BlackBerry Torch 9800: Is RIM's Best BlackBerry Ever An iPhone Killer?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageBlackBerry Torch 9800: Is RIM's Best BlackBerry Ever An iPhone Killer?

Research In Motion has unveiled its latest smartphone - the BlackBerry Torch 9800 that the company claims is the "best BlackBerry ever". So we thought it might be a good idea to compare BlackBerry Torch 9800 with the iPhone 4 to find out, which one is a better smartphone. In...

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  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    blackberry still sucks

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    i agree.. for every phone that comes out you make a post asking if its an iphone killer. NOTHING is ever going to be an iphone killer lol

  • Al_X
    Al_X Posts: 22
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  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    yea blackberries suck, hard.
    i too would take an iphone 2g over that crap.
    on a side note, the iphone 4 probably does not have a 1GHz A4, because its 30% slower than the ipad. just say A4, my guess is 800-something MHz

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    it is a 1ghz but apple usually underclock all of their iphone processors, but u are probabaly rite. its probably close to .9ghz

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    The evo is the only close thing that competes to the iPhone, and there won't be a iPhone killer because after 3 years its became one of the easiest phones to use along with a great quality os and build. Only thing in the USA is that its on atnts network. Once it comes to other carriers over here, then it will be one of the best and hardest phones to beat. The iPhone is The best multimedia device because it packs a high amount of built in memory for any music and video and comes as a phone. I Love my evo, LOVE MY EVO, but I wish it had more then 1gb memory built in cuz if my 16gb micro card burns up I'm stuck having to replace it.

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I totally agree with you Jay..... Sorta like all the mp3 players going to knock off the ipod.... Not going to happen

  • Cozze02
    Cozze02 Posts: 39
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    Its nice but i guarantee its gonna be like every other blackberry, i have owned 6 different BlackBerry's and there is always one thing about them, they where all the same. Yes they may have come out with a new version of the OS but all it is was a fancy version of the earlier one with barley any new features. if RIM is ever going to get anywhere they need to look into what makes the iPhone so much better than any other device out there. But I believe they will never do that due to being stubborn for some reason. Anyways I think its gonna be just another piece of junk with alot of hype and no gut to back it up.

  • Cozze02
    Cozze02 Posts: 39
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    Oh i forgot one thing, 360x480 resolution is definitely not gonna cut it, come on are you joking!

  • R
    R Posts: 19
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    I understand what you are saying. I have no use for a BB but to me they are good phones and are the best for security. But when you talk about the OS Apple hasn't really added anything really new or something that has wowed me. The most I would say is the game center

  • TT
    TT Posts: 12
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    I don't get this. What's the point of comparing phones to the iPhone? You know this website is just going to pick the iPhone no matter what. And this time Apple wins because it has better hardware but if other phones have better hardware then Apple wins because they have better OS. I am just saying that most comparisons on this site are not at all objective. In the end it all comes down to personal preferences. And you also can't really compare BB to Apple. They are different phones for different markets. BB is a predominantly a business phone and iPhone is a multimedia phone. A lot of people I know have BB but they don't use it to it's potential or purpose. So of course they would easily switch to an iPhone because everyone who owns on uses it for it's multimedia purposes.

  • D3@tH
    D3@tH Posts: 32
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    I agree with you ;) ;)

  • cool_dude
    cool_dude Posts: 11
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    the only phone which came close to kill d iphone is the HTC EVO 4G.........but still in my view iphone wins :)

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    this phone would be great if it came out 5 years ago. RIM is lagging majorly they need to step it up cause thats not gonna cut it in the smartphone race thats going on now

  • dq
    dq Posts: 0
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  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
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    Iphone killers??....I have come from the the iphone 3g and 3gs and loved them...but now moving to the nexus one on android i can see why android phones are giving apple a run for its money!! the amount of stuff that the open source companys give you (hardwear and softwear) and the amount of stuff apple gives you just so you keep buying into there marketing strategy...moving away from apple you see it more clearly. What the hell was i doing jailbreaking my phone just so i can do the things i wanted on it. Blackberry are never going to overtake apple but android maywell and apple knows it so its great for us all!

  • Occamist
    Occamist Posts: 2
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    I purchased three different models of Blackberry over several years and, while I found the operating system acceptable it did not rise to the level of simplicity and directness the iPhone does (3Gs or 4). The big problem I had with every Blackberry I had was the physical device: they break down. And then my carrier replaced the broken Blackberry with a reconditioned one (so much for honesty in warranty). Under these circumstances I would have been better off buying a reconditioned Blackberry to begin with and saved some money in my up-front costs of ownership. The new Blackberry added a level of mechanical complexity in the sliding keyboard that I would find a weak link given my history with the build quality of RIM's products so far.

  • h
    h Posts: 13
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    Actually BB still have the upper hand on both Apple and Google.

  • DroidRoid
    DroidRoid Posts: 1
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    If you own an IPHONE, you are a Hipster APPLEFAG.

  • o2zen
    o2zen Posts: 1
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    You really need to take into consideration call quality, signal strength, and personal taste above all. This site is called "iphone hacks" for a reason, everyone here either owns an iPhone or wants to... so let's be honest, if you want an OBJECTIVE review, rather check out gsmarena.

  • Nutter
    Nutter Posts: 1
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    iPhone = Good but still has a few issues (same goes for my iPhone 3GS also Running 4.0.2.)
    BB = So far fewer dropped calls and I have more bars in locations were I have iPhone issues)

    802.11abgn = BB Torch
    802.11abg = iPhone

    I'm sitting here testing each phone
    BB Torch BB OS 6.0.1x = Faster touch Screen (it is more responsive)
    iPhone 4.0 running OS 4.0.2 .
    Resolution doesn't seem to be a issue. Both hand-helds are great.
    BB seems more stable. iPhone crashed a few times using OS4.0.1 Haven't tested 4.0.2 enough to see if crashes are fixxed. Though iPhone hides crashes well. LOL

    Appz Stores:
    iPhone god knows how many Appz
    BB 30K plus (everything I use on the iPhone)
    FYI - Everything runs just as fast on the BB as the iPhone as far as I can see.

    iPhone = ipod easy to use works with cable in car
    BB torch = just as easy to use and works with cable in car (FYI - BB torch uses iTunes for Album art.)

    Social Networking:
    iPhone = very good
    BB better it all goes to one spot were its far easier to read and view.

    Things I like about the BB over the iPhone.
    Email. Very Easy (easier than the Iphone in many ways) to setup. Allows for deleting on handset and off server or visa versa something the iPhone does not do. Secure Email via encryption. MIRCO SD CARD!!! I can remove what I have stored in the phone on the card. Can't do that on a iPhone.

    Ok, nothing that I have posted here will change iPhone users minds. I like BB... while I have own two iPhones (iPhone 4 and a iPhone 3GS) Both running 4.0.2. I have changed back to the BB with the torch as my main phone.

    Anyway, that's it a quick run down of a few things this article really didn't touch on.

  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    I also program apps, and dislike the windows phones. So the fact I can make Jailbroken Apps for my needs, makes it more than useful. Also as I repair/fix/etc the devices.

    Well, it only makes sense I use one. After all I use it for work everyday, and repair them everyday.

  • Paulo Ricardo
    Paulo Ricardo Posts: 1
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    Only oonce i had a problem with the phone. Its locked for the other networks so i seched for the unlocking and i found some paid websites,
    they helped me

    I think that's the only problem I found in BB STORM.


  • A Real Business user
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    I carry two cells for business
    I have the BlackBerry Torch and the Iphone 4G
    The BB Torch outweighs any bells and whistles the Iphone may have.
    Since both phone are used for business I cannot see were the Iphone would have an advantage.
    The Iphone is a toy and the Torch it a business tool. Still no comparison here. Until Apple realize that they need to be in the business world the Iphone will just be another toy for the personal consumer market.
    In the end I will not throw away my Iphone, but will deal with its inadequacies’ for my needs.
    As for the BlackBerry Torch it is a keeper, and when the Iphone dies I will replace it with another BlackBerry.

  • garpt
    garpt Posts: 1
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    Cozze02 said...

    Its nice but i guarantee its gonna be like every other blackberry, i have owned 6 different BlackBerry's and there is always one thing about them, they where all the same. Yes they may have come out with a new version of the OS but all it is was a fancy version of the earlier one with barley""

    .....I guess it's one of those trendy "green" phones like the Iphone......

  • dfg
    dfg Posts: 1
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    its funny.... if have noticed everyone that backs iphone is either a child or a apple junkie... blackberry's run the business world.... and no iphone or android will change that...... iphone is a toy! not a tool...check the definition of both...

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    Yip! gotta ask yourself...which 1 is a real phone!

    If you want a TOY!...BUY AN APPLE TOUCH!

    if you want a Real Phone...BUY A BLACKBERRY!

    End of.

  • MK
    MK Posts: 64
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  • MK
    MK Posts: 64
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    shud i get bb torch because i want the bbm on it or shud i get I4

  • MK
    MK Posts: 64
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    im turning 14 and hav a choice iphone 4 or bb torch whitch one shu i get