Greenpois0n RC6: Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 4.2.1 Now Supports Apple TV 2G; Fixes Emulator Issues
I comfirm to all of you who has doubts of this greenpois0n jailbreak. This actually works!!!!!!!
Does greenpoison work on the first gen apple tv? I have a first gen apple tv and installing a 1TB hard drive and having hard time finding info on it. I was against the 2nd gen just because I wanted the extra storage as well and figured I could just jailbreak it and get a better OS on there. So will this work on a first edition apple tv or anyone know what will? I have a 1TB and a 3TB hard drive on its way in addition to a broadcom crystal hd pci-e chip to play 1080p for my little tv here.
can i get free apps after jailbreaking my iphone 3Gs?
the first time i tried it failed. so i tried it again. and it succeeded! Good Luck!
Man I'm also having so much trouble. Can't even open the app. Not sure what to do? Is there any other app that might work for skype?