Cydia Acquires Rock Your Phone To Create An Even Larger Jailbreak App Store

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imageCydia Acquires Rock Your Phone To Create An Even Larger Jailbreak App Store

SaurikIT, developer of Cydia Store, the popular App Store for jailbreak apps has acquired Rock Your iPhone, another popular App Store for jailbreak apps. Rock Your Phone was launched more than one year and six months back and was installed in more than 4.6 million iOS devices. The news of...

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  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    I never really liked Rock.

  • xlsv
    xlsv Posts: 2
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    I always thought Rock was much nicer, faster and easier to use. I always use cydia anyway though so it would be nice to see some dsign cues carried over into Cydia. Reloading data gets old real fast, even on my iP4.

  • Fences2312
    Fences2312 Posts: 4
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    Rock always seemed a little iffy to me, even if it ran a little faster. This could be cool though.

  • Lock-N-Load
    Lock-N-Load Posts: 1
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    Rock app was a more convenient solution, in my opinion at least, when it came to installing apps. I didn't however like how some apps where available to buy from Cydia, but not from Rock.

    The problem with Cydia is that it is slow, you can't do anything while it is installing, and leaves trails behind when uninstalling apps.

    I really hope since the acquirement of Rock, Saurik will implement these features into Cydia.

  • Jacob Wilkerson
    Jacob Wilkerson Posts: 1
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    Rock rocked! It took way less time for it to let you start doing stuff, itloaded so much faster! I'm rather sad that I HAVE to use cydia now only because of the load time. That's my only complaint.

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    I used both Cydia and Rock all the time. Rock was always fast and much reliable than Cydia. I hope this merger will help boost and give Cydia a new look.

    Let's hope for the best.

  • welbo
    welbo Posts: 13
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    Rock has a free app backup tool that Cydia does not. The Cydia bu tools are paid apps. Let's hope Cydia gets free JB App backup.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    What's it called, crock?

  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Never liked rock from day one. None of there apps were for the masses. Pay or no play. Cydia 4 life!

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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  • I said
    I said Posts: 1
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  • reese
    reese Posts: 3
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    I thought Rock was more convenient then Cydia and faster. Quicker load times did not have to wait for it refresh data, or worry about bad source notifications stopping you from doing any thing you were doing. I just hope Cydia adopt alot of Rocks code.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    i Liked the GUI of Rock much better, also it was faster, also it had MiWi and My3G, things were easy to purchase, i wish things could have been installed in the background instead of having to wait for it. i would like to see cydia revamp his entire program, make it look like the app store, give us some screenshots, let us review the app in a familiar environment. If i had the knowledge to fix these things, i would, but im no programmer and i dont understand the os like yall do. i say all of this not complaning, they are just thoughts. Thank you everyone that is involved in the jailbreaking community, you have made my iP4 much more functional.

  • JBD
    JBD Posts: 19
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    Rock is and was way better than Cyndia, probably 4x faster and don't know why people here would say its slow?? Also very friendly on installed and uninstalls.

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    I liked rock better but both app stores look like ****. They need to redisgn the way it looks, loads, and add a better catagory for each diff genre.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i preferred cydia over rock, was always a little leary on purchasing anything on Rock. and i hated when i was trying to install something from rock and i would get a call and it would freeze up my phone. with that said cydia could use a revamping more mandatory screen shots for all the themese and programs. cant wait to see if changes will occur or if it will be just porting all of rocks stuff over to cydia

  • DrunkMunki
    DrunkMunki Posts: 62
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    i had cydia and rock installed, never bought an app from rock but it was much faster, allowed background processing such as downloading and installing while doing other things, cached most of its data such as categories and didnt have to update the db everytime you loaded it, and recheck the db everytime you install something.
    I am actually sorry to see rock go, now saurik now has a monopoly, and advertising wasnt everywhere slowing everything down.

  • NewDude
    NewDude Posts: 1
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    I always prefered Rock, I have only been in the JB scene the last several months so maybe I am missing something. Cydia is cool, but not as userfriendly as Rock, plus it seems to be easier to purchase apps off of Rock. In addition, I had better luck finding free stuff with Rock that were good quality, ie. I searched for Zelda theme packs for my wifes phone, on Cydia, there was nothing but junk, stuff made by a 3 year old... however on Rock I found several quality theme packs. All in all, now, it comes down to its GUI, since all content will be available on 1 app. I hope Cydia revamps there program to be a little more elegant and to respond faster or be more reliable. Cydia crashes/lags on me far more often then Rock does. I have an Iphone4 btw, maybe Cydia is better on <3gS models?

  • Abel Goddard
    Abel Goddard Posts: 71
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    I'm sorry to see Rock go. Faster load, and slightly better UI. Cydia isn't bad, I just preferred Rock.

  • Dkhan
    Dkhan Posts: 24
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    Rock had serious flaws... It filled my drive up several times with never ending log files and killed the battery. Rock apps required rock to be installed. After uninstalling a rock app and uninstalling rock itself, it would often corrupt the phone and make it work only in safe mode and require a reinstall. I found this out the hard way with my iphone 4 last month. Rock wad faster but thr coding seemed sloppy.

  • SiLeNcEbOnE
    SiLeNcEbOnE Posts: 30
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    I always prefered Rock over Cydia. Works faster, better layout. Plus they had backups on theyre server of what apps you last had installed... That was 1 mayor advantage that I really liked

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Well said. Agree entirely.

  • Cydia :(
    Cydia :( Posts: 1
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    Rock was soo great, you could update and install multiple apps before it had to reload the phone.

    With cydia it automatically reload phone after upgrade and you have o wait zoo long

  • Puneet
    Puneet Posts: 3
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    I used snowbreeze to jailbreak and got an error. Itunes then tried to upgrade to OS 4 and now my Iphone is giving me 3194 error message.

    I am not not abl to do anything with iphone, what do you suggest I should do?

  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    I used both, and i like Rock better. it's faster, it looks better and it has JB apps back which is a huge plus. i got iPhone4 in July and restoring all the apps was a nice and easy. back up feature is really cool. hope it's implemented in Cydia. actually i hope Cydia adopts Rock interface.

  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    forgot to mention. i bought some apps and too. My3G and MiWi, love both of them. you manage your licenses on-line too. and you can try most of the apps before you buy.

  • Y_air
    Y_air Posts: 12
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    Rock was faster because the APT was flawed SAURIK and the maker of rock have explained this. The APT was so flawed that if you had a call while installing an app on Rock te kernel wouldn't know why to so and shut the phone off. I hope you realize this and not bash cydia for being a safer option

  • Dax
    Dax Posts: 4
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    I don't like Cydia. Way to slow and way to many advertisements. Also, the interface on Rock was much more pleasant and friendly.

  • Janice
    Janice Posts: 2
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  • Nonsanity
    Nonsanity Posts: 3
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    Rock has a more cluttered and messy UI, though it is more responsive (or seems to be) than Cydia - Caching its updates so you don't have to wait for 30 seconds or more, as when launching Cydia.

    Cydia's interface is simpler, more fitting for the iPhone style. However it is annoyingly poky, enough so that I don't enjoy spending a lot of time doing installs there, when every time I need to reopen it (which is often) I have to wait.

    I'd like to see Cydia absorb some of Rock's time saving features. I'll be quite happy with the merger if so...
    Rock's "restart on close" feature was also a time saver when installing multiple apps.

    I've always had a higher feeling of trust with Cydia. Of course, that's just a feeling, not particularly based on anything. I've purchased apps from both stores.