and they have a right to be pissed at Apple for making such a dumb mistake. And Apple's arrogant attitude towards the issue, clearly designed to avoid having to recall the phones or admit culpability, only aggravates the situation.

    We'll see how much Apple doesn't think it's an issue when the next summer's version of the phone - or even the next production run - has a modification that fixes this.

    That will be the ultimate admission of guilt.

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 1
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    Am I just lucky? I haven't been able to recreate the drop in signal strength no matter how I hold my iPhone 4.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    If you sit it on its side and place a quarter over the black line does it retain its signal strength? If so, I'd say you're probably in good shape. If you're not sure what I mean watch the youtube video that Sahid posted.

  • I SAY
    I SAY Posts: 37
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    replicate this or even use a paper clip and hold it with your tumbs and see if it goes down. if it doesn't then you are as lucky as me :) to have a working iphone with no reception issues... Darn.. the damn proximity sensor its quite buggy...on mine not as much as other people make it look but I do get to put people on hold or mute my self every now and then.

  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    So this is the deal. The main problem is that the antenna is being affected by the antenna next to it because skin bridging the gap is conductive enough to allow current to pass from one surface to the other. Due to FCC regulations, the antenna must be in the bottom of the phone to comply with radiation standards. A possible solution would be to put the 3G antenna opposite from the other one--skin is too resistive to short the antennas across the width of the phone--however, this would not be in compliance with FCC standards. But if Apple changed the locations of the seams, it could alleviate the problem. The length of the stainless steel segment is not the precise antenna length, just an extension of a folded antenna chip inside the phone, and Apple could adjust each so that the user's hand is not in contact with the seams. Well, that is, for the iPhone 4.5 or whatever. I doubt, however that this will ever really happen. Realistically, they would probably coat the stainless steel with some sort of clear coat, possibly ceramic. Who knows...

  • Algonn
    Algonn Posts: 4
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    You should not be driving and using your phone, thats against law!

  • Applicazioni iPhone
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    I have the same problem
    after I used the phone all day long it keep pop up a message saying - No Sim Installed

  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
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    You are all right!

    1. Apple should not ship products who are not finished.

    Though: People wanted to the new iPhone, now they have it. They should be happy with it and if they have issues they should fix them themselves, after all you really CRAVED for a new iDevice.

    2. Apple should fix the problem!

    Because people who expected a proper working phone, should get a proper working phone!

    3. Quit bitching!

    Apple put itself under a deadline, what did you seriously expect? No issues at all?
    Get real! Its about $$$, not about you!
    Apples narrowed fanboys are responsible in one way or the other for that!

    4. Learn something from these issues!

    You cant expect something to be perfect from the start! Things get patched and get better. And, by the way, cheaper!

    Wait how a new device works for other people (big thanks to the fanboys here!) and then buy one if you still want to!

    I have a new 3GS since April. First iPhone for me and I have now complaints except the battery issue, which I avoid with a solar chargeable USB battery pack. Works like a charm!

    Apple wont recall the phone! NEVER! Its not against any law what they did. They will probably give away badges or whatever to fix the issue and maybe at some point they will change the build of the phone, whatever is cheaper for them!

    Last but not least, quit bitching! You have a brand new iphone 4!

    Show it off and be proud!

    If you still insist on bitching, at least be a proud ****!

    Thank you!

  • Tristan Thomas
    Tristan Thomas Posts: 7
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    Simply amazing. You know I think that Apple is facing all of these issues because they rushed to make the iPhone 4. Android more than likely caused this. However, Steve needs to give an official statement and soon. Until then we can only speculate.

    Any how theres this article at http://getyourgadgetsgoing.com/ called "iPhone 4 Is In But The Problems Are Out: Complete Overview"

    Check it out for the complete listing of iPhone 4 issues and one that you may yet have heard of but still might be experiencing.

  • somename
    somename Posts: 11
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    Why would left handed people tend to hold the phone with the right hand? We're left handed, we tend to do most things with our /left/ hand. Shocking, huh?

  • Armanius
    Armanius Posts: 42
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    ahh just get a bluetooth guys lol

  • Anshul
    Anshul Posts: 88
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    when Dev team is planning to release jb f0r 3gs running ios 4 (new bootrom) ????

  • IXLR8
    IXLR8 Posts: 7
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    I would never own an Iphone without a protective case anyway. I mean, I cant imagine what would happen to my 3G the first time I dropped it on the sidewalk. How about the thrid time and the eighth time.

    Case closed, I could care less. Phone works as described and It will be protected either way with a case.

    Now the real question is getting the black now or waiting for the white in mid July....:)

  • dfdfC
    dfdfC Posts: 2
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    Thanks to all the gotta-have-it-first people out there who are playing guinea pigs for the patient people who know that you never buy a product no matter what it is when it first comes out because there's bound to problems with it. Of course the company is going to try and make gold out of wine and convince you that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread and you need it because they know there's going to be flocks of people that will believe what they tell them and run out and throw money at them. My JB 3GS running iOS4 suits me just fine. I don't stare at my screen's resolution all day in awe, video conf. is not wide spread through all the carriers so it's just a novelty right now, HD video & nicer pics is nice but not deal breaker, and actually bending over for another two years so ATT can shove their b.s policies up your rear ends and then give you the reach around for early contract cancellation when you go to that other carrier that finally gets the iPhone?????? SUCKERS SUCKERS SUCKERS SUCKERS SUCKERS!!!!

  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
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    I put tape on my sim card, voilà no more phone getting hot when I use the speed test app. No more bars dropping to 1 when I hold the phone on the lower lefthand corner. Makes me believe there is definitely a sim card or sim card tray design problem. Before the tape 3 to 4 speed app tests in a row 0 Mbps download 0 Mbps upload. After tape consistently 4-5 Mbps download 1-3 Mbps upload no matter how many tests I run in a row.

  • jacquesdupontd
    jacquesdupontd Posts: 20
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    Permit me to say that folks is totally ..... (put the word(s) you want reading the following lines),

    1. They are prooving themself that they are wrong when saying that all those types of phones has those kind of reception problems depending of how you hold it cause you'll always have a way that will touch the antenna and they say in the same conclusion that the case bought is resolving everything wich means that a phone can surely be an iphone 4 without this problem and from the BUYING INITIAL STEP ...... (put same word(s) ).

    2. It seems you guys are buying iPhone 4 and thinking that antennas are made only to be able to receive a call ? you may have forgotten that those EXPENSIVE phones are made to go on internet with some protocols like 3g that are hmmm a bit related to the reception power don't you think so ? :) Next time buy a Bic phone for 10 dollars and you'll be able to make calls in many places yeah !!!

    3. You're trying to make us think that if we would see 4 bars instead of 1 or 0 and having the reception result that you have when holding it the bad way, we would be stupid and thinking our phone is working good and that way if Apple make an update it will be to fool us with a false showed signal when holding the phone the bad way ? Question : Are you paid by Apple ?
    When people realised that the phone had a bug it was not by seeing the showed signal but just seeing that sometimes the phone was having reception problem, we then checked when it was happening and just confirmed we were not crazy with the showed signal bar when holding it the bad way wich is BY THE WAY the way that is the mostly used by everybody to hold the phone. Its not like if the phone would have bad reception when holding it with 1 finger jumping with the left leg and closing one eye , pfff

    In conclusion , try finding another work cause if you think there's something normal in buying stuff for a device to be working the way it should be and that everybody should be happy and shutting their mouse making them pass for childs wich is unrespectfull as they are totally right, go buy a laptop that just have missing keyboard and tell everybody that that's nothing you just have to buy a keyboard and it works percectly , you're just proving that the world is going crazy and that you are a part of why that's the case.

    My solution now : When trying the trick of the sim with scratch on it , it was not working that better , i then tried to put some everywhere on the sim except on the chip but being carefull everything really flat so it doesn't stay jailed inside the phone and then i saw a really good change without having to buy any cases that would change the design of the device i bought also for his natural design.

    Even if advertised people can or may fix/solve the problem, that is not correct from Apple, so either they change their website including the case on the iphone4 picture so people see what their phone will look like to be working, and so on they offer the case with the phone and offer people who already bought it to have 2 choices, change their phone for a WORKING ONE you applecar that we pay so hard, or receive the case for free to resolve the problem.


    Jacques Dupont(d)

  • jacquesdupontd
    jacquesdupontd Posts: 20
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    Hey stupid you, i got an iphone 4 you know why ? cause i was saying the same stupid thing with my 3g when the 3gs (there you could have been right really not changing anything compared to the 3g wich is totally not the case of the iphone 4) and so on i keeped my money and changing phone points for a real change on iphone devices. Don't you find yourself stupid now ? The internet is full of stupid people telling people what to do or what not to do and some are even saying it a way that proves their stupidness and that for sure we don't wanna listen to them cause they are only thinking about their little life and case about wich we totally don't care, do you understand , don't care !
    Thx and go run with your 3gs in the street explaining to the bartender that life is brilliant cause you didn't bought an iphone4 cause you don't need it, he will surely care as long as you buy enought alchool and makes him able to buy an iphone 4 or not.

    Jacques Dupont(d)

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    You know you can return the iPhone for a full refund within 30 days, right? If it's a such a piece of crap, just return it instead of bitching about it.