Apple Gets Patent For 'Anti-Sexting' Technology For iPhone



  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    You're right on that ps. Im 14 and i know my way around my iphone 3GS like the back of my hand, while my dad sometimes struggles with his iphone.

  • Derek
    Derek Posts: 21
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    To all of those saying that "children" shouldn't be given iPhones or the one that said we should wait until we know what it is to "earn" it:

    I got the first generation iPhone when I was 16 and wanna know how I got it and paid the bills? Care to guess how I managed to afford the 3GS and the iPhone 4 (Which I bought completely out of contract)?

    I got a job! =O

    I want to say that just because someone is younger doesn't always necessarily mean they don't know what it means to earn something; I worked for my iPhones and paid my bills the right way.

    I didn't mooch off of mommy and daddy for what I wanted, and to be completely honest I couldn't (didn't have that kind of extra money) and looking back at it now wouldn't have changed a thing about it. I still see value in my 1st gen iphone, value I most likely wouldn't have seen had it been handed to me.

  • maaseja
    maaseja Posts: 15
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    I think it's good if you can chose to have it just like the perantelcontrole.
    I don't want my (future) kids (I would let them use my old iPhones) to get sexual harest by some creepy guy via textmesseges.
    And I think it can encourage them to use proper language.

  • Joddnager
    Joddnager Posts: 1
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    I agree with you, i was the same. well said!

  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    They call it a donkey sanctuary but there are quite a few asses there. One of my neighbors has great ****, nesting in her garden and I'm woken every morning by another neighbors ****, crowing it's little lungs out at dawn. By the way I work on a pub, so yes. I'm a bar steward.

    I'd love to see what the software make of that text lol

  • cash
    cash Posts: 6
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    wow they are doing this in china!! how can apple patent it??????

  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I'm not so worried about the sexting as I am about virtual stds, save us Steve we need you. By the way, sexting is obsolete now that we have front facing cameras. Why text when you can flash each other simultaneously. Seriously, its not the technology thats inherently bad, but how we use it. Its up to the parents to supervise their childs usage. I think its a good idea as long as then end user has control over its use. I don't like having things forced on me.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Why have laws that protect children? Let's let them watch X-rated material, smoke cigarettes, and drink alcohol because hey this is America, land of the free... Obviously I'm being sarcastic to prove my point that you're wrong. It's not like this is going to be mandatory on the iPhone. It's going to be a parental control, much like the parental controls you have on your TV and your computer already. Relax, you're not going to jail, although that kind of thinking may land you there.

  • rupesh
    rupesh Posts: 11
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    I really don't think it's that bad. It looks as if the "sexting ban" will be listed under the parental control options. That means you would have to turn the feature on first. It's just a thing to assist parents who want to block offensive language being sent to and from the phones. Those of us who are old enough can leave the filter off.

  • Allan McMillin
    Allan McMillin Posts: 2
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    Daughter has been using my iPod Touch since she was 4

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    that means that you are an idiot just like everone else that are buying their 8 yr. old and iphone.

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    its a point that is being made to those fools who are buying these types of phones for 8 yr. old children. What the hell does an 8 yr. old need with a phone, period!

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    You are an idiot too! WTF do children that are 8 yrs old need with a phone?!

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    You're the biggest idiot of these posts!

  • Simple is as Simple does
    via Wordpress

    They already have such controls. Turn off texting on the account. Simple solution.