Apple Sues Samsung For Blatantly Copying iPhone And iPad

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Sues Samsung For Blatantly Copying iPhone And iPad

Wall Street Journal reports Apple has filed a patent lawsuit against Samsung in U.S. District Court in Northern California, alleging that the Galaxy line of smartphones and tablets infringe their patents and trademarks.

The lawsuit claims that Samsung has not only copied the hardware shape but also the user interface and packaging from the iPhone and iPad.

Wall Street Journal reports:

Read the full story here



  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    Thats bull s***, Apple is so full of themselves.
  • Trey
    Trey Posts: 11
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  • tonywongfish
    tonywongfish Posts: 12
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    i was thinking when is this going to happen .....i was feeling something strange age ago about years ago .....when everything (phone) on the marketing just looked like an iphone ....every1 just try to copy iphone but (in my opinion ) fail to catch reasonable marking place from it.i think apple should do this long time ago as this is just wrong !!!
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    So why did apple wait so long? I think it may have been a deliberate move to garnishee some of the profits of successful competitor products, rather than prevent them from appearing.
  • tonywongfish
    tonywongfish Posts: 12
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    god .....look at those pictures ! mom (or ppls in general )really confusing what is different between iphone and another phone ....i mean ....back to few years ago ....i used to check out some nokia or samsung products to see if i can buy an new phone with new design i just knew there will be no new design, just all the iphone alike .....dont get me wrong ...i have been using every iphone from 3g to 4 now ....i m always want a second "back up " phone .....which look a bit different or even better then iphone ...
  • tonywongfish
    tonywongfish Posts: 12
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    for that ....i m buying u too , after all apple is a company right ?!?....i think this is their move .....wait till all the others just copy their design to the state of no return (like just push an new iphone alike model).....then suing them for some amount (well, property not some) of money ......
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    You're bullshit. Everyone always sues Apple, i.e. motorola and that Q something company. Apple sues for legitimate reasons and you say they're full of themselves. Let the **** punching commence.
  • tonywongfish
    tonywongfish Posts: 12
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    but in my opinion , ......they never even come close to be "successful competitor products" least not yet .i admit that they've recently is able to grab "some" of the marketing .....but it's not becoz of their design .......or higher configuration or **** ....i think is just ppls ....customer in general are start confusing which phone is which. some1 i know even think they are using an a cheaper iphone but it's made by other company.if this iphone copy cat phenomenon keep going, then i can't image what is the phone catalogs will look like next year .....ha !
  • tonywongfish
    tonywongfish Posts: 12
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    i mean ......i can’t "imagine" what is the phone catalogs will look like next year …..ha !
  • princemnf
    princemnf Posts: 6
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    Are you a moron apple didn't took actions against other companies because it doesn't matter at that time as their popularity was not even close to apple but when other companies started sueing apple, they realize that they should do something and apple give legit prove of other companies coping their products
  • tonywongfish
    tonywongfish Posts: 12
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    also , ,,,i dont think any of this will affect the relationship of samsung as the chip supplier for apple....from business point of views wants to have a big clients like apple to order a large amounts of clips from them ......after all they making money from it right ?! smartphone is just one part of the company which i think they are doing a very bad job of it.
  • surfmike
    surfmike Posts: 11
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    hey the lawyer need to do something to earn the part to ,, just how much money does apple need ?for making an iphone that drop call an ipad with a **** ass camera. we the people should be suing apple
  • TekTonicNZ
    TekTonicNZ Posts: 1
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    Realistically, how else is a phone supposed to look? It's all about the biggest screen real-estate in the otherwise smallest overall device, and minimum or no physical buttons.Given that, there are only so many ways to design a smartphone these days.
  • ?
    ? Posts: 26
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    There sure are a lot of comments here that don't make much sense.
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    you ifags need to stop circle jerking on these lame ass topics. uh uh uh uh aaahhhhhhh.. sorry about that.
  • Hanno
    Hanno Posts: 1
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    I agree with "? "My God! What idiots comment on here? 1- Learn how to spell2 - Learn basic grammar and punctuation!3 - Learn how to string a sentence together@Tonywongfish, "something strange age ago about years ago". WTF?????? your comments make NO sense!RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Prinny
    Prinny Posts: 2
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    Wait a phone that uses an GUI OS? Microsoft should sue! I mean seriously... All cell phones look alike at this point. That's like Levi's sueing all other jean companies because the material used made of denim, in the shape of pants and is blue...
  • Prinny
    Prinny Posts: 2
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    Where's the justice? I mean soap companies should sue Apple since obviously they made their phones in the shape of a bar of soap. No company should be allowed to create a cell phone that doesn't resemble an actual corded phone.
  • theeiphoneguy
    theeiphoneguy Posts: 3
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    apple has patented every thing they create for a reason. all these companies have been copying off of them sense the first iphone came out. after that everyone wanted to make touch screen phones. and then after the ipad every one wanted to come out with tablets. hmm. If i was apple i would have sued a lot time ago lol.
  • ju!ce
    ju!ce Posts: 4
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    Apple has some of the most BS patents. Multi-touch patent is like giving a patent for walking.
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    I honestly think that this is a punlicity has become the most sued tech company in the world and it wants to change its no PR genius but i think this is a publicity stunt...lets not forget that samsung supplies apple with a bunch of just hired a bunch of big lawyers so maybe this is a showcase for them...either way...i love both companies(i have an iphone and a samsung wave)...
  • Meltdown
    Meltdown Posts: 3
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    And Ford should sue every car maker for using their idea of 4 wheels & engine to get around
  • Jikkan
    Jikkan Posts: 1
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    "Good artists copy, great artists steal" Picaso said it, Steve Jobs said it. In fact, Stevie boy said Apple shamelessly steals others' ideas. So for all you people defending apple, go f**k yourself. Kthxbai
  • Ralph
    Ralph Posts: 18
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    LOL! Apple are evidently beginning to worry about real competition, otherwise, they would have done this a long time ago.Awww, Bless 'em...
  • Bored of apple now
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    Pathetic apple worried about sgs2!! Oh btw since it's not on here, redsn0w untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2 is put haha
  • Bored of apple now
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    "Out" that is haha, not for iPad 2 tho
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    If It Was Your Design And Idea That's Being Copied, You'd Be Whining Like Little Bitches. about How Samsung Stole Your Ideas So Shut It. It's Apples Property For A Reason. And Samsung Is Infringing On It, They're Loss For Not Having They're Own Designs.
  • Bored of apple now
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    Apple did not invent phones? You muppet!!! Haha
  • Fuck me Freddie
    Fuck me Freddie Posts: 7
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    This is just stupid. Yes other companies are making touchscreen phones like there are a bouncy of companies making tv they make what people want. So if I patten human waste then I can sue everyone who uses the bath room? Or if I design shoe laces no one else ca do that or I can sue them? This is completely ridiculous. I think Apple just made one of there biggest mistakes yet because don't they get slot of there parts from samsung?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This should have happened earlier because Samsung is master in copying!