iPhone 4 Proximity Sensor Causing Issues During Calls?



  • MarkOD
    MarkOD Posts: 1
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    I think everybody should have a look at this post that was deleted from the Apple support forums by Apple. It seems that they have no interest in fixing this issue or even making a statement on it unless they are forced to by a lawsuit or something to that effect. I am VERY disappointed in Apple. I have been a fan for over 15 years. It seems as if they have forgotten who they are and just becoming a big bully now. (see below)

    iphone4_925 posted "Re: Issue with Proximity Sensor during calls" in "Issue with Proximity Sensor during calls" on Jul 5, 2010 6:16:29 PM.
    > ramellam wrote:
    > I took my phone to the Apple store for repair/exchange this evening. The Genius first said that he had not heard of the issue (yeah, right! total lie). I told him there are nearly 70 pages on the Apple Support forum for this exact issue. He immediately dismissed my comment and said, "We typically don't lend too much credence to support forum posts..." Ok....
    > Anyhow, the Genius made a call on my phone and, of course, he did not encounter any of the proximity issues I'm having. He gave the phone back to me and said, "There doesn't appear to be any issues with your phone. You'll just have to get used to the new Proximity Sensor location on the iPhone 4..." I was like, "Ummm... Huh?" He refused to exchange the phone.
    > Luckily, I bought my phone from Best Buy on launch day. I immediately went back to Best Buy and the Mobile Phone sales guy said they've already had 9 of their 30 launch day iPhones returned due to antenna and proximity sensor issues. He put me on a list to exchange the phone. Luckily, I have 45 days to exchange the phone, since I'm a Best Buy silver rewards card holder...
    > Anyhow, I'm kinda bummed the Genius refused to help me :-(. He was rather arrogant, too, which really made me mad. Oh well... Back to Best Buy it goes...

    Wow just cause of this attitude of apple employees They are being SUED by lawyers well apple you should take this time and save yourself from another class action law suit for proximity sensors

    PS ~ Apple mods now don't be wasting your time deleting this post since I have a right to say stuff when you guys sell us your defective product and I think if apple doesn't address this issue then we all should return the Iphone 4 at lease those who are having this proximity issues.

    And also apple instead of deleting peoples post how about investigating why Iphone 4 proximity sensor is going haywire and maybe you will save yourself from another law suit and also people who are having problem with there iphone 4 with the proximity sensor do report it to KCR LEGAL LAW FIRM


  • laila
    laila Posts: 2
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    Thank GOD! I'm not the only one! My phone has been randomly calling people while I'm on the phone, after I hang up sometimes. The number of times that I've hung up on my friends is innumerable!

  • Jamie
    Jamie Posts: 23
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    same issue here!! I really hope apple can get their act together and fix this via software or else I'd rather get an iphone 3gs again. Iphone4 is sooo much faster but other than that it has proven to have too many bugs.

  • wayne
    wayne Posts: 13
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    Hi everyone. Although we shouldnt have to... Just lock your phone when you get on a call. Do this until apple comes up with a fix.

  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    Sometimes my proximity sensor doesn't properly work, causing me to cuss at children.

  • Torque
    Torque Posts: 2
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    I have reception, Proximity sensor and heating issues with my iphone 4.
    I called tech support for help and he offered me replacement phone to be picked up at store. But store GENIUS guy says he cannot give a replacement as his Iphone diagnotic report looks okay.

    He asked me to re-create all the issues right there which i couldn't.

    My issues:

    1. reception issue.
    2. Proximity sensor - When i am in a call, Iphone screen touches my face and puts caller on hold, mutes, goes to contacts, etc..

    genius guy says- Proximity sensor is sensitive to light and i have to keep the surroundings dark.
    It seems like i have to turn off the lights before i make a call ;). He kept proving proximity sensor works great by putting a finger over the sensor. ( i kept asking him hold it to ear)

    3. Heating- If you have apps (ex: Trapster) running in the background, it overheats and discharges the battery really quick.

    genius's response - You have to get a Overheating message on the iphone to prove this.
    My response - I cannot because before it reaches the overheat temperature, battery dies (goes to 0%).

    Finally, I am sick of this Crappy phone. I am returning it.

    Anybody else who had similar issues??

  • vic
    vic Posts: 14
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    I have exact same issues, did he finally replace the phone?

  • JWL
    JWL Posts: 1
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    very frustrating - I am realizing worse reception and auto hang-ups and - I have compared the 4 to my wifes 3 on a number of occasions and the 4 has fewer bars repeatedly - Good sugestion on locking during calls -

    MRO SCICLUNA Posts: 1
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    its incredible thing. i never heard technology can be this bad. i think the one who designed this was a fool anf not apple certified. its totally ashame. a fuckin basic mobile of 50usd will not give you what this iphone 4 is giving. when you buy a mobile you need the basics 1, then othere things are welcome becasue you will be in technology field. but this iphone 4 will not let you do the basic thing which is calling anybody. when you call the sensor go mute and no one listen.
    a phone not to be risked the money. congratulations apple you did the worst thing - put people saying bad name about you. apple is finished for me.

  • estureto.alonzo@gmail.com
    via Wordpress

    I have had the same issue with the sensors. I was actually on a call with apple care and they were running me through restoring my phone and (ip4) the guy on the phone was like stop pressing buttons I was like I am not pushing anything. He out right admitted they are having those type of problems and even offered to send me a new phone. But thought I should try restoring and updating to the 4.0.1 update. Which I am still experiencing the same problems. I am thinking of ditching my phone...I love the device as a entertainment device but as a phone I rather use a real phone that will make calls and not lose the signal or email someone or place me on hold on my own call. I actually tried taking my phone back and the manager of the store were very against me returning my phone....is this a statistics thing or what. I am not taking any other suggestions next time. I am returning my two ihpone 4's later today

  • Shelby
    Shelby Posts: 4
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    When I try to lock the phone while on a call, it ends the call...frustrating!

  • voipmpls
    voipmpls Posts: 1
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    This is an incredibly annoying issue. Is it something that is likely to be fixed by a software update, or is it just a problem with the sensor in this phone that I'll have to live with forever now?

  • john.hanner@gmail.com
    via Wordpress

    Ok...Ive had iPhones 2G, 3G, 3Gs, and now 4.
    I rarely had dropout, and never had proximity related issues. So, I think I know how it should work. Or know if it is not working in a customary way.
    It drops out during at least half the calls. screen stays on during calls abaout 25% of the time. when on it has created txt messages, dialed other numbers. and gone to mute enough that freinds are telling me to check my mute.
    I love my Iphone including this one. But this one has issues. My screen has several deep scratches now. I NEVER had them with any of the other half dozen iPhones. and the proximity sensor is driving me crazy.
    Help us Apple.

  • John Mitchell
    John Mitchell Posts: 1
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    Does anyone know if there has been a fix for this because I am still having a problem with pausing during a call. I have the latest software 4.2.1.
  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 16
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    ive been having the light sensor problem during my calls as well, and when i cover the sensor with my finger, it still does not dim the screen; in fact, NOTHING changes on the screen. sadly, i havent found anything to fix this problem. im almost positive that the apple store WILL replace a phone with this problem, since they had no problems replacing my iPhone 3G multiple times for simple malfunctions like this (ex. vibration switch getting stuck, apps ending without user validation, and the screen staying black after a call)as far as losing the 3G signal when you turn or hold the iphone 4 in a strange direction, the only thing i have found to 'fix" this problem is to say f*** AT&T and switch to verison. Verison fixed the placement of the antenna when they released the iphone 4 under their service plan. (this is also why many verison iphone owners are having problems finding a case that fits; in moving the antenna, they also had to adjust the vibration switch by moving it farther down on the body of the phone)all ive ever owned are apple products (ive had my aluminum bodied macbook for around 3 years and i have literally NEVER NEVER NEVER had any problems) (ive also owned an iphone since the 3G and the only major problem i had was a cracked screen)hope any of this info helps anyone :/
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    Apple ir sum one plz tell me how to fix my proximity sensor keeps on going mute everytime!!!!!!! Plzz help before this my iphone vibration went off for ever i jus hot that fixed n now this... Its an expensive phone plz cud u guys keep up to the standarts (apple!)!!