Apple iPhone 4 Vs. Samsung Captivate (Galaxy S) - Which One is Better?



  • Krew_92
    Krew_92 Posts: 30
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    Of course this sites winner would be an iPhone 4 since its a god damn iPhone site! If this was a tech site, I guarantee it would have ended like this: "In the end it only comes down to personal preference of each phone" Instead of one side.

  • Krew_92
    Krew_92 Posts: 30
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    I also "fill" sorry for you.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    I agree on that. My tilt 2 can dual boot from WM to DROID and wow android is suprb. Its a little buggy the driod boot no external sound nor music but it beats WM.

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    'Angry Birds' is out or about to come out on the Android 2.1 :) - in fact i'm really tempted, That Galaxy S is bloody nice.
    Dont get me wrong, i love my JB 3.1.2 GS but Android's are tempting me away..

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    This is the 'Samsung Galaxy S' Iphone Hacks, wtf is that thing in your video?!

  • bible camp
    bible camp Posts: 15
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    the captivate is the american version for att... each us carrier has their own name for it... the att and tmobile is pretty much the same... the epic for sprint has a pull out keyboard and the verizon is more like the euro version shown in this video i believe

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Tks i appreciate that, but it looks like a totally different phone to me, and inferior to my take on a Galaxy S too..the UK Galaxy S is certainly a match for an un-jailbroken iPhone 4 imo.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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  • James bond
    James bond Posts: 1
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    The galaxy feels junky and its sluggish

    I played with one at tmobile

    Iphone 4 FTW

  • Kishi
    Kishi Posts: 1
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    It's Simple... iPhone 4, and wait for hackers to port Android 2.2 as a dual boot on it.

    Then we all have the best of both phones and can switch when we feel like it.

  • rfg
    rfg Posts: 1
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    I saw this too. But no comments from anyone including iPhoneHacks.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    To port it on the Iphone 4 .... Well the only progress so far is on the 3g since its the only Iphone that can be messed arounf with out it bricking.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    You left out that the Captivate's camera has a 4x zoom built in.

  • Brezzy
    Brezzy Posts: 2
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    apple looks for the best in evry smartphones and add it in the iphones samsung too and befor iphones touchscreens there wose no samsung with touchscreen and you no, what you dont no is older than you ;)and i am 98% sure that if it wosent tne antenna blem of di iphone 4 you wont even be there mr the iphone hater

  • bible camp
    bible camp Posts: 15
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    sorry but apple wasnt the first phone with a touch screen. sony had a phone that had 3g, 4gb hd, touch screen and a media player pretty close to a year before the iphone came out. plus all the palm phones... apple genius is that they took something that other people had done and did it right and work amazing.

    but sony was coming out without with some amazing phones in 2006 just the ui wasnt that good... they even had a 5mp phone come out around the same time as the iphone... so hardware wise apple isnt doing anything new... its in the os and ui that was revolutionary

  • bible camp
    bible camp Posts: 15
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    you might have had a bad phone cause my battery last all day and i use it a lot.

    Adding contacts is pretty simple. its the same as on the iphone in the number of steps... also a lot less step than it takes to turn your wifi or bluetooth on and off without using sbs setting on an iphone...

  • Sumkinduvmalice
    Sumkinduvmalice Posts: 6
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    You said iphone4 has longer battery life yet in the spec chart it says galaxy s does. Are they reversed on accident?

  • ShaQ1nJ
    ShaQ1nJ Posts: 22
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    I love my Captivate's battery. And I love using the gameboy advanced and psx emulators. Very fast and responsive. IMO, i think the gameboy emulator is much smoother than the real thing.

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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  • Call Out
    Call Out Posts: 1
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  • nikki
    nikki Posts: 5
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    I have been an iphone owner from day one from the 2g to the iphone 3gs . I ran it both factory and jailbroken and i loved it. But while trying to get an iphone4 i came across the captivate and was completely blown away! So i bought it brought it home and started tinkering with it! I can say that i dont know why i ever owned an iphone! The android phones kick major ass! I love the design of the captivate and honestly dislike the look of the iphone4! I have let friends use my captivate that own iphone4 and they wish theyd seen it prior to purchasing their iphone! Id never go back even though buying the captivate was an impulse buy... ive never been more pleased with a phone! Captivate rocks!

  • birdie9or11
    birdie9or11 Posts: 1
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    Let's be honest here: Apple favours style over substance. All my friends who hav iPhone 4s have taken them back to either get my Samsung Galaxy or the iPhone 3GS.

    The screen is bigger on the Samsung, but because the screens are still small in comparison to TV the resolution does not matter - everything on it still looks HD.

    As for complaining about Samsung not having a Flash, it does and it is the most important Flash - Adobe Flash! iPhone won't strike a deal with Adobe and therefore half the internet is inaccessible on the iPhone, this is the beauty of Android and Pc verses Mac or Apple - they are not so arrogant as Apple.

    Back to the original Flash - if you love photography so much don't take pictures with a phone. I don't care how many megapixels it has that means nothing in photographic terms, only the lens matters. And have you seen how lens get bigger on professional cameras whilst everything else is trying to get smaller? Hence a phone will never be a great camera because it can never have a professional lens.

  • husky
    husky Posts: 1
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    wow really? you have nothing else to nitpick at the galaxy S for so you say samsung copied the S in 3gs? and it's an S encased with a box in which there is no space between so it's 3gs not 3g S.

    also samsung copying the touch screen? well i don't believe apple has a oled screen. as for capacitive touch screeb, well they have been used in other devices way before apple ever laid eyes on it. so really who's copying who now.

    it's saddens me that all the iphone fanboys are thinking. OH apple invented everything and everything they make is revolutionary. well no they made a deal with other companies who develop the product and use it in their own. or copied from another company and declared it their own.

    let's be realistic here, everyone is going to get technology from other companies and use it in their own products so enough of the everyone is copying iphone. because lets face it the arrangement of icons i could say apple stole it from palm, and other oses before it. etc...

  • It must be pointed out: Mac-compatibility issues aside, not having to use the bloatware known as iTunes should be seen as (for indeed it truly is) an ADVANTAGE.

    Galaxy: drag & drop an album onto the phone (as if it were a jump-drive); done.
    iPhone: drag & drop an album into iTunes, create a playlist, do a lot of GUI ****, hit sync and proceed to have your entire music-collection examined for differences and updated (all or nothing, there is no individuation here)—and don't even think about moving that folder, if you ever intend to sync again!

    I could go on quite a ways about iTunes; it's such a frustrating hassle, and a waste of time and energy.
    Good riddance to it! Hello, Galaxy!

    Things unmentioned in this article
    Battery: Galaxy's is removable. That means, one can carry around extra batteries (for trips and such), and pop in another where required. Touché, Apple!

    Storage: Same principle as above—extra Micro-SD cards = Galaxy possesses potentially limitless storage capacity. (This brings me back to the old Ericsson days.)

    App-store: iTunes' App-Store is not open-source (and neither is its OS), and this really blows. Those who're paying attention are doubtlessly aware of the ongoing battle between Apple's programmers and the Jailbreak Dev's.... What's not mentioned here (and you'll never hear it from Apple) is how incredibly restrictive the company (Apple) truly is. To illustrate: I had an iPhone 3G, and this I had to hack in order to obtain Cycorder (a video-camera app). Yes, 3G had video-recording capability (~12FPS + sound), but Apple didn't want anyone accessing the camera except through its own (clearly insufficient) API. For this reason, much was held back—despite the abundance of capable apps and programmers. Simple things, just were not allowed. This behaviour stifled innovation, and continues to, and Apple possesses an extensive track-record in this regard (despite its hypocritical "We're Different" PR campaign). Imagine buying a Toyota, and Toyota threatened legal action, and turned its back on you as a customer because you decided to go and put rims on the thing.... More: not having open-source/Jailbreak means that I lack SBSettings (which means I've no pull-down drawer with convenient, customizable options & toggles—wifi on/off, 3g on/off, brightness adjuster, quicknotes, dock, etc.), no % battery indicator, no cell-tower locator, no Reboot button, no Face-Time outside of WiFi area (that's right, you'd have to hack your phone to Face-Time over the more-than-capable 3G network), no icon/GUI themes, no (controversial) GBA/PSX/SNES/Genesis emulation, no this, no that.... As it stands, people are refraining from updating their OS simply because they'd rather keep their Jailbreak than obtain a minor update (or even a significant one—like a blue-tooth fix, or a proximity-sensor fix, or a game-network addition). Oh yes: jailbreak = unlock -> travel hassle-free.

    Display: Super-AMOLED > Retina, for sure: bigger screen, deeper blacks, more vibrant colours, less power-consumption, reduced glare, greater viewing angle.... All it lacks, is the pixels-per-square-inch that Retina has—which is nice, but actually negligible in comparison, considering. Side-by-side, the pixelage is not at all noticeable from one or two feet away (do you really read your phone point-blank?), whereas the other features, are—and indeed, very much so.

    Although they make sexy-looking phones, and have at least one thing going for them (the LED-flash—good job), Apple, is largely over-inflated, closed-source, hyped-up and expensive, gimmicky hot-air. Like a stereotypical corporate fat-cat, Steve Jobs is milking this cow for all it's worth; that's why I'm jumping ship, abandoning this company, and opting instead for the underdog—which better suits my tastes. For the record, open-source was the deal-breaker.

    That's my review.


  • i love jesus christ
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    I have both but i am happy with my samsung! It is much faster battery life is better, the screen is better is bright places and it functions a lot better then the ios 4. If apple want to stay on top they need to do better this iphone 4 was a flop just like their ipad. samsung came out with a pad that runs android and it offers more. i think over all samsung apple needs to think different.

  • NULL and Kale
    NULL and Kale Posts: 1
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    I didnt read all the comments but i would like to point out that the galaxy s has a 90 million triangles per second 3d render rate while the iphone 4 has an 8 million triangles per second render rate... That and it will soon be updated to froyo which will have flash 9 and the ability to use your phone as a free wifi hot spot that and it is very easy to root allowing full access to the phone unlike any i phone which is a hassle to jailbreak oh and the memory is expandable

  • Andre
    Andre Posts: 64
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    I just got the galaxy S vibrant and I have to say I am in love. I have seen smartphones over the years but I made a promise to myself long ago to never buy an apple product as long as I live.

    So I cannot really compare the 2 products, just give my biased opinion that the Galaxy S rocks.

    Ok it doesnt have a flash, minor bummer, but like stated many times above, so what?

    according to the article above, it doesnt have a forward facing camera, this is untrue and video conferencing is available thru skype or other apps (though I havent used this feature yet).

  • Mikah
    Mikah Posts: 1
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    When you update iPhones they become slower...
    When you update Androids they become faster...

    I HAD a iPhone 4 but now I HAVE a Captivate...
    Im tired of jailbreaking...

  • Nabil
    Nabil Posts: 4
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    no customization on iphone exept changing wallpapers and creating folders....ok iphone users...keep doing