Report Claims iPhone 4 Caught Fire; Blames Defective USB Port



  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
    via Wordpress

    It was obviously a religious motivated act of terror. A yet unknown group implemented tiny bombs in every iphone!

    As we do not have any specefic informations on the groups motivations and goals, there is nothing to do but to wait and hope they wont start blowing up every iPhone they have controll over.

    Steve Jobbs replied to the group saying he will not tolerate anyone to do damage to his iImperium. He also advised the owners of an iPhone to use a bumper case to protect themselves from a possible explosion. He added that holding the iPhone in a certain way might block the signal to and from the iPhone and it could be used to prevent the terrorists to remotely set off the iBomb. He called this grip the "LifeGrip".