iPhone 4 Proximity Sensor Causing Issues During Calls?



  • Kewlj1313
    Kewlj1313 Posts: 8
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    Hello! I upgraded from 3GS to the iPhone 4 and yes the iPhone 4 has a tendency to face dial and dear dial :-/ I never had this problem on the 3GS!

  • s0ulo
    s0ulo Posts: 34
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    Me too dude. Thought I was alone. **** is annoying. Did u find a fix?

  • s0ulo
    s0ulo Posts: 34
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    You ain't gotta hard reboot. Just press lock and wait until u hear the lock sound. Then 10 sec later it should work. **** is wack

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    My screen just goes on and off all the time while im having a call... quite annoying!

    Really unimpressed with the new iphone os 4.0 on my iphone 4.

    apple need to sort it out.

    Im considering selling it for 850 to a mate and buying one in a couple of updates time for 599.

  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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    I'm having issue's with the proximity sensor muting me as well!

  • Spazcase1
    Spazcase1 Posts: 7
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    I'm not having any issues with mine either.. I remember seeing a post on here that someones iPhone 4 was freezing intermittently. Then remembered that when he set it up in iTunes, he restored from a backup of his 3GS... It caused the problems. But then he restored it to factory setting and set it up as a "new iPhone" and fixed the problems.. I wonder if a lot of people on this forum restored from a 3GS backup instead of setting it up as a new one.. I would recommend trying that..

  • g rod
    g rod Posts: 41
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    i have this problem. its annoying as hell.

  • Nope
    Nope Posts: 4
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    Me too. Horribly annoying. This problem is the only one I would consider serious of all the issues reported so far. It really gets in the way and can be very embarrassing!!

  • Vinny
    Vinny Posts: 35
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    I put whoever on speaker allll day.

  • Rob@yournetbiz
    Rob@yournetbiz Posts: 2
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    Hey all,

    I posted yesterday that I upgraded to os4 and then jailbroke my phone. I never made any calls so didnt realise that I had the blank screen while incall problem.

    If you have a 3g then complete the following and it should fix the issue.

    1. Go into settings

    2. Go into General

    3. scroll down to reset and go into it

    4. Reset all settings


  • Intruder
    Intruder Posts: 1
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    My bluetooth works fine.... Pair yours up people. Phone works great that way. It will reduce the amount of complaints on this topic.

  • almujica
    almujica Posts: 2
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    I had the same issue an I was able to correct by not restoring and setting up as a new phinew phone in iTunes. Problem is gone now. I would try restoring to factory default in iTunes abd setting up as a new phone. There are some blogs about this being an issue when restoring from backup.

  • Mozbius
    Mozbius Posts: 21
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    same here... have you jailbroken yous phone by any chance? I have that feeling that one of cydia apps is causing some issues with proximity sensor. I'm on 3G 16Gig 3.1.2 Baseband 4.26.08 Jailbroken

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    iPhone 4s don't have Cydia on them yet...

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    Got the same issue, I am on the phone a lot and I get the whole range of problems, muting,disconnecting, pressing numbers, the best is when it keeps trying to start a face time call lol I love my Iphone 4 and I hope this issue does get fixed soon.

  • Desireable
    Desireable Posts: 1
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    iPhone 4 it just doesnt work.

  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    I also have this problem when makin s call (if i ever get signal that is) when in a call my iPhone 4 dials numbers and hold calls.

    Apple better get a fix for this soon ..

  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    When I am on the phone on my iPhone 4, and I put the phone up to my ear, the speaker button somehow gets pressed. AND don't even get me started about the antena when you hold the phone from the bottom problem. I want a replacement from apple. This is a DISCRACE.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    I have a question for everybody that reads this forum regardless of whether you have the problem or not. Please help us and answer this even IF YOU DO NOT have the proximity problem!!! Does ANYBODY have an "iPhone 4" that has a proximity sensor that activates further away than 3/4 to 1 3/4 of an inch away from the phone? The 3GS and previous models seemed to have an activate range of about 2 inches away. Please let us know.

    The reason that I am asking is that if NOBODY has a phone that has a better range than the average of 1 inch then it won't matter how many times I go to exchange my phone because it won't be fixed until they update the software or firmware or in worst case do a recall.

    I would like to try and find out if this problem is only on some iPhone 4s or if it is all of them and only some of us that use the phone on our ear are having the problem and others are not because of bluetooth headsets etc. and the problem would not affect those users.

  • My perfect 3gs
    My perfect 3gs Posts: 1
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    Apple recall the lot and start again, you know it makes sense.

  • omakad
    omakad Posts: 2
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    Yup same here on the iPhone4. Noticed it first day after I dialed with my face during the conversation and then someone told me to stop. I thought they were doing it as those kind of things never happen on the iphohe. Also I thought I wnas having reception issues and droppig calls, but I was actually placing calls on mute.

  • scor_p_ion
    scor_p_ion Posts: 1
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    all and everything that everyone has reported so far has happened to me at least once with the iPhone4. I kept thinking I wasn't holding the phone correctly. I guess I should email Steve Jobs for suggestions.

  • Warbler
    Warbler Posts: 1
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    I had the iPhone 3G for 18months and never once did it mute my call accidentally. Upgraded it to iOS4 and it started doing it. My new IPhone 4 also does it. Looks like and OS issue to me...

  • Mudge
    Mudge Posts: 1
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    Had all of the iPhones and been happy with them, but my iphone 4 is going back.

    I could put up with having to hold it a certain way, but with 3/4 of my calls being put on hold I'm not happy.

    Not good enough Apple, not nearly for the money you asked for.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I am having the same problem! I am always hitting mute, even without taking the phone from my ear! Plus I made a call with my cheek too. It's super annoying.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Im having this problem & its SOOO annoying! In the space of a 40min call to a friend, it muted 6 times, hung up twice and the final time i managed to get rite in to my settings and it started playing my ringtone down my ear, whilst i was still on the call!

    Everytime i make a call something like this happens & having had both old iPhones this really isnt good enough!

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    Exactly what is the point of your smug posting?

  • jkn
    jkn Posts: 1
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    Should all just get an android instead

  • markdemaio
    markdemaio Posts: 1
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    I had this problem and it's easily fixed. Go to general, then settings and then hit reset, then hit reset all settings, you wont lose your data or info, it just resets the phone, it only takes a minute. You'll have to reset your wi-fi password and ringtones and wallpaper but it solves the problem right away. I did it last night and been working great, and not related but i haven't dropped one call, i think the phone is amazing, that mute button was my only issue and this fixes it so...there ya go!!!f

  • Lalas06
    Lalas06 Posts: 1
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    Are you serious? Not everybody has a bluetooth headset. Nor should it be a requirement to talk on a cell phone. Apple needs to make this right and quit making it out to be that the customer should fix it by holding it differently, or whatever. Rediculous.