Apple: iPhone 4 Reception Problem Due To Incorrect Display Of Signal Strength; iPhone Software Updat

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imageApple: iPhone 4 Reception Problem Due To Incorrect Display Of Signal Strength; iPhone Software Update Coming Soon To Fix It

After hearing from the experts about iPhone 4’s widely publicized reception issues, we had hoped that Apple will be able to magically fix it with a software update. Apple has just released a public statement to confirm that they’re incorrectly displaying the signal strength, which will be fixed with a...

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  • Asa
    Asa Posts: 54
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    I bet this did this on purpose, so they can find the way the iPhone Dev team hacked it and close it up.

  • naveed
    naveed Posts: 68
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    Hahahahha.. iPhone Dev team is smart enough.. they didnt release JB or anything (for some models) to get caught..

  • monzer
    monzer Posts: 5
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    This morning I stopped by an AT & T store to see the iPhone 4 and look into the problem myself... The phones in display all had 5 bars of signal... when I held the phones from the bottom left corner, all of them completely lost signal ...
    I currently have a 3gs, it had 4 bars as well at the same spot... when I held it from the same spot, it did not loose signal...
    Which basically means that that spot had a strong signal. Based on that, Apple is not making sense to me.. how do they explain the loss of signal on the iPhone 4 and not the 3gs, both running iOS 4?

    My other question is, if it's a software issue, why will it take "few weeks" to fix?
    I believe Apple is trying to convince people to hold onto their phones beyond the 30 days return policy...then they're stuck with it and nothing could be done..

  • Paulus the great
    Paulus the great Posts: 1
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    Lol, really.. you think they would have jepodised there launch for stop JBs?

  • monzer
    monzer Posts: 5
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    Typo, 3gs had 5 bars

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    very interesting if its true, hopefully AT&T network isnt that crappy lol dont have the new iPhone yet, but my friends who do have one havent complained of any problem

  • Asa
    Asa Posts: 54
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    No I don't, it was ment to be a joke. Sorry if you missed that

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Incorrectly displaying the signal strength my ass! This has nothing to do with how many bars I am seeing. Bottom line, we know for a fact that connected the two antennas together at the black line causes the issue. If this update is only a cosmetic fix I will be pissed. My phone showing 3 bars instead of 5 will not help when making a connection at the black line causes me to lose my signal completely.

  • nobody
    nobody Posts: 7
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    unfortunately, they would lie through the new signal bar formulation..

  • Surprised
    Surprised Posts: 5
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    That's exactly what I was thinking. Why a few weeks to fix a "faulty formula." This is now beyond ridiculous. They are basically implying that AT&T are worse than people originally thought. I would love to hear AT&Ts comments on Apples findings. I still find it suspicious that after three generations they finally decide to release their own "case" that only covers the antenna. I really find it hard to believe it's just a coincidence.

  • Asa
    Asa Posts: 54
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    Yeah, I feel that too.

    All though, I have a case on mine, and it's been pretty good since then.

  • brittosa
    brittosa Posts: 13
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    "Our formula, in many instances, mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should..."

    Its hard to imagine this got through their hard-core QA un-noticed. Looks like this was done on purpose but later back-fired.

  • Zulfly
    Zulfly Posts: 6
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    I get better service with my iPhone 4 than I did with my 3g & my coworkers 3gs. I agree with the better signal... as long as I don't touch the bottom of my phone. Fixing how the phone reports signal strength will not fix the problem. Interesting that they admitted they "fluff" the signal reception though, even though it was done "erroneously". The signal issue isn't enough for me to return it to apple, just enough for me to buy a case, I would have done that anyway. I fully believe that apple is waiting a few weeks for the software update so people will be stuck with the phone after realizing they will still lose complete signal if they connect the antennas. The funny thing is, Apple has done a lot of transparent dirty maneuvers to keep consumers buying their product, and keeping it. And I can't blame them, the company is still far easier to deal with than any other, by FAR.

  • Lol e
    Lol e Posts: 10
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    has anyone tried to short the two antennas with a piece of wire rather then the 'death grip' to test if the 'death grip' is simply blocking the RF rather then shorting?

    If putting the bumper case on stops the issue then it must be that they are shorting, surely?

    I can't test as I only have a 3GS..

    I think Apple are talking a bit of bull there, I mean they may have found an issue but it doesnt explain everything. Why would a case help so many people if its the underlying algorithm that wrong??? hmmmmmm.

    sorry Apple, i still love ya :p

  • Lol e
    Lol e Posts: 10
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  • KillerCheeze
    KillerCheeze Posts: 18
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    But doesn't the iPhone 4 drop when covering the lower left? I find my 3GS drops when covering the lower right. It doesn't cause any problems though.

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Wow, what a LAME excuse & a complete denial of iphone 4's major and glaring flaw.

    Trying to shift focus from the iphone 4 to make people think it's a software/carrier issue is pretty sad.

    That's a lot of BS Apple, you're not fooling anyone. Especially when the # of videos of side by side comparisons of iphone 4 with previous gens proves it's an iphone 4 problem.

  • apple fan
    apple fan Posts: 4
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    That's full of sh***. I dont believe those Genius Apple Engineers (as people call) have made wrong calculation about signal strength indication. What they did was they were to0 smart to integrate the antenna into the metal housing which causes the issues:)I think Apple found the issues, they just dont want to admit it. I was talking on the phone with my cousin who has just received his iphone 4 yesterday. i have 3 dropped calls during a 10m chat. WTF.

  • jimmi
    jimmi Posts: 18
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    Apple is playing game about incorrect signal bar move!

  • No Problems
    No Problems Posts: 1
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    Truthfully I've yet to see a problem with my iPhone4. I've personally held the phone exactly where everyone has been holding it(Bottom left black strip) and the web pages load up perfectly fine. I've tried covering the ENTIRE antenna strip with my hand and having a buddy load up the same exact page and in some instances the webpage actually loaded FASTER then without holding the phone. Truthfully I believe that a good portion of the iPhone 4's that were released were produced poorly while others are fine. This would explain why only a certain amount of people are having this issue while others are not.

    The only issue so far that I've personally had is that it won't connect to itunes and wont connect to certain webpages just randomly even though it was just fine. This to me is more of a software issue as I've not had a problem sending a text or making a call immediately after seeing this error message.

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    What about that article a few days that tested the iphone 4's reception by hacking it and testing the amount of db the signal strength is. The iphone 4 did terrible and you cannot **** up a formula for decibels its just pure data.

    The only thing with the iphone 4 was that it performs better with a lower signal strength. Apple probably now realizes that they can get away with lower signals and is just going to make a cosmetic update to make it look like everything is better when in fact the data says otherwise.

  • Posts: 0
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    So if I'm on Vodaphone in the uk I'm going to get AT&T bar readings cos that's what my phone will be calibrated for then??

  • Da pimp wit da limp
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    Honestly I have had incredible service with the new phone. I mean I could not use my 3G in my house AT ALL! Now I get calls everywhere. Im just being honest have no reason to lie at all and believe me if my **** didn't work after all the hard earned money I shell out to them you would be hearing it from me big time!

  • Da pimp wit da limp
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    I don't buy there product for any other reason than I believe they are the best. No tricks no muss no fuss and I think consumers are much smarter than being tricked into buying something. All companies have issues with technology especially when its new. One word VISTA! I do agree My I phone 4 has been AWESOME reception wise and the camera is friggin unbelievable quality and the video is some of the clearest crispest I have ever seen.

  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
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    So does this mean that they are going to fix the display to always show 5 bars no matter what?? "Wow, this phone is great! I am underwater and I still get 5 bars!"

  • Kewlj1313
    Kewlj1313 Posts: 8
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    Still doesn't explain dropped calls and why when you connect to two metal bands with another piece of metal the signal drops like a rock........ all the way to no service... this isn't software!

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    I don't see a difference between my jailbroken 3GS and iPhone 4 with or without a bumper

    AT&T sucks equally as much on either phone, along with the Nexus one which I tested out as well. All 3 phones drop calls cause AT&T has a crap network. Hope the verizon rumors are true this time!

  • jaycee
    jaycee Posts: 2
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    out of no where my iphone 4 said NO SIM card, thats crazy! cuz i turned it off and on, and it went back to the network, but miunutes later it said NO SIM INSERTED or somthing like that

    wat could it be?

  • Weller
    Weller Posts: 0
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    bullshit is bullshit It just goes by many names..

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    I did this test the other day using speaker wire. It is definitely not the "deathgrip" causing this specific issue. What I mean is it isn't the squeezing or our hand being there. The wire connecting the 2 antennas caused the same problem for me. This response from Apple has me pretty pissed at them. They know it's an issue and they won't admit it. They superficially increased the bars a while back to make it look as though the iPhone has awesome reception. Now they are putting it back so they can point the finger at AT&T.