Apple Sues Samsung For Blatantly Copying iPhone And iPad



  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    All I ever see you do is blindly supporting everything apple does, and if anyone makes a bad comment, belittle them saying apple this and this.While you may be a fanboy, think of this.I had a cellphone a long time ago the shape apple phones have. But they not being sued? And they haven't sued apple either.How are phones supposed to look? There are only a finite ways to develop one. The interface however is not what should be sued, as they are using Android IIRC. Not developed by Samsung.Look at sumsung star. has same as 3g, released around same time, so how is keeping to their own design, not logical?You keep on saying valid this and that. How many cases have been won? Answer that first off. If you can't then don't talk about validity in lawsuits.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Multitouch should be a patent. The gestures used that work are reason it's multitouch using something that senses more than one finger is not their patent.Check out the actual patent before arguing against random ones.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Wont cause problems, because they sell too much and make too much from Apple.However, they might not give them or let them get away with any specials or offers they previously did. Those might just run out causing Apple to pay slightly more for parts. Unless they already have another company that can do the job. Then they wont do anything.
  • Rem
    Rem Posts: 2
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    Now that ipad 2 can't be JB'd I'd get a Samsung.
  • ohyeaa
    ohyeaa Posts: 12
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    i don't see why there's a fuzz... the two are only 95% similar
  • h
    h Posts: 13
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    Honesty, people have no sense. From the comments I read on this site it just seems that people only want Apple to produce capacitive touchscreen phones and tablets and no one else. Get real. If that's your logic then Apple should have not been allowed to produce the iPhone as the LG Prada was the first capacitive full touch screen phone. Tech companies need competition or else there isn't much advancement or innovation. Just look at the difference from the first iPhone to the 3GS. Do you think Apple would have released the iPhone 4 if wasn't for competition? Apple is a good company who has a great mobile OS but other companies have caught up and have even surpassed them I'm my opinion. I for one am happy for this competition. People need to stop blindly following Apple and attacking other companies. It's not like Apple even cares who you are.
  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    And, you will be stuck in those bullshit android apps, ha ha ha.
  • Its not exactly same
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    I like galaxy s phones cuz its light and better then iphone 4, it has android and ios is boring! Its time for Samsung to rule the smartphone market!
  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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    Hahahahahahahahahaha...dude you just made my morning.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    It would not surprise me if this is an attempt by Apple to get some sort of exclusivity out of Samsung for their RAM or processors. These two companies are so in each others pocket it doesn't make and sense for one to sue the other. However, there could be some sort of behind the scenes agreement to sue Samsung and set a presidence so they can go after other companies.Whilst I don't agree with alot of this patent malarky, the iPhone was pretty unique 5-6 years ago and now every phone looks like an iPhone!
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Watch out Motorola! (Xoom)
  • Rude-e
    Rude-e Posts: 2
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    Apple keeps attacking their own suppliers and Main sources then what makes pretty much the iPhone will be lost. I own an iPhone 4. Had it almost a year now and to tell you the truth I'm getting quite bored with it it's laggy, grip on the phone design is to delicate, and the only thing that keeps changing is the shell and the processor.the case really doent help against the antenna issues. It' gets annoying at times. Apple needs something new. And instead of worrying about ppl stealing their sO called ideas. They should actually focus on making their own. Touch screen phones have bin out before the iPhone. So pretty much the patent isn't really theirs to claim. Just my opinion.
  • hasan
    hasan Posts: 17
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    Apple needs to make the iPhone the shape of an apple or ok, the shape of steve jobs head. Then sam sung, needs to make their phone In the shape of the founder of samsung, Sam was his name and he liked singing. also did u know that nokia hate tue car company Kia, thaTs why they r called NOkia. and from wikipedia, Sony is the derived from 2 names, sonus which means sound or music and Sonny like as in the nick name given to a small child back in the old days.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    IPhone 4 laggy, what planet are you on? Yes, there were touch screen phones before the iPhone, but they were mostly low contrast resistive touch screens with no multiple-touch. Also really bulky with lots of buttons, a hardware keyboard and a web browser not fit for purpose. You forget just how backward phones were before Apple came along. I spent years developing software for just about every manufacturer under the sun, and the iPhone was a breath of fresh air. The problem now is that just about every manufacturer has realized Apple got it right and created a ripped off version of their own. We are now bored with the iPhone because all phones are now immitations of the real thing.
    AGENT X Posts: 2
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    I've been always thinking that Samsung has the technology enough to invent their own thing but they are just too lazy butts and rather play a copy cat ****:(
    AGENT X Posts: 2
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    I've been always thinking that Samsung has the technology enough to invent and upgrade their own thing but they are just too lazy butts and rather play a copy cat ****:(
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    Apple probably just wants to build the iPhone 5 for free. Well at least get all the components from Samsung F.O.C. lol.I wonder if the pope is gonna sue apple for using his buddy's sacred fruit as their company name and logo hehehe.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    If they made iphones in the shape of steve jobs head, wouldn't they be just too big and too ugly?
  • Apel
    Apel Posts: 62
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    Apple Go Full Out on these Mother Fuc*ers it pisses me off how apple invented pure genius and everyone copies them
  • Human Being
    Human Being Posts: 4
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    Hahahahaaa look at you pussies! Arguing for and against Apple/Samsung as if you own get paid for it! **** Apple for a crap product which won't do what most other phones do unless they get hacked. Me? I say **** patent laws so WE the paying customers can get what we want most of all. A Great product!
  • Human Being
    Human Being Posts: 4
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    The sooner some of these patent laws get dropped the faster technology will move forward, after all nothing is perfect but being able to improve what is already available just makes things better for us, who pay good money for products.
  • Human Being
    Human Being Posts: 4
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    BTW just a quick heads up, Apple is also planning a lawsuit against some cell manufacturers for copying the iPhone4 unique "not usable in left hand" feature.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Holy grammar and spelling Batman!
  • зло
    зло Posts: 22
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    Dont kiss Apples ass you not gona get iphone 5 for free :)
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    where is the competition in this? Do you think Merc won't sue BMW if they copy their designs? Or if KTM copies Suziki bike designs? This is no competition, this is stealing the exact design, adding new features to it and sticking your logo on is that competition??? Do you see nokia doing the same? Do you see other mobile companies doing the same??? Ask yourself why!
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    You said LG Prada...thank you very much! So Apple sees LG Prada, picks it up and sees faults with the phone...and decides ok...I think I can make this much much they come up with the iPhone which is totally different from the LG Prada but basically uses the same touchscreen. Even a child can tell the difference btn the Prada and the cannot say the same for the Samsung products except that it's slightly bigger/smaller than the iphone/ipad respectively! Everything else looks the same from a glance! Thats so not cool!
  • Seriously
    Seriously Posts: 3
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    Seriously, Apple copied Samsung with the design. there were similar phone designed used in the Asian market for years before the iPhone was.Here's an LG phone also announced at the same time as the iphone. <- 2006 <- 2006O2: <- 2006 <- 2004! <- 2004Apple does not own "rounded edges", not a districtive shiny black colour, nor a home button in the middle bottom.It's all prior art and if Apple wasn't such a pointlessly litigious company I would probably own an iPhone, instead I own a Samsung. At least it can run Java without jailbreaking it.
  • The Truth
    The Truth Posts: 19
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    okay first off all of you are stupid everybody knows that apple made the first touch screen smart phone and because apple made our phones from stupid to smart that should be enough for you all to stop hating on apple so much so show a little appreciation that there helping technology advance because apple are inventors and everybody knows that everybody copied the iphone but what did android do they cover there ass and just painted it to look different which did approve the appearance still not convince okay apple makes a 2ND new idea called the ipad the first tablet then of course everybody made a tablet NEXT MONTH and all android did was add some widgets to change it and of course made it look different so they dont get sue to cover there ass i only respect 2 companies that are true inventors and thats microsoft and apple the 2 computer genius of the world the true real battle microsoft made the kinect eliminatING mouse and keyboard and microsoft truly made a smartphone much different then all the phones cuz microsoft comes up with ideas that blow our minds away and so does apple **** google what have they done and all the other companies google maps is all google has and of course google and thats it but they have never invented anything just like the Chinese people we invent it they customize it and then sell it back to us bullshit i only respect companies that create not copy and customize it AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE APPLE INVENT THE FIRST SMART TV AND HOPEFULLY THE FIRST SMART CAR OR WILL IT BE MICROSOFT THAT THE TRUE WAR AND LOOK AT THE DAM PICTURES DO NOT TELL ME THAT THE PHONE DOESNT LOOK LIKE A IPHONE AND DONT TRY TO BE SLICK GOOGLE THE BIG FLIP CLOCK DID NOT FOOL ME ITS THE SAME **** PLEASE COME UP WITH A NEW IDEA THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I have to say that looking at the two I can't see where Apple is coming from.
  • Human Being
    Human Being Posts: 4
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    BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA! I had to take a flight in my LOL'o'Copter after reading this BULLSHIT. FYI the first Smartphone to use Touchscreen technology was the Motorola A920 and was released around end of 2002. I don't believe Apple had any pocket size devices back then.Straight after this I had to go on my LOL'erSkates Because SMART Cars have been around for a while and just like Apples i-devices they are a pile of crap and owned by Pussies!