iPhone Leads US Smartphone Race, But Android Catching Up Fast

Whizkid Posts: 135
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPhone Leads US Smartphone Race, But Android Catching Up Fast

Nielsen, the media research firm has just released their data showcasing the performance of the US Smartphone market in the month of November 2010.

Read the full story here



  • Arron
    Arron Posts: 6
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    I think once verizon picks up the iPhone you're going to see a lot of verizon customers get iPhones. I personly don't have a smartphone but would get a verizon iPhones. I also know people that would switch from android to iPhone if they could keep there's version service.
  • GSM lover
    GSM lover Posts: 2
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    LOL..... that funny to compare....yuo compare "IPHONE" 91 kind only to RIM so many models and most is android thats only an OS.....think about it
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    This is where other companies fail and Apple succeeds. They keep comparing themselves to Apple when Apple compares to themselves. Iphone hardware vs android OS while Apple sees iOS vs Android OS. Either way, Apple is still on top.Let's not forget how long it took Apple to reach 20%+ market share vs how long it took Android. Is this really worthy news?
  • ?
    ? Posts: 26
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    It was inevitable. Whether you prefer Apple, RIM, Google, or Microsoft, it doesn't really matter because this competition breeds innovation. They are all solid platforms which cater to their respective markets. Very interested in the new unveils from various OEMs with their line-ups of smartphones and tablets. 2011 should be an exciting year.
  • lulu
    lulu Posts: 4
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    if android smart phones got nice applications in da future , why not switch my ipod i mean iphone to android ??? cant see any problem .
  • user123
    user123 Posts: 2
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    Dun understand why keep comparing iOS to Android. I'm no iphone fan but it doesn't take a degree to understand IF iphone has a 20 percentage market share and Android 80, Apple earn the entire 20% while Android still need to split into different companis, am i right. Somemore there's no one iphone but say within HTC there's already so many Android phone.
  • user123
    user123 Posts: 2
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    you can, why not.dun forget Android user might switch to iOS also.alot of ppl i know get Android as an alternative to iphone, but not the other way, and alot get Android only becos its cheaper.i've got no statistics to support myself but again, you dun need statistics to understand
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Android is there on so many phones so its bound to be higher.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    You can't compare a platform to an actual phone. If Apple had "40" different phones based on their OS they would absolutely dominate. Of course Android is catching up.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    Nobody's comparing a platform to a phone - we're comparing *iOS platform* to *Android platform*.It's entirely Apple's own fault if they choose to deliberately *limit* their platform to only 1 phone (and a bunch of poddy toys and cut-back finger touch netbooks).This is an entirely fair comparison. Once again, folks are getting stupendously Apple-centric in their analytical starting point.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    If Apple chooses to remain as a one-trick pony (phone-wise) it's entirely their own fault.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    You are *wrong*!This is an entirely fair comparison - we’re comparing *iOS platform* to *Android platform*.It’s entirely Apple’s own fault if they choose to deliberately *limit* their platform to only 1 phone.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    This is an entirely fair comparison – we’re comparing *iOS platform* to *Android platform*.It’s entirely Apple’s own fault if they choose to deliberately *limit* their platform to only 1 phone.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    Your statement is incoherent and ... well, if it's incoherent, not much else needs to be said.YES it *is* news!
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    Oh yes, I think I get it, you're accusing companies of failing to compare their OS to Apple's OS - but THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS ARTICLE!RIM has not failed, they're declining, but not out, Google is not failing, Nokia has taken a big hit, but they haven't failed yet, HTC, Sony Ericsson, LG, Samsung have NOT failed.Given that Google has risen MUCH FASTER than Apple - this IS news. And the reason is because they work with other companies rather than hide in a room until they can do everything themselves. Let's see how this year pans out.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    ...or the iOS platform to the Blackberry platform.
  • Anything
    Anything Posts: 10
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    This thing happen bcoz iphonehacks keep deleting my comments so my loving fans now became angry on iphonehacks n stop using their iphones so its market get down and iphonehacks have to be shut off...!!!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I'll repeat it again since some of the readers here seem to be a bit on the slow end. This is a comparison of iphone hardware vs android os. Yes, given that iphone hardware also runs iOS along with ipads and ipod touches.One point you're not quite comprehending is that Apple themselves do not compare their markets to other companies. They are #1 in the hardware market and #1 in the software market, ie., iOS (includes ipads, ipods and iphones).As far as how quickly android rose to dominate market share? Well they haven't yet. Sales are increasing but Apple still owns the market share. And this is iphone only market share which is something apple's not using as a comparison.CES is coming soon, maybe we'll see some real news but then again, we probably won't: "The show is supposed to be about new and innovative products, but to a large extent what you're going to see is the rest of the electronics world trying to catch up to what Apple is already doing."
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Correction: "we’re comparing [the iphone portion of] *iOS platform* to *Android platform*."Keep scratching your head.A fair comparison would be the number of phones google sold in all of 2010 vs number of phones apple sold in all of 2010, worldwide. Picking hot months for one company vs slow months of another is hardly a fair market share comparison. And these are estimated phones that shipped (from manufacturer to retail stores) not sold.
  • Raider4lyf
    Raider4lyf Posts: 4
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    Ohhhh my!!! So many apple fanboi's here trying to ignore the real point of this article!! Can't you apple fanboi's just admit it?? It's simple!! Thisis almost just like Microsoft vs apple!! Simple as that! Microsoft owns apple simply because they have a larger margin of hardwares that's being rubbed on, unlike the stupid apple who just keeps the OS to themselves! Like what Zonkerton has been pointing over and over again! It's apple's fault that they're limiting their OS to one platform! And no matter how you apple fanboi's point out that it's 1 vs 100000, the fact of the matter is, if android overtakes apple like how apple overtook RIM, the point is still clear, one company took down the other! Again, like M$ and Apple back in the day where M$ crushed apple!! And if it wasn't for bill gate's money where he gave apple for free, you apple fanboi's wouldn't even have any arguement today!! Admit it, android is catching up, and catching up fast! And it's only a matter of time before it takes over Steve jobs! And that's the reason for this article, not 1 vs 100000000!!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    So many android fanbois here on an apple hacking site. Too bad most of us here don't care enough about android to go posting on an android forum. It's fanbois like yourself that makes apple even more successful.
  • Raider4lyf
    Raider4lyf Posts: 4
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    John: it's not about being a fanboi for android platform! Obviously, I'm here because I also own a 3GS iPhone.. Waiting for a jailbreak for the iOS 4.2.1.. And eventhough I'm an iPhone owner, I don't turn into an Apple fanboi just like you.. I admit the fact that Android is indeed catching up.. Much like what the article was talking about.. I don't make excuses like you, and certainly wouldn't make any excuses for the Apple for limiting their OS to their platform! Android is catching up, iPhone is about to lose ground and that's that! Accept it! Oh and btw, I'm an iPhone owner, but pretty soon I won't be anymore as I'm getting tired of this BS where you have to do cat and mouse about jailbreaking this stupid iPhone! Apple already lost their case about people jailbreaking their iPhone, let us keep the jailbreak and sign the old iOS just like before already! Stupid steve jobs!
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    My response to this is: what? I don't understand a thing you just tried to say.
  • solferico
    solferico Posts: 21
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    Here some thoughts:- For sure, Android will pass iOS in terms of market share. Its obvious: iOS has one phone launch per year, while Android has around 50 new models of different manufacturers each year.- That means Google strategy is better than apple one? While 100% of the revenue for iOS devices sales are for Apple, 0% of the revenues for, let's say, Samsung Galaxy sales are for Google. (Yes, they make some money by licensing "non android core" apps from google like gmail client, maps and so, but that is peanuts compared to a 700$ iPhone revenue). Remember that Android is under Apache License.- Providing only the SW for third party HW manufacturers is the best approach? Both Google and MS tried to compete with Apple by producing their own handset (Nexus from Google and ... dont even remember the MS one) If they where happy with their position in market, why would they try to compete with HW also?
  • Raider4lyf
    Raider4lyf Posts: 4
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    Solferico: Yes I agree with your point.. But then again, do you believe that that's what Google has on their mind?? Do you really believe that they're not making that much money from doing this?? You're mistaken.. And you're mistaken badly.. For one, google makes money for those applications that's being sold on their android market.. Secondly, they make money for all the advertisements (where google really make their money from).. Once Android overtakes apple and RIM, they will make tons of money, eventhough their OS is open source and free.. Google is looking at this Android OS in long term, not for a chump profit that you will make in a short term.. Trust me, if google believes that they wouldn't make money from this, they would drop the Android support in an instant.. Google isn't stupid.. Android is pure business and not just some philanthropy OS..
  • ?
    ? Posts: 26
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    Because their Nexus phones come with stock Android thus first to get upgraded.
  • solferico
    solferico Posts: 21
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    First, I'm glad that we can discuss our points of view without the aggresiveness that other users are showing here, and that I don't understand. You're right: google is making big money with this for sure. What I was trying to say is that for every million iphones sold, Apple earns much more money than Google with the same amount of whatever Android device sales, so Apple can still feel comfortable with a second position. And in terms of "indirect revenue" (apps) Apple again earns more money (developer fees and sales&ads %) and there is 50% more apps in AppStore than in Android Market today. Both stores grows today about 1000 new apps per day.To wrap up things: my point is that with the same market share, Apple makes much more profit of it than Google. If market trends continues like today... will apple mobile business be in danger because of Android? Probably, if Apple does nothing about it. But in innovation, nobody performs better than apple, so we can expect them to do so.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Not true. Apple BUILT their phone. Google tried, and failed enormously. Apple succeeded, and they practically OWN the smartphone industry. Google will put their android OS on anything, because they failed so largely with their own phone. Don't be a retard
  • Drewskiz
    Drewskiz Posts: 1
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    I agree with both of you to some extent but solferico is right on. Apple is not losing any sleep because of Android's gains in market share. It's not in their blood to produce products with sacrifices in quality and sub standard user experience as Google does. Google needs to have as many phones out there as possible because they clearly don't make their money from the hardware as Apple does. Apple doesn't really have to worry to much as long as they keep doing what they're doing; innovation, quality, and great user experience.
  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Posts: 5
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    Haha i totally agree with you john :D