iPhone Tips & Tricks: Send and receive MMS on your iPhone



  • stu
    stu Posts: 48
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    I get how to we d but how do u change the email account to type it in I trytochange it but only let's me pick my email accounts please help.

  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    this is ridiculous!! seriously we know we can already email a photo!! if i wanted to e-mail a photo i would just do that to begin with!! and the same on their end!! if they ( the person you are receiving a picture text from) was able to e-mail you a pic off of their phone they would just send you an e-mail!! this is a waist of time!! i don't need help sending an e-mail

  • paulie
    paulie Posts: 3
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    Another waste of time.
    It doesn't work (period)

    It's amazing how gullible we are... Slick expensive iphone that does lots of useless things, but can't take vid or send MMS.


  • Yves
    Yves Posts: 2
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    What about if you want to send pictures to a person who has MetroPCS? I tried having them send a text from their phone to an email account to view their cell number email address and tried it that way but it didn't work =/

  • Yves
    Yves Posts: 2
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    My thoughts exactly!

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I am wondering something similar. I know that you can have them send it to an e-mail address, gmail, yahoo, etc. But I have 2 questions. 1) is there a way to somehow link your e-mail (not xxxxxxxxxx@my.att.com)to your phone? Ex. If a friend sends an MMS to my phone number, can i set it up to automatically route to my e-mail address?? 2) Instead of going through the e-mail crap, if a friend sends me an MMS, can I just take that message and forward it to my e-mail and open the attachment that way? Instead of having them send it directly to my email?

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    CORRECTION: not xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I am wondering something similar. I know that you can have them send it to an e-mail address, gmail, yahoo, etc. But I have 2 questions. 1) is there a way to somehow link your e-mail (not xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net
    )to your phone? Ex. If a friend sends an MMS to my phone number, can i set it up to automatically route to my e-mail address?? 2) Instead of going through the e-mail crap, if a friend sends me an MMS, can I just take that message and forward it to my e-mail and open the attachment that way? Instead of having them send it directly to my email?

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Im english i have a Iphone on 02 network and i can receieve picture message from any other network but have to log on to the website with a special code....its still really Shocking that something so advanced as the iphone doesnt have the simple technology to recieve or send stuff via MMS OR BLUETOOTH FOR THAT MATTER! Huge Downfall In my opinion....but i guess we shall see for Summer 09 Awaits the 4g Iphone! To Rival Sony's PSP....They want it to be a PSP with Phone Capabilitys...

    Could It be Too Much in one Package We shall See!!!

  • Ralph
    Ralph Posts: 18
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    The MMS features at cingular and ATT have been restricted. I get the message that the email has failed due to this. What am I doing wrong. This is lame in 2009. MMS should be an inbred feature of all phones that take pictures.

  • mapobean
    mapobean Posts: 1
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    i see that and tried but can't seem to get it to work for att carrier do you know what it would be for att they think i have a LG VU

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    That's where Send MMS from ifind2 comes in; it's not my app and I'm not spamming or promoting it but liked this app so much that I had to tell everyone about it since AT&T and Apple can't seem to get there act together. This app sends to all service providers including Cricket which is Metro. Check it out at http://MMS.ifind2.com

  • iPhone Companies
    iPhone Companies Posts: 3
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    great post always wanted to find out to scroll top many thanks.

  • idiots
    idiots Posts: 1
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    It only doesn't work, for those of you having problems, because you don't know what you are doing. I've done it multiple times and have seen it being done.
    Stop calling things a waist of time and saying things are stupid because you don't know how to work your own phones.

  • person
    person Posts: 6
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    yeah, that's not the right extension for verizon. for verizon it's: **********@VTEXT.COM

    hope this helped. :)

  • David n memphis
    David n memphis Posts: 4
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    I can send and revive pix , Tex & e-mail on my iPhone ever since I first bought my 3 G , can't wait till the iPhone 4 comes out I'll give them six months to work out the kinks out then buy one !!!

  • David n memphis
    David n memphis Posts: 4
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    I know that's right !

  • David n memphis
    David n memphis Posts: 4
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    Your smart phone is smarter than you

  • David n memphis
    David n memphis Posts: 4
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    You have to be smarter than the machine to use it !!!

  • Shotzie
    Shotzie Posts: 2
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    Wow so I updated to the new 4.0 big mistake for me. If I knew you couldn't send and recieve picture messages I would have never updated. What a load of crap this is.

  • Shotzie
    Shotzie Posts: 2
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    Obviously you have nit updated your firmware to the new 4.0. I have the 3GS and the firmware it comes with is what your probably thinking of works fine for sending and receiving picture messages. I updated and so did these people on here to the new 4.0 and you can not send and receive picture messages. It has nothing to do with people not knowing how to work their phones. So your just ranting and calling people idiots when your the one talking about something you know nothing about which is completely ignorant.

  • the_abomination
    the_abomination Posts: 2
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    sending the picture came out succesful but i cant recieve pictures.PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO DO IT!!
  • the_abomination
    the_abomination Posts: 2
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  • Joseph
    Joseph Posts: 29
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    I can't receive pictures on my iPhone
  • Ty Sehrt
    Ty Sehrt Posts: 1
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    Hi business owner! Today utilizing Search engines and as search engines optimizer