Verizon To Discontinue Unlimited Data Plans For iPhone Customers By Mid-Summer

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imageVerizon To Discontinue Unlimited Data Plans For iPhone Customers By Mid-Summer

Bloomberg is reporting that Verizon Chief Financial Officer Fran Shammo has revealed that it plans to discontinue its unlimited data plan for iPhone users as early as mid-summer.

Verizon currently offers their smartphone customers include iPhone customers an unlimited data plans for $30 on top of customers calling plans.

Bloomberg reports:

Read the full story here



  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    not too shocking that there discontinuing it, they dont want to lose all those fees for overages that they can make
  • Steven M.
    Steven M. Posts: 18
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    It's bizarre how everyone worries about an unlimited data plan in the age of WiFi. I mean, don't people use WiFi on their iPhones whenever possible because it's so much faster? I sure do.
  • So What
    So What Posts: 10
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    "Verizon Wireless kept its unlimited plan for its first iPhone customers as it "didn't want to put up a barrier" to consumers who wanted to try out the device on its network, the executive said." Suckers!
  • So What
    So What Posts: 10
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    More like they kept it to lure the gullible
  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    What a total scam. They lured people on with promise of unlimited data since At&t didn't offer it and then nix it a few months later. Looks like At&t isn't the only one that rapes users for money.
  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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    I agree with you val..and to Steven, not everyone uses Wifi nor everyone lives in an area that has access to it..I think what they did is irreprehensible..they basically lied to people..I'm glad I stayed w/ AT&T and my unlimited data.
  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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    Addendum to my comment above: the word I wanted was reprehensible.Thank you, thank you very much.;)
  • Ted Mosby
    Ted Mosby Posts: 0
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    I use my iPhone 4 to the fullest. I upload live videos to Ustream, I chat on Skype, I watch movies on Netflix, I use GPS apps and many other tasks. I average 5 GB a month. I only use Wi-Fi at work and home. It isn't a scam. Unlimited Data was a limited offer to entice new customers. Get your iPhone now and get grandfathered in or get stuck on a crappy tiered plan.Age of Wi-Fi? Most Wi-Fi access points are closed.
  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    Mid-summer equals another iPhone going to Verizon and AT&T which means verizon will pull that stunt that AT&T did which was if you wanted a new iPhone 4 you'd have to change to the 2GB data plan which eliminates the unlimited data, Verizon is just doing the same as AT&T but Verizon went down way faster then AT&T.
  • Aaron Lewis
    Aaron Lewis Posts: 2
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    hahahahaha ph0wned!
  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    Actually ATT let you grandfather in your old unlimited plan with the Iphone 4, hence my unlimited data plan with the Iphone 4
  • Nonameforyou
    Nonameforyou Posts: 8
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    Not really. I have had unlimited with AT&T since the first iPhone and I can honestly say that I use about 2.5-3 gb a month & use wifi whenever home or what not. But seeing that where I live has great 3G coverage (5 bars right now, 3,567 download/ 1,275 upload right now) its fast either way.
  • Nonameforyou
    Nonameforyou Posts: 8
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    Odd, they never did that to me. I preordered & got it in the mail with SIM & all. Still have unlimited (aka 5GB) and so on.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    It seems people misunderstood the grandfathered unlimited data plan. Upgrading to the iphone 4 didn't require you to change to a tiered plan. We all kept our unlimited data on att as long as we don't cancel the data or switch ourselves.If you upgrade a phone, you keep your grandfathered unlimited data plan. You're not required to change to a tiered data plan for the new phone.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Yup. We get to keep our unlimited data as long as we don't change it or cancel it ourselves. The only other catch is if we want to signup for att's tethering or hotspot feature, but with a jailbroken iphone and unlimited data who needs to pay more for that?
  • Christopher A Williams
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    LMAO!!! YOU GOT PUNKED...and I've STILL got Unlimited Data..How ya Like me Now.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Anyone can still get unlimited data on At&t, just get a hold of a first gen iphone via friend, Craigs list or Ebay, activate it online and only online. Next go to a brick and mortor store and ask for unlimited data plan, thats it, easy as pie.Why activate it in a store, because if you call at&t they'll give you the run around, but for some reason they don't give you a hassle in the store, actually they associate was very friendly. Got my unlimted data restored, another satisfied customer.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Opps, I omited a step, after activating, first gen online, cut sim down making it a micro sim and install in iphone 4, then have your plan change at actual store, hope that helps.If you wait for confirmation online they'll only offer you a tiered plan thats why you have to change your plan in anctual store, same goes for calling into att, nothing but the run around about how they stopped offering unlimted data, bla bla bla, worked for me, so give it a try.
  • Swamibob
    Swamibob Posts: 1
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    Seems like a reason to go ahead and get the iphone now so you will be able to keep the unlimited plan in the future with Verizon. If they drop the unlimited after my plan runs out, i'd drop their service. $30 is enough per month for unlimited and I hate feeling like i'm on the clock like in the old AOL days with their 20hr/mo plans. When will they realize it is just a phone and most people don't have to have it if it gets too expensive. I like having a phone on me when I need to go somewhere and i'm expecting a call, but in a lot of ways I miss the days when I couldn't be reached at a moments notice. Most of the time it's just a pain in the ass.Also, I'd like to just say I hate AT&T and I will never change back to their drop a call every 10 mins service. Verizon is so much better that i'm willing to give up the faster data speed just so my calls won't be dropped.
  • mdlooker
    mdlooker Posts: 3
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    LMAO!!! That was good. They'll get grandfathered in and if not they'll tell verizon to go to hell!!
  • mdlooker
    mdlooker Posts: 3
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    It's too easy. Get the phone w/ unlimited data; sell this year's model when then next model comes out (if desired), jailbreak either of them and get mywifi 4.0 for 20 bucks and have unlimited internet for your phone and other devices until the wheels fall off. I was scary about the warranty at first; extremely scary but finally did it. Able to restore the phone to factory specs if need be and just lil happy camper right about now. It's been jailbroken for about a year now. With ATT and was grandfathered in.
  • Kain
    Kain Posts: 10
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    No offense Christopher & off the subject... But I really got a good laugh by the choice of words you used. "Punked" and "LMAO". I didn't know people still used those wore out words - Very retro and great reply! ...and +1 for unlimited plan and jailbreaks
  • My iPhone Repair
    My iPhone Repair Posts: 1
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    Does anyone know when parts will be available for Verizon's iPhone 4, to the iPhone Repair industry?We blogged about it My iPhone Repair blog
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    They just want to lock in people now.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    So much for 26% of users claiming to jump en mass to Verizon as soon as Verizon gets iPhone. I bet ATT didn't even lose 3% of their iPhone customers.
  • billfred
    billfred Posts: 3
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    yeah its like now they can both stay just raping people on charges and nobody will get any better deal. The amount of money they are bringing in is just unbelievable to assume this kind of scrupulous behavior.
  • JayeDee369
    JayeDee369 Posts: 30
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    Not every city offers Wi-Fi like what you're talking about. Unlimited data is priceless in NYC. I surpass the 2 GB usage in a day-I don't even want to tell you how much data I use in a month. So unlimited is like a Godsend. If I didn't have unlimited, I probably wouldn't have an iPhone the way I'm always on the net with my phone. I feel for my friends that waited and got the iPhone 4, I had the 3 and 3GS and basically carried my service over to each phone. I hope Verizon doesn't do this because that might be a selling point for AT&T to bring back. It's sad really because you shouldn't be shelling out an arm and a leg to enjoy what Apple has brought to it's phone users
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    It Blows. But no suprise any way to screw the customer
  • Jen
    Jen Posts: 16
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    I have the Blackberry Curve with Verizon and have an unlimited data plan. Will it be grandfathered in if I wait to get the iphone 5 or should I get the iphone 4 now?
  • Brian Smith
    Brian Smith Posts: 1
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    Wireless network are faster, unlimited data plan is inconsius