RIM, Nokia, HTC And Motorola Respond To Apple's Claim That Every Smartphone Has A Weak Spot

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageRIM, Nokia, HTC And Motorola Respond To Apple's Claim That Every Smartphone Has A Weak Spot

At the special iPhone 4 conference yesterday, Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs showed videos of RIM’s BlackBerry Bold 9700, HTC’s Droid Eric, Samsung’s Omnia II lose signal strength when they're gripped in a certain way. Apple also published new pages on its website, where it is trying to educate users about...

Read the full story here



  • daveknight72
    daveknight72 Posts: 1
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    Oh, the drama. Watch Hollywood make of movie out of all this. Just fix the damn phone already... please.

  • Heha truths
    Heha truths Posts: 1
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    Ugh these pussies need to stop their catfight and let it be (1)

  • Alessandro
    Alessandro Posts: 12
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    its the blackberry 9700 not 8700 :)

  • Ike
    Ike Posts: 31
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    Jobby boy just can't tell the truth or own up to mistakes.

    What a pathetic excuse for a human...

  • JimJam
    JimJam Posts: 20
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    I totally agree with Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, and RIM. I own an iPhone 4, but for the new comer (Apple in this case) to try and put down companies that in some cases have been in the phone market for decades longer than Apple is completely outrageous. Albeit, some of these companies phones may decrease their reception when held a certain way, but not a single one of my Blackberries, Motorola's, Samsung's, or Nokia's ever did anything like my iPhone 4. And yes, for you fan boys, I have owned at least one of each of those phones, and don't get me wrong I am going to keep my iPhone 4, but that does not give Apple the right to try and degrade other companies product lines. This will be the last iPhone I purchase.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Finally some companies that know and speak the truth. Apple really screwed up by trying to compare their iPhone specific issue to other phones. I hope this bites them hard. Apple is acting like a little kid with the whole "well they do it to" bit. It would be bad enough if this was true and the comparison was legit, but it's not. This is a completely different issue that only affects the iPhone 4. I hope every one of these companies expose Apple's lie. Unfortunately, the Apple fanboys will never believe the truth. It's getting ridiculous on the Apple discussion boards. They are completely brainwashed. No matter how many different ways I and others explain the real issue, these Apple Kool-Aid drinkers still think this is a non-issue and is the same problem that affects all phones. The whole thing is getting really sad. Apple just needs to admit that the iPhone 4 has an antenna design flaw and stop trying to call it something that it isn't.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Thanks for highlighting the error, it has been corrected.

  • phongthan
    phongthan Posts: 6
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    It's the worse of the worst to drag other companies into your mistakes. take it like Toyota, accept it, fix it and move on.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    Ok, bad idea roping these guys in..
    but have you noticed...stupid ass motorola HAS to advertise. These guys suck beyond belief.

    ok seriously, what a place to advertise.

  • fuck u pay me
    fuck u pay me Posts: 0
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    shut the **** up all the other phones freeze htc freezes android freezes nokia same and no internet cause its a int and unlocked phone all iphones are good and way better then any other phone **** quit the bull already what no flash stop being cheap buy a laptop if the **** said comes with **** sucking motion and didnt work a problem too all those company should fucking bow down to apple so what he put them on blast bout time with nokias high ass prices for what a camera **** out of here he told pple buy bumpers or get free ones if dont like it in 30 days get full refund on phone so dont like it bring it back mines works perfect

  • chrispx
    chrispx Posts: 5
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    Nice post. Toyota didn't exactly fix it willingly until the spotlight was directly on them, though the analogy is relevant because the same spotlight is now directly on Apple.

  • Grow up
    Grow up Posts: 4
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    I bet even if you read this comment yourself you wouldn't understand what you have just said. Grow up. Just because your phone works "perfectly" doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist. If you believe Steve Jobs about signal attenuation on all phones then how bad is that problem for the iPhone 4 which has it's antenna on the outside unlike every other phone which he displayed which have it internally. By that logic the iPhone is the worst offender.

  • Unbelievable
    Unbelievable Posts: 5
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    I also agree with all these companies. I interested in seeing the design for the next generation iPhone. If Apple don't stick with the same design then we know that Steve Jobs is full of BS. Buying a case to protect a phone (which I would like to point out the bumper does not) and buying a case so the phone won't lose signal are two different things. All the other manufactures don't need a case for their phones to hold a signal.

    What Apple have done by dragging their competitors into their own created mess is just shameful. Who are they to call out companies who have long been making phones since before them? How would they like if Google came out with their own PC OS and called Apple out for a mistake Google made? Whoever finds the conference held Friday as being acceptable needs to open their eyes and just see that Apple is sweeping their own mess under the rug.

    "We have gotten to the heart of the problem..." all mobile phones have weak spots"... Honestly? It took them three weeks to come up with this and a 500 mb update to fix a miscalculating formula? And they couldn't even fix the proximity sensors. How long before they release an update for that? And all this coming from the world's biggest tech company. Everyone must find something wrong with this.

  • stephan
    stephan Posts: 19
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    dude we need some JB news.

  • stephan
    stephan Posts: 19
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    guys is time to go bed nine nineIIIII

  • Lary
    Lary Posts: 0
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    What is wrong with this fool. Do u think u r in the jungle with your dirty mouth. Clean it up with Orbit. Jesus Christ I dont think your parents raised u right.Using so much foul language on a public site. Iphonehacks, you guys should really do something about filtering the kinds of comments people write on your site. Its really inappropiate.

  • Superman
    Superman Posts: 8
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    Thanks! Well said homie! An iPhone is a iPhone u can depend on.
    300.00 for 32gb that's a great price! I have 3 iPhone 4 in my family it works great with bumpers or no bumpers. Love the iPhone. This people here are only to fucking find and unlock programfor the iPhone and yet they fucking are shittting on apple iphone. Like u said don't want it u got 30 days to return I sure be happy to get your iPhone. And resellit on eBay for$ 900.00

    I wanna thanks Spirt blackrain and all other developers of this program and code hackers for making our life easier. Thanks you iPhone hacks.

  • Malik
    Malik Posts: 12
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  • Malik
    Malik Posts: 12
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  • Ferdzzramos@gmail.com
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    I bet my ass ...The iphone 5 will have a completely redisgned case ... No more exposing bezel antenna....when and if that happens then we will known that the 4 was flaw. We will surely see the law of physics then.

  • idmienphi@gmail.com
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    steve jobs is an ass--hole about this iphone 4. He knows how to blame. He needs to learn to behave.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    i.e. an epic multicorporational "Oh no you didn't"

  • nomos
    nomos Posts: 19
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    apple and steve jobs, suck it up. don't be a little girl about this problem u created.

  • ch7
    ch7 Posts: 16
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    I thankfully have a iPhone4 that does not show these problems but then im always using it in a case.

    I really do think its so unfair and wrong that Steve has taken te route he has about hte other phones. I do believe him when hes saying that all phones will have a problem with the antenna but what i dont belive is that during normal use it affects users. This problem is only on the iPhone4

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Go follow @MuscleNerd @iH8sn0w or @comex, to name a few, on Twitter. The guys are working.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Maybe they'll go retro and use one of those telescoping antennas.

  • Srk
    Srk Posts: 14
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  • Rhino
    Rhino Posts: 12
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    apple knew about this problem before they released the phone. why do you think they made the bumper. its the first cover for there phone thay have ever made.and why only cover the sides. its to cover the antena.steve jobs is full of yanky crap.

  • Strambo
    Strambo Posts: 6
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    yeah, exactly they thought it will never be this big deal and everyone will spent another $29 on the bumper which they produce for 79Cents, but now, after all this they give it out for free. Every phone has this problem in a certain way but not when you hold it in your hand in a normal way but the iphone is dropping the signal when you make a phone call and you have it in your hand...that's not normal and yes, please all other manufacturers fight back and get this right that apple failed to get this right and perhaps there will be a time in the future that even iphone user will recognize that apple is not god and failures can happen and then you have to fix them - not with a bumper...every BB user would freak out if RIM would tell him, yeah there's a problem but we give you this case...iphone users are even thankful and think that Jobs did the next great thing...So happy iphoning to all of you...

  • Nada
    Nada Posts: 70
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    It's def sounds like a blame shift to me. I will wait until they drop the Zack Morris iPhone 5 with the antenna on the top.

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