New Exploit Discovered That Could Jailbreak iOS 4.1



  • Cardin's Mom
    via Wordpress

    A month? 4.2 come out in November.

  • Cardin's Mom
    via Wordpress

    A month? 4.2 come out in November.

  • Taptwo65
    Taptwo65 Posts: 2
    via Wordpress

    Pryce czech do us all a favour and disappear . Idiots
    like you who get to use an iphone through the hard
    work of others and demand the jailbreak to be released
    are selfish bstds !!!!

  • Taptwo65
    Taptwo65 Posts: 2
    via Wordpress

    Well release it yourself paul the programmer since it only takes 15 minutes - The arshle list is growing.
    Paul are you a programmer for apple ? Hope so as
    dev team will always get the better of arshle's like you.

  • Eskimo
    Eskimo Posts: 15
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    There just saying that they have found an exploit not a jailbreak. Like another User has already said. Just because they can jailbreak a device does not mean that it is already to go for the rest of the world to use. Everyone that is complaining and being a smart ass "o yea say we can jailbreak but don't release it" need to be grateful that there are working on releasing the tool and not still looking at how to jailbreak

  • edantron
    edantron Posts: 8
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    I dropped my iphone in the toilet. Before flushing. Pretty shitty. Just dished out six hundred thirty bunnies for an iPhone 4 on Craigslist. Unfortunately it has 4.0.2 on it with no SHSH from earlier versions. I just thought its funny that you mentioned that - but I wouldn't say I fall into the 'impatient aholes' category - so you've got some strong willpower there Jadedtool :)

    Also, anyone care to comment on weather they think I overpaid? I'm not entirely sure :/

  • fuckuaLL
    fuckuaLL Posts: 5
    via Wordpress

    Hey all...
    Does anybody think on this jb releases???
    Every time developers finds exploit...where world's no.1 company Apple has no such good developers there to make such things which no one can break or hack...
    It sounds like those developers are also from apple and steve jobs himself tell them to release such things so company could do batter in both ways....
    what you think guys????

  • your gay
    your gay Posts: 3
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    they have had access to it for a while not just today... it was released to us today but it is good they have an exploit now it is possible to jailbreak 4.1.

  • Pryce Czech
    Pryce Czech Posts: 7
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    Again, "I don't have a problem if they don't want to." I admitted that I didn't know the process, and *I* am the one that doesn't understand why it *appeared* as if they weren't releasing it at all, but still said they could. The only reason I'd prefer jb is for mywi.

    Looking up, I see TWO people said they shouldnt have peeped, I just didn't understand the process. User the majority very appreciative for the hard work of the dev team.

    And it's quite humorous when folks wrongly call people an ass, all while misspelling every word they type. I bet these are the same people that get on to those that use their/they're/there interchangeably.

  • unknown4areason
    unknown4areason Posts: 9
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  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    Can't wait to get my boot logo back with this one!

  • Anurocks
    Anurocks Posts: 3
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    The jailbreak from now on .. Should be a paid one .. Bloody every one shuld pay about $25 for the jailbreak .. Then it'll be fun !!! :-}

  • georgebush
    georgebush Posts: 1
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    @ Pryce Czech: Jailbreak your own damn iPhone and release your own tools for JB/Unlock... Not so smart now right?

  • crazy Man
    crazy Man Posts: 39
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    If you know so much about how long it takes to write codes and programming, Why don't do the fucking jailbreak yourself then?

    ********************A-Hole ******************

    Really hate people who comments that they are better than others but still wait for others to do the job!

  • callum
    callum Posts: 6
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    its a bootrom exploit so even if apple release 4.2 in November you can still hack 4.2 using the same jailbreak just like the iphone 3g and redsnow

  • natim
    natim Posts: 16
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    Does anyone know if this new iphone configuration utility update is safe for JB?

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Why do people whine about somebody else doin all the work. if you want the JB today then do it ur damn self. I will sit back and wait, maybe not patiently, but i will wait and NOT complain.

  • wil
    wil Posts: 3
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    then this would make it illegal
    more like everyone should DONATE
    btw great job Dev Team!

  • Rodolpho
    Rodolpho Posts: 1
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    Please! I have an iphone 4 iOS 4.0.2 orginal. I need to unlock it. Its here in Brasil and doesnt work. I have to wait 1 month or 2?! Please...

  • nrgy
    nrgy Posts: 10
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    no you are not reading it wrong, your just a dumbass who can not comprehend.

  • siny
    siny Posts: 1
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    Hi all,

    I think these guys are amazing and I dont care how long to wait as long as we can jailbreak our phones. I salute the Dev-team and they are keeping up a good fight against the apple team.

  • Spark
    Spark Posts: 5
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    great job Dev Team - the world awaits.....

  • Iphone123
    Iphone123 Posts: 4
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    No JB and unlock for iOS need to downgrade if you wanna JB and unlock your iDevice.

  • Chuckie
    Chuckie Posts: 13
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  • JNR
    JNR Posts: 0
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    Is this team accepting Donations? :)

  • Mizz420
    Mizz420 Posts: 1
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    Man pepole need to chill its alot harder than it sounds i am a computer programer and i messed around with it and could do nothing so dev team you guys are awsome....just sit down shut up and wait it will be here soon enough and if you dont have patience looks like your screwed so just quit whining

  • K R A M
    K R A M Posts: 8
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    we must so thankful to the best support of dev team to notify us all before it happens thanks a lot keep it up we are waiting... cheerssssss....

  • Chris Innanen
    Chris Innanen Posts: 1
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    Think of it like this: You want free sodas from a vending machine. Someone just found a way to flip open a small access port in the back of the machine large enough to get your arm through. It doesn't provide direct access to the snacks, but someone who knows how these vending machines are put together will know hoe to reach in an flip it over to "free food" mode. But they need to practice on how to do so from the particular angle provided by the new hole. Then they need to teach a robot arm to do it automatically. THEN then need to put the robot arm in a box with a big red button on the top so people can just set it down next to the vending machine and push the button to get their free snacks.

    There are a few steps to the process.

    This was just the first. There is a hole.

  • Pryce Czech
    Pryce Czech Posts: 7
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    You're right. I asked for clarification, stated that I am fine with them never doing it, then admitted that I didn't understand, not once, but twice what they meant. So yeah, I am smarter now, since I got clarification about why the dev team said "not soon."

    Three weeks ago, I started studying programming, for this purpose. So maybe I can make my own, and would be glad to release my own tools.

    BTW, georgebush isn't the best name to pick when trying to promote intelligence.

  • jkan
    jkan Posts: 0
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    did u not fkn read it or what? are you just fkn stupid? If it was simple mistake you didnt see, im sorry. But it clearly says that it was a new exploit they found. They found a hole in the system. That don't mean they found a way to jb yet. IT just possible with more programing. Give them time to program. They are not hanging this from everyone.