iPhone Leads US Smartphone Race, But Android Catching Up Fast



  • trimmer
    trimmer Posts: 10
    via Wordpress
    who cares !! i have used them both.. there is no substitute for iphone 4.....
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
    via Wordpress
    You are wrong. Apple designed their phone based on an ARM processor, then contracted other companies like Foxconn to build it.Google tried similarly, subcontracting to HTC to build their first phone (HTC Dream) and their first self-branded phone (Nexus One) - and you're right, they were not super-successful, so if they were trying to be Apple with self-branded, non-manufacturer customised phones - then they've not succeeded so far ... but Google has never tried to lock down the Android platform only to hardware under their control - so it's not really relevant unless you can prove they wanted their own branded phones to dominate the Android phone market.Apple do NOT practically "own" the smartphone market - this statement is just silly spin. Apple neither practically, nor virtually, nor actually owns the smartphone market. They do have a strong and co-leading position within it though. - for the moment.Your suggestion that people who do not agree with your analysis are mentally deficient shows that you prefer to belittle your opponents rather than provide meritorious arguments in your favour. Which greatly reduces your credibilty.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
    via Wordpress
    OH! I think I see what you're trying to say! You're accusing this Nielsen study of being unfair or irrelevant or biased because they are comparing Apple hardware in the form of the iphone to the Android OS!Now I understand the mistake you are making!This is a completely legitimate comparison and there's nothing wrong with comparing Apple iphone with the total spectrum of Google Android. You see, they are *not* comparing Apple hardware to Google software.They are comparing sectors of the smartphone market - this market is made up of phones (hardware) running operating systems (software). Android OS isn't worth hot air without hardware to run it on ... and Apple iOS is only available on their iphone.So, they are comparing sectors of the market running different software, because this software largely accounts for user experience. And that's fine."Apple themselves do not compare-" wait, stop. Who cares what Apple compares - this is about an independent market analyst noting a trend. Apple certainly does compare everything - but only privately, since it's not in their commercial interest to look like they're in a desperate race for their life. (a general statement about market competition, not a pointer at Apple's currently healthy market situation).Your next paragraph again mentions what Apple is comparing against - no one's validating or caring or analysing Apple's opinion here, your mindset seems to be too corporately protective of Apple to notice that others have the freedom to make their own analysis. If I owned a company that you were similarly a fan of - I would *not* hire you, because you'd surely tell me that my stuff was the best, and performing best, even it started declining, because you don't seem *capable* of seeing anything from your favourites in a bad light.
  • Raider4lyf
    Raider4lyf Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    Yes, I agree with what you were saying.. But the thing is, if iPhone loses ground to Android in the future, all those money they made now would soon be gone if Android continues to gain grounds and surpasses Apple marginally.. That's just how this game is played anyways.. Look at Nokia and RIM for instance, back then they were on top.. They were the top dogs.. But now they bottomed out (at least Nokia did).. Why?? Because they both refused to move forward with their OS, and while doing so new technology is being introduced by Apple.. Yes, Apple.. They're innovators and trend setters if you may, that's for sure.. But then again, as what this article is pointing out, Android is gaining grounds FAST.. They're not snoozers like RIM and Nokia.. And obviously, when a market shows that kind of growth (Android does) in a short period of time, it could only mean trouble to their competitors.. As more and more people are adopting the new "THING".. Let's face it.. A lot of people are getting tired of AT&T and apple's limitations on their iPhone and iOS (errrm FLASH).. I'm one of those people and a bunch of my friends as well.. Actually, a lot of them have since moved on to Android.. And it wasn't because it was cheap, but because you have more freedom to do the things you want with your "OWN" phone (uhhh, FLASH).. Not to mention google maps navigation software that comes free with the phone... So what's there not to like with Android?? And I wanna correct one of the posters on this thread, those people that go with Android never go taking the iPhone route, especially after they root their phones and feeling the taste of freedom from the phone manufacturer.. It's funny how one of googles employee was even caught saying that Android phone's should be rooted and people should do so as well as the manufacturers (well not his exact words, but close).. Now, can Steve Jobs and Apple say that?? I don't think so.. Also, I appreciate how we're handling this conversation as well.. I guess that's because we're not fanboi's like some of the posters here, that's why we're not aggressive to each other.. :D
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
    via Wordpress
    My head's not itchy.Well of course [the iphone portion of]! ... I thought that was a given, considering the subject of this article. But I see, you're confused by my mention of other iOS devices. I was merely acknowledging that while Apple is a one-trick pony in the mobile phone market, that they *do* make other things with their iOS ... I wasn't intending to suggest those other devices come into play in this analysis.Though, it's interesting to think about it: an ipod touch is an iphone without the phone, an ipod classic or an ipod nano or an ipod shuffle are like ipod touch without the touch - and also without various other functionality that ipod touch has, and the ipad is like a giant iphone without the phone (and without the camera), or at least without the network voice call ability, if it has the other 3G functions. But I still wasn't trying to count them in the analysis here - just acknowledging that Apple can do other stuff.It is reasonable for you to criticise the scope of the market review in terms of which months were compared, but I think it's fair enough to compare month by month or quarter by quarter, as long as we can each consider the limitations of the scope of the timeframes in the analysis. However, there are clear trends in the graphs shown.It would only be unfair if they were comparing different months for the different platforms - which is what it sounds like you're possibly accusing them of having done, but which they haven't done.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
    via Wordpress
    The misconception you seem to have is that android will overthrow apple and put them out of game. You seem to have forgotten how quickly apple gained market share to begin with. You only see the momentum android has at the moment.The majority of apple users do not care for flash on our products. It's a non issue, proven with sales numbers of ipods, ipads and iphones. The good thing that comes out of it all is the option for us as consumers to choose. Guess what happens to that iphone when someone switches from ios to android? I assume you guessed correctly. It gets sold to a new user who is now on ios. I can't say the same for the cheap android devices that get discarded. Unless you can predict the future, everything said here is just speculation. I personally don't see android taking over apple as the market leader in the smartphone or portable os market. The numbers today can change and swing in a completely different direction just as it did when the iphone came out, then again when android gained momentum. The next few years will speak for itself when the time comes and when the dust is settled, iphones will still be as popular as they are today. Deal with it and stop hating.
  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
    via Wordpress
    I think comparing OS with Android is useless, since only Apple is offering OS and 100s other are offering Android, so android users has more choices and more design that's why it is picking up so fast....