Report Claims Apple's Relationship With AT&T Has Deteriorated Into A Loveless Celebrity Marriage



  • hemingway25
    hemingway25 Posts: 7
    via Wordpress

    Choice is always better for the consumer. There is very little need for ATT to drastically improve its network because very few people will give up their iPhone once they have it. With the two biggest competing against each other, thats when you may finally see real improvements on BOTH networks.

  • uk joe
    uk joe Posts: 14
    via Wordpress

    about time someone with a brain. well said.

  • Brian Williams
    Brian Williams Posts: 7
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    There is one other reason I'll stick with AT&T.

    I had it before I had an iphone for one simple reason. I live in a major city and verizon doesn't work at my house at all.

    When the iphone became available back in 2007, it was an added benifit for me being an AT&T customer.

    I think most people who complain about the iphone bought one with AT&T reception issues in their area, which is not the fault of AT&T. It's the fault of the customer for not doing there research.

  • smart
    smart Posts: 0
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    well verizon has the best customer service ever. your friend might not know how to be nice cause some times they do have anger issues, but to get something done you have to be nice.

  • smart
    smart Posts: 0
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    you my friend are an american ****. i'm from america but i dn't moan like the most of you dumbasses. austalia is a very nice country and sorry to all australians for the bad comments from this ****.

  • uk joe
    uk joe Posts: 14
    via Wordpress

    well said i can think of at leat 7 carriers in my little country and most of them got it right.and there all on my unlocked iphone 4. god i love my ip4 with no reception issues.

  • smart
    smart Posts: 0
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  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    "Almost larger", is like "almost pregnant" isn't it? There are all of what, 22 or 23 mill. of you Aussies? Mostly concentrated in your cities, right? Pretty easy to build towers to provide coverage to most of your population. The US has over 300 mill. people spread out over most of the country. I'll grant you that the coverage in Alaska probably isn't too good, probably like your outback.

    But I was talking about the UK, not OZ, anyway.

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
    via Wordpress

    My reception with ATT happens to be fine, but I know that lots of people over the US have problems. You blokes are making judgments of our coverage based on a few complainers who post on blogs like this one. Most ATT customers don't have many reception problems and don't post here. We've got 2 (major) GSM carriers and 2 CDMA carriers but only ATT with the iPhone, so far. Like I said, it's a BIG country. T-Mobile will get it soon, then eventually Verizon. But it will always be harder to provide good coverage over a larger area, to more people, than a small country with less people. Now how 'bout some John Smith's Extra Smooth? ;-)

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
    via Wordpress

    I'm not your friend, and I said nothing bad about Australians, or Brits either for that matter.

  • Radjin
    Radjin Posts: 15
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    And anyone following gizmodo is following crap anyway.

  • Rob E
    Rob E Posts: 6
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    What problems r u guys talkin bout use my iPhone 3Gs everyplace and never have any problems fast Internet 98 percent of time and very rare to drop a call so where is the problem. I live in NY I don't know if cause major city the network is better than other places but I love my service and I work with guys that have verizon and they don't have service in some spots that I have no problem. No other US company could handle the load of strain the mass of iPhones put on a network