Geohot Is Back With Limera1n - New Bootrom Exploit To Jailbreak All iDevices On iOS 4.1



  • Inflated
    Inflated Posts: 1
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    Let me guess.. Limera1n isn't available yet, but you'll keep us posted right? LOL..

  • Ablasted
    Ablasted Posts: 11
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    I believe so, we have to wait for another JB as greenpoison won't work for our 3GS.

  • roostaar
    roostaar Posts: 1
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    Once a hacker, always a hacker!

  • Geohot
    Geohot Posts: 21
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    Now you all know who Is get blowing me as I make these fake images of me hacking

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    I wish people like the dumbass that used the name geohot to talk smack on geohot should be blocked from blogs, and also all of those assholes that put geohot down when he asked people to get off his back. May all those peopleburn In hell with locked iphones.

    I bet all of those hatred will be the first In line to use his software.......... SAD!

  • Macsimos
    Macsimos Posts: 48
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    So true! There are too many noobs that post to these articles, and expect jailbreaks right away. If they have to wait, they talk trash and hate on the people that work hard to develop these jailbreaking and unlock tools for iPhones user for free.

  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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    Nice From Geohot. He just needed a Break. He doesn't have a whole team like the rest so he is more genius than the rest. But is will be better to save SHAtter for 4.2 on the iPad etc.

  • RamosXtreme
    RamosXtreme Posts: 1
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    WOW! just hopes it works. All that hype on greenpoison and for what nothing. Everyone one was waiting to jailbreak and unlock their phones or pads with the greenpoison and it only does the newer devices. Whats up with that. What a let down. So saying all that. I don't know you Geohot but if you claim to Make this program work for all the I devices then damn man. You are the man!!! Much respect! Well time will tell and I will be waiting for the new thing called limera1n.

  • Dkhan
    Dkhan Posts: 24
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    The bad thing is there is not an infinite number of holes in a bootrom. Burning two at once is just stupid. Eventually there will be no more bootrom exploits and then there will be lots of crybabys going waaaaaaah i accidentally updated now i cant jailbreak. Wahhhhhhhh i need it jailbroke. Wahhhhh i need it unlocked. Once all the bootro
    Holes are plugges rhe only that will remain are ib the userland and in rhe firmware itself. Apple is working hard to plug those holes already.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Geohot rules, can't wait

  • GeoH0tz
    GeoH0tz Posts: 7
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    relax's comin out on 10/11/10....get ready !!!!!!!!

  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    Welcome back Geohot :)

  • Cant Stand Geohot
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    Geohot....Grovelling little **** who realised he'd lost his ego boosters.
    Love to see the Dev Team treat him like the stuck up twat he is and bounce him twice then hoof him out the window.
    Letting the Big Boys do all the hard work first, then offer his slackjawed pittance is a fu**ing insult to their efforts, especially as he gave everyone the big heave ho a while ago.
    Crawl back under your rock Geo, the scene is a better place without little kids who've not been brought up to share.
    Maybe he's back because Chpwn has made himself iOS's Self Appointed 3rd party gobbleshite and wants his 'Top Spot' (hahaha) back

  • Cant Stand Geohot
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    Once Untrustworthy, ALWAYS Untrustworthy!!

  • D3@tH
    D3@tH Posts: 32
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    He's back :) Lol probably the reason he retired is because he got bored of the comments asking him all the time about this and that :)

  • Fences2312
    Fences2312 Posts: 4
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    Remember kiddies just because there is a jailbreak for 4.1 devices there is NO UNLOCK for 4.1 devices. MuscleNerd says it himself in a tweet on October 7: "there is no new carrier unlock for the 4.1 baseband. It remains an active pursuit of course!"
    So if you're on 4.1 you may still be waiting for an unlock for quite awhile.

  • Xin
    Xin Posts: 9
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    I know that it seems like a douche move for Geohot to release his jailbreak so close to Greenpois0n. But if you think about it logically, it actually makes more sense for Limera1n to be released and Greenpois0n to be put on hold. Limera1n currently JB's all iDevices right? Why not save Greenpois0n until the future, where more people are likely to have 4G devices?

    It'll be hard for the dev team and P0sixninja to give up all the hard work that they've done, but this solution would truly be for the best of the hacking community.

  • Geohot#asshole
    Geohot#asshole Posts: 1
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    I much prefer the description..... Wop Haired Twat Who Lets People Down then Runs Away Whining,
    #ASSHOLE (p0sixnija claims credit for that one lol)

  • tigermistris
    tigermistris Posts: 1
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    I have a 3GS and this will be my first jailbreak.... I understand what tethered and untethered means but can sumone explain to me about the userland exploit and how that works to untether the jailbreak...cuz I seem to be reading that this will be a tethered jailbreak but that they will use a userland exploit to untether it and even though I have been reading up and studying how all this works this is one thing I don't understand....I appreciate anyone that can help!!!

  • dee
    dee Posts: 56
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    grouped is such a attention fiend hecsaw that shatter is comin at the same date he plans on releasing his the same day!! lol how ironic

  • none
    none Posts: 12
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    Ya but notice how they're all tethered in the pics

  • Ed
    Ed Posts: 110
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    no redsnow will only work on iPhone 3G not on iPhone 3GS.

  • Kevross
    Kevross Posts: 2
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    Glad to hear geohot is back and straight into the game

  • Your momma
    Your momma Posts: 45
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    Welcome back Geohot. Haters gonna hate but you are the best in the world at what you do. Looking forward to installing and jailbreaking 4.1.

  • CrazyMan
    CrazyMan Posts: 4
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    This is great news to us all. I sincerely welcome you back and very happy to have someone like you back in the game. I know people will hate me for saying this but I think greenpois0n/shatter need to be hold back since limera1n will jailbreak all devices! This just my opinion because I don't wanna see 2 bootrom exploit doing same job!

  • federico
    federico Posts: 5
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    it readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  • just sayin
    just sayin Posts: 2
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    It would be best to release Geohot's exploit now since it covers all devices. It was kind of a **** move letting everyone believe that greenpois0n would cover all devices for so long. I know they didn't say it directly but they could have clarified instead of leaving everyone waiting for something that wasn't coming.

  • Iphone noob
    Iphone noob Posts: 2
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    Is someone knows please help!! How can i update to 4.1 from 4.0.2 and keep my firmware in 01.59.00 using tinyumbrella? Please someone can help!! Iphone4

  • hittsy
    hittsy Posts: 7
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  • koop
    koop Posts: 1
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    Geohot is the real deal and really all those other retards should learn from genius.