Apple To Give Free Case To All iPhone 4 Customers - Here Are All The Details
right what a tool.
a quote from geo_not 20 years from now..."I have worked long and hard and cured all the worlds problems...hunger, disease, and the world economy. What i have done will change the face of the world...but i will not share"
The bumper cases interfere when you swipe page to page of widgets. Very cumbersome
Giving away, and giving refunds to people who have bought cases to hide the crappy antenna design will not resolve any problem. Apple should have just issued a recall. . . Even though it doesn't sound probable.
but a recall for (allegedly) 0.55% of units sold is that the answer.. not sure, but hey as said if ya don't like the answers so far just return it and wait for something better, they couldn't really of been fairer than that.
Wow! You guys are ungrateful. Geohot does these jailbreaks for free on top of his regular job and this is how you treat him? If you want a jailbreak that bad why don't you come up with one yourself? I'm planning to be patient and when Geohot decides to release it I will be a happy customer once again.
Actually MS fully replaced broken units with working ones . They dint give you a new controller. AND extended warranty 3 years no questions asked . Not sept 30.
Wow so much hate and anger over a cellphone? Really though, get your bumper now before they run out and wait for your refund. My iPhone 4 is unique I guess cuz I don't have any issues with reception, I was on 3 hour call from midnight to 3am, no dropped calls and/ or problems of any kind. Why all the fuss about using a case, you gotta keep it clean and looking new anyway, right? I got a case for my 3G back then and it still looks brand new, cuz of the case! So good job Apple for finally realizing the customer is always right!! Free cases! Yeah!
Whether neo geo releases a JB or not, the fact remains, a JB will be released by someone... So don't toot your own horn homie, we really don't need you... Oh and thanks for blackrain for my 3G last year! Wink wink!
Yea OK said in reply to egohot...
Dude, What are you? four years old?
Hi guys. I don't know if it's me ONLY or do you guys think that Apple will bring out a new re-designed Iphone 4 after September 30? Because he did mention that the FREE bumper offer is only until 30th Sept and he will relook into it. Why give yourself such a target date? Does that means that we are gonna need bumpers only until the end of september and the iphone will be magically fixed with a software update or will it be a new iphone 4/4.5?
I might be wrong but this is what he said.
..cos you'll get a dose of hiv and not be able too.
Don't be daft. No new iPhones until June/July next year now. Ever noticed the trend for releases?
Yes I did mate, You are right in saying that a new phone comes out every june/july but this one had lots of bad issues already compare to all the other iphone that came out and why on earth would he state that he will give free bumper til 30 september only????
Doesnt that make you think that there's something going on???
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