Browser Speed Test – Mobile Safari Vs Internet Explorer 9 Mobile Vs Android Browser



  • even
    even Posts: 0
    via Wordpress
    I've checked the JS codes and they seem to be alright.
  • Lardo
    Lardo Posts: 3
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    You do realize that by saying "everyone cares" you're saying 89 year old grandmothers care about which phone has the fastest browser. You are saying that 4 year old toddlers care about which phone has the fastest browser. By saying "everyone cares" you are also saying that nomads in the middle of the Sahara, with no cellphone towers in sight, much less water, care that they can keep up to date with their with their Facebook lives quicker than their other nomad friends. Oh, you don't mean everyone? I'm sorry, my misunderstanding. By the way, the closest definition of hypocrite I could track down, according to how I presume you are attempting to use it, is: a person who acts in contradiction to his/her stated belief or feelings. Unfortunately, "lukas" posed a question, he didn't state his belief or feeling, so he could actually care and he still would not be a hypocrite. So... #epicfail?
  • Lardo
    Lardo Posts: 3
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    Unfortunately theo, not many people look at it from that point of view... so basically, Windows isn't trying convince you, you're too smart... I mean, you're not part of the demographic that test site is targeted for.
  • Lardo
    Lardo Posts: 3
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    I think the question is, "why are they still making it?" I mean, why not just go out and acquire a well established company and have them handle the web browser for them? Like, I dunno, their acquisition of Skype for instance?
  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    Being a web developer/designer I hate IE more than the next guy. But the test seems accurate to me. My results below:Chrome ~70FF ~60Opera ~10WP7 ~24-26iphone 3gs (IOS 4.X) ~4ipod (IOS5) ~ 7IE9 ~55Safari 5.1.1 ~7I used safari dev tools to spoof user agent as well as a plugin for ff and ie9's built in. And got the same results no matter the user agent (and it did update at the bottom where it says the user agent). Obviously there are other ways to detect a browser but I personally think Safari and Opera are dropping the ball on this so far.Having done some fairly simple development with HTML5 canvas I can definitely say that on iphone4/ipod both with IOS5 it definitely leaves something to be desired. There is no way currently to make a fluid html5 game for Apple mobile devices because of this. My be their javascript engine as html5 canvas is just the canvas you are writing on. On the same note WP7 seems to have problems with a couple of javascript functions running slow as well.All things considered WP7 browser is much more pleasant to use than Mobile Safari for multiple reasons. And it is not the best that microsoft developed this but I think apple should do one as well to see what that looks like.
  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    Iphone wasn't first, it isn't best, and no one product will ever hold title as best even if it is the best at one point or another. When I got my iPhone there were things that my old Palm could do iPhone couldn't. No doubt iPhone sparked a lot of innovation (I am happy for that because I love my WP7 and MS needed some fire under their asses after sitting on XP for so long).MS complacency with XP/IE6 killed a lot of great progress that could have been had. But with WIN7/WP7/WIN8 they are on fire again. And their work will no doubt make Apple/Google step it up.. MMMM consumer WIN!!!
  • ThKinkyBoutique
    ThKinkyBoutique Posts: 0
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    ???????????????????????????????????????????? !
  • Esfulct Shiman
    Esfulct Shiman Posts: 1
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    Is there any chance for me to have internet explorer on my iPhone 4 ?! Because there are some websites that don't allow viewers to have q browaser like Apple Saffari or Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox or Opera... They only want us to go to their websites only with Microsoft Internet Explorer! For example student portal of Islamic Azad University of Najafabad (Iran) doesn't allow us to surf that by some thing except Internet Explorer!