Coverage of Apple's iPhone 4 Press Conference



  • julian35961
    julian35961 Posts: 12
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    i dont think they are going to recall it

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    This one does show up.

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    yeah i need to know that also anyone know anything?

  • Chad
    Chad Posts: 26
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    Id be willing to bet we see the iphone 4 jailbreak and unlock come out within the next 24 hrs now that the firmware update is live and doesnt fix much plus we now know where apple stands on the signal issue.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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  • clrj14
    clrj14 Posts: 17
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    why dont you just shut up and get off a iphone website! loser

  • clrj14
    clrj14 Posts: 17
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    not everybody i sgoing to send a damn email! calm down. everyone analyzes what he says!

  • clrj14
    clrj14 Posts: 17
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    they are going to fix it in next update

  • What?
    What? Posts: 6
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    So they took three weeks to come up with a software update just to fix a faulty formula and also to dig for 3-4 videos of the competition losing bars? Wow, I wonder how much R&D funds went into this? And let me guess at least another three weeks for the update to fix the proximity sensor. So they aren't changing anything hardware wise so what happens to people who buy the iPhone 4 after September. What to they do if they have antenna issues? I gotta say this is disappointing

  • Profit
    Profit Posts: 1
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    Screw this.. i'll get my free bumper and return my iphone 4. Then sell my bumper on ebay = PROFIT for me!! Time for apple to get fucked!

  • Fingers
    Fingers Posts: 71
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    Does this mean we'll maybe wait for jailbreak, due to the next update to fix the proximity sensor? That would suck! That'll be apples next step to stop jailbreak, release updates more often!

  • yt0k
    yt0k Posts: 0
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    So how does this work? I bought my iPhone 4 and case at bestbuy a week or so ago. Is BestBuy going to refund me for the case I bought? Do I have to go through the Apple Store for the refund? Am I even eligible for the refund for the case?

  • mcorona
    mcorona Posts: 27
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    I bet you they'll spend more marketing dollars than R&D about this whole thing.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    I hate that damn song. I was expecting something funny. That was just lame and annoying.

  • Jordan katz
    Jordan katz Posts: 20
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    The phone drops the same amount of calls every other AT&T phone drops, jailbroken or not cause AT&T sucks, with or without the bumper. Everyone should be kissing Steves ass.. Imagine not coming out with the iPhone.. We would all be on lame ass Blackberries, Moto Q's or Pam Pilots and Moto Razrs. You don't like the F-ing phone return and go Andriod.

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    I knew Steve was going to come out with all this nonsense about other phones loses signal too. Yes all cellphone might have issues but none as worse as this. Its only a fool that will believe some crap like "Yeah iphone has the best cellphone antenna in the world but loses a lot of bars or drop calls when held in a wrong way.

    Apple like steve said is an engineering company, so who knows what tweets they did on the other phones they compared the drops bars with. I have honestly lost a lot of respect for Apple and even lost more respect for Steve Jobs.

    Why the heck will i buy an iphone to cover it not because i want to but because i have to for better signal. To me iphone is not the best phone on the market, it's one of the nicest smart phones on the market and i prefer it over others. I have never used any of my iphones since iphone 2G with covers because one of my main reason buying the iphone is for its design

    Conclusion: F U Apple, F U Steve n F*** everyone else who doesn't see through Apple Boo

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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  • Unbelievable
    Unbelievable Posts: 5
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    If iPhone users and everyone else finds this acceptable then Mel Gibson needs to get on his Iphone 4 and call Steve Jobs so that he can represent him. Let's just hope they both have cases on their phones.

  • jer
    jer Posts: 5
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    In reading the last paragraph, I wonder what Tim **** has to say about it.

  • Jet
    Jet Posts: 9
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    Just do the network reset and settings reset that worked for me

  • Y_air
    Y_air Posts: 12
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    I got lucky, I went to replace my iphone yesterday due to a flash issue and they gave me a new iphone 4 but still with 4.0 OS on it

  • CSKprofone
    CSKprofone Posts: 0
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    Steve jobs is actually doing something nice. i wont complain, even though i dont have an iphone4. Its all good, as long as it works right? thats the main reason you people actually buy it right? so, be contempt, and maybe you'll realize that somethings can't be fixed.

  • Arran
    Arran Posts: 19
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    What Steve jobs has said about customer care and satisfaction is absolutely true. I dropped my phone 4 days after having it and called apple and since I was a loyal customer they sent me a new one free of charge and gave me a bumper case! How's that for pr! I am annoyed at the antenna problem but apple will make it right. For a minute there I was gonna boycot apple and then they took care of me. Thanks apple.

  • ?
    ? Posts: 26
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    Why is the update so huge? It's even bigger than 4.0 and that supposed to be a big leap from 3.13.

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    WTF is a HTC Eris?? Who the hell uses one of those? Why didn't he compare contempory rival's, such as a HTC Desire, or a Samsung Galaxy S??

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    wouldnt think its going to come anytime soon, not with another update due soon..

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    Look everybody says the same thing, iPhone changed cell phones. But you can't act like in due time there wasn't going to be a change if the iPhone never came out. Motorola and palm has been pushing speeds and software before the iPhone even launched. Just the iPhone made the mobile industry move faster into high end phones we have today. Also you act like Android phones are shitty! Well they aren't. They are as good or if not better then the iPhone. It depends on everyone's preferences on what they want in a cell phone and what fits there price range. Different carrier's and different service plans really make a person decide on what they want. Not everyone wants a iPhone or a Android.

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    Thats it.... A free bumper for their faulty design.. are they fixing the core of the problem???? Apple i thought u like to keep your products sleek and sexy.. well bumper is the last thing i would have expected for the coming customers.. they should fix in the design itself...

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    Apple came out with GUI for the original Mac and MS copied it with Windoze. MP3 players were out there but Apple made them easier to use and better with the iPod. Smartphones were out there too more than 3 yrs. ago, but the iPhone really was a leap forward with the touchscreen and virtual keyboard. Androids wouldn't exist if not for the iPhone. They are good, but not AS good. The HTC EVO and Droid X are getting too big for pockets, but many people will like them. When Apple comes out with a smaller iPad, that will take off too. No one has come out with a NEW, or substantially different, innovative product, other than Apple. That's why we like Apple.