Steve Jobs Responds To Google's Claim That Android Is Open And iPhone Is Closed



  • Edwin
    Edwin Posts: 9
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    Steve needs to beef up again.. he sounds like a little girl in this video.. I had a hard time believing that was him.. he sounds worse than Bill Gates.

  • ewj
    ewj Posts: 26
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    Apple fan boys/girls cultist you now have your talking points go forth. You have been blessed.

    I like my droid phone because it does more for less, I like my iPad for quick emails, and to review documents. My Sony laptop is used when I need to br productive and creative.

    I primarily use apps that are available on all three Evernote, todo, kindle, etc. I have almost nothing that is used only on one device - except for the laptop.

  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    This astounding diatribe of spin reminds me of Apple's 1984 advertisement, except it's several dozen differently coloured Android pole vaulters breaking through an army of pod-zombies (inc.iphone-zombies).

    When it's time to upgrade my iphone3gs next year, I'll be going Android, because I am not a moron - I can figure out the UI as I use it. After that I might be back for iphone7 if it's good... or Winphone (if it's good) ... or Ubuntuphone (if it exists ...and is good).

  • busted
    busted Posts: 24
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  • lolumad?
    lolumad? Posts: 3
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    Really he needed years to come up with that argument? You fanboys are idiots.

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    "Compare this to iPhone where every handset works the same"

    Unless you are an Iphone 3G user who has been misfortunate enough to put IOS 4.x on their phone.

    She aint working the same anymore. She broke!

    And dont be fooled into thinking at IOS4.1 has fixed everthing. Because it hasnt for many.

    Just check the Apple forums and you will see there are numerous dissatisfied customers.

  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    I'm a developer, and have moved from developing Windows Mobile apps to iPhone and iPad. One of the reasons for the move, and the demise of Windows Mobile was that we couldn't just ship one product, we had to create 12 different versions, for differing screen sizes, different key configurations etc.

    Believe me Android need to standardise fast or they will go the same way Windows Mobile did...

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    U need to stop carrying a 2 year old phone an get an upgrade you poor sap then you don't have that problem

  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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  • asimo
    asimo Posts: 3
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    tak poviem ke tejto teme: KUA KOHO TO ZAUJIMA KTO KOLKO PREDA??!!!?? kohutie vojny.. heh..

  • asimo
    asimo Posts: 3
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    i say one thing.. WHO THE FCK CARES!!! i just hear " bla bla sold so many.. bla bla sold so many, bla bla im better, bla bla hes better.. bla bla"

  • h2o2h
    h2o2h Posts: 11
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    I hate Google is so many levels. My email account was compromised, and I AM THE OWNER, and can't get them to release back to me, with all the concrete proof I have provided. I swear, Google is turning to be one NASTY hater and sh!t talker.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    I use all 3 - BB for work and use an Iphone and Android device personally. Hands down the best all around device for personal use is indeed an Iphone..........but only a Jailbroken iphone. Without the jailbreak - i'd pick the Android device and leave the Iphone in the gutter. Fragmentation is a concern for some, for the vast majority (the same who say they don't need to jailbreak their iphone i imagine) it is a non issue as they leave whatever OS the manufacturer and carrier put on and hit the market occasionally. Long and short - I don't think Steve can just rant away the fact Android is selling like gangbusters. They've obviously hit something consumers want. Whether it's a particular hardware spec or an open platform - whatever.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Also, not to mention that ios users spend more money on apps. Android users expect free apps and I don't see any cheap users spending money. Developers will go where the money is, while doing the least amount of work.

    Android users tend to be from the low class, low income, and cheap people. iOS users tend to have more money to spend, and prefer to pay a premium for stuff that just works.

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    One thing consumers want is pricing and andriod phones are cheaper without a higher data plan. I know plenty of andriod people that would love an iphone but just can't afford the pricing plan

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Android relies on all of the different manufacturers to create phones that run it. It won't be uniform simply because these manufacturers are also in competition with each other to create a more lucrative phone.

  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    I think both have their advantages and disadvantages. I also think that ultimately neither one will "win", but both will co-exist and the sooner they figure that out, the better off we all will be. Once both companies understand it, they can spend their time being better than the other and coming out with true innovations, instead of all of the backbiting.

  • Darlik
    Darlik Posts: 0
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    John said
    "Android users tend to be from the low class, low income, and cheap people"
    Wow John, what insight you have I always wondered what "class" I was


  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
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    Agreed, I want to have some of whatever Jobs was smoking to make him think Windows was open. IMHO, it has to be the most closed platform there is. At least for OSX parts of it are open in Darwin.

  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
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    You can restore most Android phones as far as I know (At the very least you can with Motorola phones), but the process is a little more technical. The fact that you can download the source, customize and build it yourself, then put it on your phone is what makes it open. In fact, more or less, that is all what being open is about. Other companies are just trying to redefine "open" to meet their needs because it is a buzz word right now.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    "Developers will go where the money is, while doing the least amount of work"

    Your argument would actually point developers to Android and not Iphone if the current sales trend continues (android outselling iphone). More subscribers/users on Android translates into more potential sales. I think you're way off base on saying Android users "expect" free apps and that they're cheap. I don't even know what you're basing your thoughts on that Android users are low class and low income. By the same logic I could say Android users being higher educated would better utilize and exploit an open, but potentially more difficult to understand OS model. Get real buddy. Other than initial cost to buy (which is subsidized by carriers anyway), I don't think class, income, "cheapness" come into play. Oh - and some of the richest people in the world are "cheap".

  • im not sure if your retarded, or just didnt read or listen to his argument above?

  • Tammy
    Tammy Posts: 16
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  • Paladin
    Paladin Posts: 2
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    "The first thing we think about when we hear 'open' is Windows"?

    You keep using that word, 'open'. I don't think it means what you think it means.