AT&T Hits Back At Verizon With New iPhone Ad



  • You all are dumb asses
    via Wordpress
    So basically while AT&T and Verizon are fucking you in the ass with out lubricant and you whining about how messed up your service is old Jobs ( fondly referee to as Ass Jobs) will be laughing all the way to the bank with your money. Wake up people it's all a scam there in kahoots togeather what you need to know is which one has the smallest tool.
  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
    via Wordpress
    How about being able to surf at usable speeds...the AT&T network has slowed down considerably over the past couple of days, if they are wanting to keep users, then allowing internet speed to suffer is not a good way to do it.
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
    via Wordpress
    i think it would be more important for at&t to show excellent places to talk and surf. Like while Driving your car, while surfing and talking. Or Eating food, talking and surfing.
  • Kotch
    Kotch Posts: 9
    via Wordpress
    how about using internet on the laptop from iphone and talk at the same time...
  • La Shmoove
    La Shmoove Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    I agree. I've had the iPhone 2G since 2008 (I know, I know), and I can't use this feature anyway. No sweat from my balls! Verizon here I come!!!!!
  • I LOVE the fact I can TEXT, check my EMAIL, check my FACEBOOK, and SURF the WEB during a call! For example, my husband and I each have iPhones. While out of town, he needed me to look up and text him a password he had written down in his office at home. So without ending our call, I was able to text it to him instantly. (cell phones are considered unsecured so I never verbally state confidential info over my cell phone) Another time, while he had me on speaker (as he was driving), he called for me to look up directions to a particular location for him. So again, without ending our call, I Google Mapped the address and told him how to get there. My sister also once called me and asked if I read her email she sent me because she needed my opinion on it. I didn't at the time and asked if I could read it while on the phone so we could discuss it. She liked the fact I could do that while at a store! As far as Facebook and web surfing, well it's something to do when on hold for the "next available representative". So for all the haters... It's called multi-tasking. Don't knock it till you try it!! =P
  • Fortunately, I'm "grandfathered" into my unlimited data plan with AT&T (which I use for ALL my money's worth). But my husband isn't. That really sux. 200MB @$15 everytime or 2GB @$25. If AT&T wants to keep their customers, they seriously need to go back to the unlimited plan.
  • Davewcoble
    Davewcoble Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
    I am in marking at a big none profit and i think that this ad is brilliant its shows that they are still trying also its not like it would b 2 much harder to improve the sound it will be a whole lot harder to also add internet while talking also @dan this is an amazing feature to have i have used it many times while talking to the family about looking up a new movie in theater and stuff similar to that and its better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it also mayb ur just to old to understand how amazing it is to use its one of the main things known in the Iphone 4 it the multi-tasking which is a big advantage over most other phones that is one of the main reasons i got one and if thats faulty what else could be wrong with V iPhone
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
    via Wordpress
    o now i understand you just never had the balls to try AT&T they are alot better then verizon im thinking there are going to be lots more probs come up from verizon's iPhone for besides the fact that AT&T is getting pissed at verizon and are about to make some major improvements that is going to blow verizon out of the water and those ppl thats switched are going to regret it so if your thinking bout switching dont
  • Johan
    Johan Posts: 12
    via Wordpress
    Yep, AT&T really outdid themselves giving their product to Verizon. I mean besides the fact you can override the"no internet while calling" feature and one thing that isn't included in the commercial is the husband making sure he's within optimal range of one of the handful of poorly placed cell towers that spread across only 30% of the cell range Verizon has. Besides that the commercial makes no real logical sense and the effort put in deems this a real plea for subscribers. "Oh look what you can do only with AT&T! Just remember pretty much every phone can do this and that we have terrible cell coverage!" I spit at AT&T.