Breaking News: iPhone 4 Unlocked; Updated With Video Of World's First Soft-Unlocked iPhone 4



  • Vic Martinez
    Vic Martinez Posts: 5
    via Wordpress

    What's up. My wife got the my old IPhone 3GS and I or the iphone 4 I don't care about jailbreaking my phone but my wife have T-Mobile and would like to unlock it how ever the 3GS is running in 4.0 and new bootrom I don't have the SHSH from before I need some help is there a jailbreak or canbi downgrade it to 3.1.2 Pleease help

  • PK4@c$$
    PK4@c$$ Posts: 1
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    Hotz Who????...
    F#*$ Hotz.
    He,i glorydays are over and i could not say that any more happiier then i am. the dude is a dusch bag.
    Time to let the real Peoples H4c4r$ in the limelight.

    I apreaciate Hotz work but the way he carries himself is just so 80's hacker style "I am the only one who can!! lalalala" makes me want to punch him right in the juggular.

    He is all ego and no community F him, F him in all his holes even the eye sockets. just the way he left the scene its like dude are you serious, posted that pic of the iOS 4 Device hack and said "Yeahh, to bad I aint going to share this knowledge, I just want credit for being the first" that it thats all him every single one of us just make his virtual genitalia bigger by going to his site and checking up on him, He is not god, as much as he doesnt like to hear that im sure. I can respect that he doesnt want to be flooded by emails i would hate that my self, but then againg dont say "I am working on something, and it will be released soon" or create means for people to reach you like twits emails and websites where you essentially ask for that, cause you dig your own whole. And now the PS3 he is leaving that too and honestly i can say is good ridence good in deed. leave it to the ones who actually do it for the community or just cause they love it and want to share their knowledge. F HOTZ (i cant stop saying that :) sure we lost one of the great one ( or more like hi lost him self in all that ego) but there "IS" Legions of others eager to take his place, good ridence and F HOTZ. any way good job on this and thanks for sharing the news.

    via Wordpress

    OK so GeoHotz may be an ego maniac to some and I can see how, but let's be objective here.

    Not all geniuses are perfect and there are some who just don't stick well with others. Just because he doesn't consider himself as being part of the Dev Team doesn't make him an ego maniac--at least he's able to measure up to the Dev Team on occasions. There's nothing wrong with that.

    All we care about, as users, is whether we get a working unlocked phone and not what happens between him and the Dev Team--so how's that our business? What more do you want?

    So let's just say if GeoHotz had never released the first unlock back in '07, we wouldn't be talking **** about him today wouldn't we? Let alone knowing who the eff he is for that matter.

    I say just let him go, he's still young, maybe needs more women and if he ever does come back and contributes again, then power to us all.

    The point is he did more for us then we did for him. So quit the labeling...

  • Sas
    Sas Posts: 6
    via Wordpress

    Where do u get the rock app? As u can tell I am know to iPhone.
    I just updated to ios4 and then jailbreaked and unlcocked. Then I opened cydia and only installed mxtube, terminal and the cycorder but they all do not open. Could u please tell me what to do? Thank u very much.

  • Sas
    Sas Posts: 6
    via Wordpress

    Opps! I mean I am new to iPhone. Not know to I iphone

  • **AzN_NiNjA01**
    **AzN_NiNjA01** Posts: 8
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    add some sources to your cydia first. U can search in youtube or google for cydia sources. Search in cydia for Rock and go to and make a rock id and password. pretty much will tell you how to install and use them.

  • **AzN_NiNjA01**
    **AzN_NiNjA01** Posts: 8
    via Wordpress

    I'm currently working to see if I can jailbreak the iphone 4 myself =P I think I have most of it down but still getting confused on where to place the cydia folder to? Hmmm any ideas? Who knows, mabe I might release my own jailbreak lol. By all means, that doesn't mean I don't want to use the dev teams jailbreak. I just can't wait cuz I got mine today and I want to play with it so bad but I'm trying to jailbreak it first before I activate the phone. if it doesn't work, I'll just return it for now and wait for the jailbreak to hit. Just a thought.

  • Posts: 1
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    That was amazing..I just now check the video out, and admire u guys. I hope the Iphone4G can unlock as soon as possible, Amazing job, amazing ppl. I just wanna say Thx and god bless u forever.

  • Anthony Jaquette
    Anthony Jaquette Posts: 1
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    I don't understand why people are so enthralled by the iPhone.
    Yes, it's a good phone, and the original iPhone set the standards for iPhones today, but I think they should just quit while they're ahead/

  • L R S
    L R S Posts: 15
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    dont upgrade to 40syay on 313!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jeetu
    Jeetu Posts: 1
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    I want to get my phone (I Phone 4) unlock in India New Delhi, pLease let me know the concerned person who will unlock the same.9873451380